TAThatBoomerang ago


TFP191 ago

Wikileaks might be compromised.

Glasswall ago

Nice try NSA.

fuckmyreddit ago

I'm so clueless about techie stuff, I can't even tell who the shills are in this thread. WTF?

ashekchum ago

No I don't, Also i I have no idea where DFW is, I'll look it up later.

Ahh Dallas fort worth area, no

nottashill ago

Wait -COMMA- did wikileaks just dump all insurance files?

Fucking illiterate.

TFP191 ago

Hey, I apologized for the title already you grammar national socialist

nottashill ago

Do you bring a slave to the whipping post for only one lash?

TimberWolfAlpha ago

man... Just think, if you knew what the key was, you'd have an ion cannon for the internet. just paint your target with the key and the government obliterates it for you.

pessimisticsteel ago

Link is dead, would like to read if you have the time to post.

Devious1 ago

Thanks for the archve

TFP191 ago

Nice try CIA hitsquad

mvrak ago

Which is fine because that is the point? It is "dangerous" for the public to know, and the governments have to get whats in the files to understand how dangerous.

NeverSober ago

Could you be more specific, please? I also have the Insurance files, I believe they are unmodified. I have checked their hash signatures against the ones released via wikileaks twitter. The hashes match. Am I missing something?

I am not referring to the last three insurance files, EC-UK-US. Those hashes never matched and are presumed to be fakes released after wikileaks was raided.

Arrvee ago

That's what rot13 is for. Or they can write it in hex. Or write a simple program that prints it out. There are solutions to this problem.

It's hard to tell exactly what they are talking about. The conversation is opaque to anyone who has not been following along from previous conversations.

anonnynonny ago

That doesn't make sense to me. Doesn't seem like that would be a terribly difficult obstacle to route around.

Wouldn't a simple a>b substitution scheme bypass string detection?

Or breaking it into chunks?

Initial char on a page of unrelated text, spread across hundreds of individual web pages?

The DVD encryption scheme was coded into a poem.

Embed in an image, every 69th char being a piece of the puzzle?

Putting it out via HAM for god's sake.

There are infinite ways to get around string detection. Either something else is going on or this is a ruse.

BilboNoggins ago

This is all LARPing. Insurance files have been held by thousands of people for a long time now. You'd just need to post the keys which you could spam all over the internet...

TFP191 ago

I do not want to deceive people Wikileaks is a very important organization. Their twitter is active but, Assange is a ghost and has been for at least a month. If he pops up I'll just delete this thread out of shame, and I hope he does. For now I am going to keep it going given that people seem to be responding well too it and it doesn't appear outright false.


Regardless of what happens, please do not delete this thread. This breaks down some very complex stuff into a (slightly) easier to digest format. It is worth of remaining active, just edit/update your post and mark it as the edits happen.

ashekchum ago

In the US first class mail. There are laws protecting it from being opened. Of course if it was illegal sending illegal stuff over first class mail increases the penalty.

That or hand delivery courier

ashekchum ago

If that where the case they would likely have been anonymously released already. If the information didn't have anything implicating them, or maybe China would trust the firewall and do it anyways. Or they would only release snipits to media than would help them.

I think the keys are still good, for now. Probably in 10-15 years they will discover a problem in the crypto program like usual and be able to brute force the key. Thus stuff would be high priority info so nationd have likely already tried to break it.

Dragonfly44 ago


djdevin ago

uh oh did you get xkeyscore'd and have your internet disconnected? /s

Arrvee ago

If these people think something is blocking them from posting info on the net, they should go down to Office Depot and pick up a bunch of cheap USB drives and mail them out to everybody they can think of who might be interested. Old media, new media, feds, army, politicians, businessmen, teachers, preachers, whoever. That will at least get the info out.

Von_Neumann ago

I bet the Russians and Chinese have already fully decrypted everything that JA has ever posted online. Only us amateurs are struggling with this.

mHtt ago

voat gonna get hit next...

Devious1 ago

To Soon.

In the previous threads there are instructions on what to do. Be aware, you need to take precautions. If anyone is going to pursue this, I strongly recommend you read this article from the same thread as op has mentioned


pessimisticsteel ago


Drenki ago

whoa, soylent news has become a bit more aggressive judging by the comments on their site

smifft ago

There is some very real, very scary state sponsored battles happening. Big shit, involving big players is in progress. Tread cautiously. Lots of people will be getting framed for heinous shit

TFP191 ago

If i don't post anything in a month. Tell people i didn't commit suicide

pessimisticsteel ago


TFP191 ago

Actually my name is Robert

pessimisticsteel ago

And it will not be forgotten.

ashekchum ago

I've been looking at your post history and it appears you might have severe depression, please don't commit Clinton.

smellyfinger ago

hmm, I havent read the whole story, but bitcoin blockchain is impossible to take down or change data on.
(Not impossible, but people would notice if you fired up a gazillion computing power to do a 51% attack) And you would need a lot more than 51% of total hashing power to overwrite blocks from 2013.

