CrudOMatic ago

Translated: Niggers aren't happy with legal equality; they want superiority - they think it's "their time", and they don't seem to get that not only did they not earn it, but they are unfit for it. When your race is responsible for 52% of the murders in the U.S., then you are unfit to lead the country anywhere. They also seem to forget that throughout human history, the majority doesn't put up with being openly ruled by an antagonistic minority for too long. Black superiority (blacks taking over the country by force) would be the quickest way to lead non-blacks to exterminating the black race from the face of the North American continent.

I also forgot that they want mo' free gibs without earning them as well. Get a job, Tyrone, like the rest of us.

RonaldMcShitlord ago

Second off, try to recognize that white people in 2016 are not obligated to hate themselves or feel guilty for crimes committed in the past by people who happened to share their skin color.

jeegte12 ago

so you're saying that two wrongs make a right?

Bradmonty ago

Can we go back to 2007 and fix this country and elect literally anyone else who won't race bait and all destroy this country

Bradmonty ago

Well that a rap never watching MTV again

Sprunt ago

The sort of people who say America isn't great are the same type of people that fucking suck at every fucking thing that they do. It doesn't matter which country these people live in, nothing will ever be great enough to get them out of their own way.

Dantalian ago

This is bullshit. They didn't even touch on jogging during rush hour, biking on the road and wearing socks with sandals? How can you address white guys without talking about their biggest issues?

And why don't we blacks ever get our own address video like this? I'm having some trouble with picking out resolutions for myself, and I would love this level of careful guidance on the matter. White guys get everything- it's not fair! Fuck racist MTV!

aria_taint ago

Wait, MTV is still a thing?

HomerChimpson ago

I am aware of the SJW-ness. I was under the impression that that was his point. The impression that he was using this phrase in a satirical sense.

Sikozen ago

This breaks my fucking heart. Remember when MTV had music on it? The first real Animation Domination with Aeon Flux and Daria and... God. It used to be so great.

What can we do to make a new MTV? I've seen some new music videos BY ACCIDENT - I would absolutely tune it to watch them again if I didn't have to listen to the shit MTV spews now. I'm so sad....

Browngaijin ago

Tfw you're old enough to remember the struggle for equality meant seeing past every person's skin color and judge them for how they behaved in a given situation.

pr0nw4r ago

Il offer a resolution to all the shitskins out there: kill yourselves lol

vastrightwing ago

True. Consider these people have been setup to expect these entitlements. They've all heard how the system works and how it's been exploited. The plutocrats who enabled this use this as the bait knowing an entitled class will grow and they benefit as more and people become entitled and give them ever more power. Said another way, when you give free stuff away, expect people to take it. Think who the real beneficiaries are here. Now we must turn the entitlements off. Not down. Off. We need to get the word out that America is Christian, is patriotic, sovereign, kind but not selfless. America is not for everyone. If you don't share our values, you are not accepted here as a resident. Come be our guest for a week, and be prepared to go back home after your visit. Do you want to be part of our community? There is a legal process for this. Please get to the back of the line like all the rest.

Merry Christmas!

Totenglocke ago

Except every socialist country (including the US) already had massive national debt to sustain those programs before the Islamic invasion. Socialism is never sustainable because eventually you can't just keep throwing it on the national credit card and you actually have to pay up.

FolCyot ago

Then make your own America, fuckhead.

I am tired of this whining everywhere. If you do not like the society, get the fuck off and make your own.The societies were made by people who died and killed for them to be the way they are. Deal with it.

Nanoonanoo ago

Here's a resolution for mtv, how about wake up and understand you are totally fucking irrelevant...

1202017 ago

White Peoples are drowning in a sea of the numerically superior "minorities". They will destroy everything the White Man has built. And then live miserably in the rubble wondering where it all went wrong. Then again maybe your Jew owners will take good care you. I wouldn't count on it though. Think Soviet Russia circa 1920.

Fagtardicus ago

the subhumans will live happily in the shitholes they make of the white territory- whitey got whats coming to him and they happily live in shit encrusted hovels in their homelands anyway


Oh boo fucking hoo. Slavery was the best thing to happen to the negro. If it weren't for slavery they'd all be back in Afroland drinking out of Willy Congo's chocolate river. Also theyd still be stuck with sub 65 IQs because they wouldn't have absorbed white genes to get them to an average of 85... which is just north of legally retarded as opposed to actually retarded like the native niggers. So be thankful.


"You can go home again." -Richard Spencer

FuckYourSafespace ago

@TheGreatHobo You are my spirit animal

Thatdrumdude ago

Oh yeah, never great for anyone who isn't white. So all of those black millionaire atheletes aren't happy? Women smiling in pictures from 20 years ago were fake? What about the legal immigrants from around the world that spent the early majority of their lives living in shit invested streets, only to one day finally make it to America? Are those people still miserable?

Hot damn, had I known that all of these non-white people who seemed so fucking happy, were actually sad the entire time, maybe I'd would have stepped up to offer them help.

Lunch_Box ago

You do realize that every single race/creed/sex/age/etc has been an "indentured servant" (i.e. slave) at some point in time right?

hungry_mungry ago

Irish seem to be doing just fine, and they were treated quite badly.

TheStapler ago

"Muh legacy of slavery." How long do you expect that to work as an excuse for being jobless criminals?

