Jixijenga ago


Yeah, just like CNN and MSNBC satire.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i'm so happy we have that tag now. i like that i spoke up about the lack of that tag.

voteforfreedom ago

even as a devout non religious person, I have met sane religious people

sillymanilly ago

Oh, it would be so cool if they turned all the prayer rugs into bathroom mats. Imagine the ambassador of shitstan stepping in and seeing that. If they try to revert to their culture and shit on the west lawn ... shoot 'em.

voteforfreedom ago

actually under prez trump, all holy tomes should come in scented 3-ply

Frankincense , Myrrh or Jasmine scents

voteforfreedom ago

I have worked with Jews, Muslims and Christians

although I adhere to none of the Abahamic faiths, I do respect that some people find solace and happiness in their given religions

As long as you do what you want to do and don't fuck with me, go ahead...I will even let you go pray or cry or read your book if your god demands it....

As long as you understand that respect is a two way street

sillymanilly ago

Ah, but there is the rub. Respect is seen as weakness by muslims. Violence and submission (literal translation) is all they understand.

voteforfreedom ago

To sane religious people, respect begets respect.

I refuse to bundle any religious peoples as I have befriended them all during my travels. I will not go with divide and conquer

To <ship of fools> religious people (zealots of any abrahamic faith) that have been placed in our midst...their agenda supersedes respect..don't be fooled...these people are NOT driven by the divine but by Soros money

sillymanilly ago

Muslims. Sane. You make me giggle.

voteforfreedom ago

You obviously don't get out much or live in a cloverfield like bunker

there is no such thing as 100% good or 100% evil when it comes to humanity

15% - 70% - 15%

pissed ago

Bullshit source, bullshit story and bullshit headline that the OP made up (mind you not as bad as the ridiculous headline on the site).

pocketForceNapkin ago

The administration has defended the practice by asserting that it also observes several other religious moments of silence and prayer out of respect, including a full 15 seconds for Christianity on Sunday morning while a chaplain blesses a staff breakfast. None of the prayer is mandatory or led by a government official, which has allowed the administration to subvert 1st Amendment issues, but the obvious favoritism towards Islam, which is observed for 25 minutes per day seven days a week, tells a story this president has denied for eight years.

What favoritism? Just because muslims pray more doesn't equal favoritism. They just do their dumb shit more often.

cousineerie ago

First they threw out the prayer rugs, and I did not speak out - because I was not a terrorist;

Then they canceled all the Executive Orders signed by Obama, and I did not speak out - because I was not a traitor;

Then they kicked out all the illegal aliens that had invaded out nation, and I did not speak out - because I was not a criminal;

Then they drained the Washington swamp, and I did not speak out - because I was not a brainwashed fool.

Then they came for me, with a letter of thanks from the Trump Administration, thanking me for my support.

trumpolicious ago


CatoSierra ago

probably fake news tbh. Fox will report on it if it's not until them I'm gonna go ahead and be skeptical.

toobaditworks ago

You're correct it's fake. Check SuperConductiveRabbi's comment on this thread:

The Resistance may include information from sources that may or may not be reliable and facts that don’t necessarily exist. All articles should be considered satirical and any and all quotes attributed to actual people complete and total baloney.

source here:


placoid ago

Trump, who acknowledges that this country was founded by Christians and was built on Christian morals, is having all pagan symbols removed from the property unless they offer some historical significance.

D.C. was built by Masons, good luck with that.

novictim ago

Burn the Koran on the White House Lawn.

voteforfreedom ago

all holy books now available in scented 3-ply

a new direction for Charmin

novictim ago

I usually stock three-ply Surrah 9, in particular, for when I go to India. It is very absorbent and feels soft on my asshole.

voteforfreedom ago

verrrrrrrry good my friend

gosso920 ago

Wipe your ass with it, and flush it down the toilet.