Warfather ago

Awesome username btw. Very clever

Naught405 ago

We need to break the network at the infrastructure level.

NorBdelta ago

I dont even know what I am looking at but I feel it is important

Pawn ago

Yea I dont understand it either. It seems to be important that the government is fighting hard to block it. Wonder what's in the insurance files.

BlueDrache ago


BigFatDaddy ago

God help us all.

FBIAnon must not have been bullshitting after all.

BigFatDaddy ago

I'm not so tech savvy tho. Other than helping spread the word, is there anything for us dummies to do?

gazillions ago

Get a short wave radio. Learn morse code and flag semaphores. Buy postage stamps.

BigFatDaddy ago

Plug for v/preppers?

Warfather ago

They've taken the Internet from us. Our home.

What will you do? I don't have the technical expertise to fight a battle on this front but when the shooting war happens my friends I will be ready to defend you.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

do a little research on meshnets and the deep web. You don't need to become an expert but knowledge is power

ibepokey ago

The internet was originally a military project. no reason to be surprised they can know everything you do on it.

smellyfinger ago

You can encrypt the data going through it though, then decrypt it when you get it on ur pc. But there are a lot of ways to be compromised :S

SelfReferenceParadox ago

Encryption is not the issue. If they can see you connect to pornhub.com, they don't really need to break your encryption to tell what you're doing.

pr0nw4r ago

I dont get it entirely, whats so difficult in all of this if the keys to the files are released already?

TFP191 ago

I think Julian and his team got nabbed so quickly that they were able to partially nullify his dead man's switch. Now opposition is in full damage control mode with honey pots, shills, and censorship.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

seriously this is most important post all fucking year on voat.

Sushilover69 ago

I'm still confused to what it means.

Hipsterrr ago

I think it means the game has changed.

Sushilover69 ago

But how? Ugh I wish I knew more about computers. This should be translated to normie speak.

Hipsterrr ago

Well it looks to me like the internet has been compromised for quite awhile. They likely already know who to target and are targeting them.

Discussion online will die.

Sushilover69 ago

What sites are they talking about that have been shut down?

Hipsterrr ago

Likely not shutdown but down for amounts of time. And I wouldn't know

pessimisticsteel ago

https://voat.co/v/news/1510171/7332878 This comment does a good job explaining the current theory, if you have more questions let me know and I'll answer as I have found the facts to exist.

Sushilover69 ago

I read it, I guess I'm confused as to what the info that was being repeatedly deleted was/sites that were shut down? And block chain and any computer word.

pessimisticsteel ago

From what i understand. As soon as someone discovers the key to unlock the wikileaks insurance files, the key itself triggers a government program that destroys the pathway to the internet on whatever device you were using. This prevents the information from being shared. They are attempting to find a way around it/trying to help people find the key without actually posting it.

Block chain is a part of the bitcoin.

Sushilover69 ago

Okay, it makes more sense now :) thanks.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah i thought this exact shit since the fucking po went up to the embassay with no fucking natn'l markings on.

New_years_day ago

I think you are spot fucking on.

TFP191 ago

Bad title, sorry. Seems like I am actually way behind, and there is alot going on here. I'll post a summary from the thread because, this is mostly technical information on decoding the leaks.

edit: been looking over this information for awhile now. I have minimal programming knowledge. So this could be adults playing pretend for all i know. Wikileaks has been strange lately to say the least. May not know anything until Snowden or someone prolific pipes up. This is possibly bad info YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

bitbybitbybitcoin ago

Thanks for this!

New_years_day ago

There is a fuck ton going on with this, there was 3-4 or more 200+ comment threads on 4chan yesterday related to this information.

TFP191 ago

if you read the threads inside that png you will able to see everything that happened that was saved before deletion. rushed summary:

oct 17: strange activity is noticed at the embassy, first responders investigate, periscope is killed, twitter goes full orwell, archive.org is changed to no longer save sites properly.something that is instantly deleted is posted several times on pleddit, halfchan, fullchan, onion links and darkweb. it is all wiped. people regroup in several places since there is no way to post without threads being deleted or sites going down. a lot end up here.

oct 21: as the director of wikileaks is dying a huge ddos takes down most sites. blockchain is attacked. lot of stuff gets deleted.

oct 24: someone finds the wikileaks backups in the blockchain and posts instructions and code to decode the data.

oct 27: the deletions get too severe. sites begin being flooded with illegal content or going down. people create their own private channel to discuss progress. the keys and all hidden data in the blockchain are found. the group pushes the information into a few cryptocurrencies. blockchain is flooded. mempool graphs now have a giant spike on oct 27. soft fork for bitcoin begins. onion threads with the info get instantly wiped. everyone involved goes silent except one of two people. this group is then referred to as 'group 1'. first finding of the keys as 'first impact'. few days later: one of the people following the progress of group 1 starts teaching others how to retrace the steps.

late oct: people figure out that unlocking the data gets you xkeyscored'd making you lose internet connection and makes sites get attacked if the stuff is not deleted.

early nov: focus changes to teaching others how to find the information on airgapped computers to avoid deletion and sacrificing public channels of communication. threads that have progress start being flooded with illegal content every morning.

nov 8: wikileaks.org begins being changed. some files are deleted. checksum hashes start not matching older backups.

some point in nov: irs asks bitcoin to give them the identities of all transactions. copies of the blockchain start showing 'undecodable' or empty transactions not seen before.

mid nov: 'group 2' doxxes the people pretending to be wikileaks and tried to spread more detailed instructions for getting the files. posts did not last more than a few minutes. it seems like they tried to push to blockchain but apparently the data did not make it in. group 2 goes silent. they start calling this day the 'second impact'. Anonymous 12/21/2016 (Wed) 01:05:45 [Preview] No. 120 [X] del >>121

119 nov 25: third impact. files are found by a new group that seems to not be american. they post instructions all the place but they don't last more than a few hours. they tried to encode data into cryptocurrencies but it is not clear if it made it. this day is the second spike visible on the mempool graph.

at some point after this people agree to stop using the endchan thread for this because admins have to deal with too much illegal content floods and site going down. it becomes clear that any channel used to discuss this is 'sacrificed', in other words, it starts going down a lot, they flip the mods, deletion, illegal spams, etc. this thread is created for that reason. you can figure out what is special about this thread if you read the logs in the png. most progress after this point is exclusively on channels with no logs on darkweb. most of these eventually go down. the endchan thread is eventually locked. everyone that posted is blocked to this day. it is then deleted.

dec: planning for d-day begins. all holding groups spend all of december teaching others how to find the files.

mid dec: someone allegedly speaking on behalf of appelbaum posts links to code he wrote to find and repair keys in memory. new teams are told to use it. obama starts talking about a cyber war with russia.

dec 18: files are found in japan. a meshnet using ps3s is created to spread the files but it does not seem to last too long.

dec 19: d-day. happenings all over the world. most ISPs, torrent communities and major sites go down. wikileaks releases a new insurance file. uk, ec, and us insurance files from before no longer show on wikileaks.org unless you have IPs from specific countries. it is one of the biggest internet outages in history and it is not reported in a single news site that i have been able to find. holding groups go silent. some members are now trying to find their old teams.

tl;dr blockchain has backups for all wikileaks files since 2013. it also has checksum hashes and upload proofs for all files. there is a lot of stuff in there that triggers xkeyscore or echelon and is virtually impossible to share or even talk about. three months have been spent trying to teach others how to recreate the steps. there is a noticeable pattern. group finds it, start teaching others how to do it, then everything is deleted and people go silent. then a new group finds the breadcrums and starts over. it's not clear what happened yesterday or what will happen next but there are people from all the world trying to investigate. at this point and there is no part of the internet where it is allowed

djdevin ago

sorry you got trolled. it's adults LARPing. all this stuff reminds me of an episode of CSI

late oct: people figure out that unlocking the data gets you xkeyscored'd making you lose internet connection and makes sites get attacked if the stuff is not deleted.

lmao...just no.

nov 8: wikileaks.org begins being changed. some files are deleted. checksum hashes start not matching older backups.

they still match. try yourself.

dec 18: files are found in japan. a meshnet using ps3s is created to spread the files but it does not seem to last too long.

yeah the first thing I think of when tasked with distributing a lot of files is my PS3

dec 19: d-day. happenings all over the world. most ISPs, torrent communities and major sites go down.

this just flat out didn't happen

Broc_Lia ago

Holy god, I had no idea it ran that deep. The internet is truly and utterly compromised.

ibepokey ago

the internet began as a military entity. SO many people forget this fact.

Broc_Lia ago

No, I'm aware of that. This goes beyond that kind of control though.

BigFatDaddy ago

Holy shit, son! They're even taking down darknet sites? So what do people do? There has to be SOME way to get this information out.

bikergang_accountant ago

How would onion threads get instantly wiped unless they have a pull-lever solution for taking down onions? Unless all the onions were from one person and they were bad at their job.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Damn it op! I want to know what's in the letter but I'm no techno Wizard and don't know how to do half the shit thats listed in that big ass image of yours.

TFP191 ago

Trying to dig through all the information right now. I'm no wiz with this stuff either but, I thought this looked important enough to share.

Womb_Raider ago

Is there a safe way for you to teach me to do this? Seems like this is one of the more worthy things I could do with my life

awisemansaid ago

here here!