TheStapler ago

I don't think they're welcome to a piece of my paycheck; if I had it my way they would stop committing crimes and shut the fuck up, or get the fuck out.

HST ago

Based on the username they're Japanese, so they probably contribute as well. Honorary arians and such.

Nanoonanoo ago

yid diversification does nothing but harm to the country...

TimberWolfAlpha ago

this kindof ignores that the whole identity politics thing is supposed to be an attack that corrodes from within. Sending them someplace that's already like they want might work on a few useful idiots, but they'll be replaced with less reasonable ones who don't actually want any of that, they just want to use it as an attack vector.

ravensedgesom ago

This type of word use just debases any sort of coherent unbiased dialogue. This whole video is outrageous its like don't mansplain stfu you white privileged racist who should disavow his heritage.

pewpewpewmoon ago


epsilona01 ago

... especially pro football players, who only make 8 figure salaries.

Laserchalk ago

"you can be racist with black friends" yeah just like you are being racist right now even though you are black.

Aboresh ago

Yeah, I don't listen to the opinions of losers or peasants.

TheStapler ago

MTV is and always has been lowest-common-denominator trash, fit only for low-intelligence people. Same as Democrat public policy.

heili ago

There was a time when it was little more than music radio with pictures. It was never deep thought, but back then it didn't pretend to be. It existed to entertain with music.

Diamond_Deluge ago

America sure was great to all those Asian immigrants

Sushilover69 ago

Powerfully retarded.

Kal ago

2017 resolution for MTV. Produce something relevant.

Baconmon ago

Excellent point!!.. It is like some one asking you "Hey, can I come live in your house?", then you say "Sure!", then after they move in to your house and trash the place, they tell you "Your house sucks! You don't treat me good enough! You should be ashamed of your self!!"
Like dude, if my house sucks that much then why are you still in it..

jeegte12 ago

only if you consider yourself the personal embodiment and representation of millions and millions of people. which wouldn't surprise me at all, considering the kind of egos and delusions you find on this site.

HomerChimpson ago

Wouldn't doing so when replying to a statement that uses the same type of generalization be appropriate?

jeegte12 ago

two wrongs don't make a right.

Artofchoke ago

It's not about what the individual considers themselves, it's what they are perceived as by others. In this situation, "white" men are being considered a "group", which they are not. Black is also not remotely a "group".

FuckYourSafespace ago

ALERT: Safespace invaded! Tumblrina battalion roll out!

Fagtardicus ago

the tumblrina battalion is what happens when you try to switch the idol for a bag of sand

RumpRangerRick ago

Your username is glorious.

Totenglocke ago

Found the socialist Euro cuck!

EIMR ago

Nice Ad Hominem

Totenglocke ago

You don't know what the phrase means. An ad hominem attack is not an insult, it's using something unrelated about the person to claim that their argument is invalid. Saying "Bob is gay, thus he's wrong about if marijuana cures cancer" would be an ad hominem.

I simply insulted him (You? The context feature doesn't show what I replied to.) for using the tired liberal bullshit of "That's not real socialism" every time socialism fails.

Totenglocke ago

After you downvote the racist video, make sure to report it for being racist. Fuck the left's double standard.

StagOfMull ago

I mean, he kinda just did...

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

...except that one guy who is currently president. Also, it has been pretty great for everyone in israel.

Zaqwert ago

How is openly declaring war on white men supposed to be like, good for business?

GaslightCoffee ago

If only MAGA was referring to our lacking education, debt, trade deals, jobs, infrastructure, politicians and general unity instead of white guys.


pissed ago

How can you possibly be offended by MTV. Fuck, MTV offends me.

XPS ago

Miscegenation TV doesn't have the cultural relevance it used to.

Also in case anyone doesn't know, the company is run by the (((Redstone))) family:

Sumner Murray Redstone (born Sumner Murray Rothstein; May 27, 1923) is an American businessman and media magnate. He is the majority owner and chairman of the board of the National Amusements theater chain. Through National Amusements, Redstone and his family are majority owners of CBS Corporation and Viacom (itself the parent company of Viacom Media Networks, BET Networks, and the film studio Paramount Pictures). According to Forbes, as of September 2015, he was worth US$5 billion.

TheTrigger ago

MTV has been shit for over a decade. Once they switched to 24/7 "reality TV" programming, any human of value immidiately stopped watching.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Fuck you, Jew.

BentAxel ago

What is this racist shit? Wanna know how its racist, change white to Black, Indian or Female. People would lose their fucking minds.

FUCK YOU mtv. You can lick my ass.

StagOfMull ago

Wait did you not get the memo? Blacks can't be racist.


BAppreciAting ago

Why invoke a self damaging lie with sarcasm?!$.

StagOfMull ago

Because I can

SirRender ago

My new years resolution is to tell anyone that doesn't respect America and American's to suck my fucking dick! If you respect America and still want to suck my dick that is cool too.

Fambida ago

Tell that to all the Cubans who fled to the states from Castro. Or is this one of those asian/hispanic situations where they're white when you want to shame whites, but Pawns of Colour otherwise?

Amalek_Horla ago

Jew media trying to tear down our fucking country.

Show your friends and family how MTV wants to destroy your country.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

MTV is still on? Weird.

RottenSausage ago

What would happen if you replace "white" with another social group or race? That would be interesting.

Men13 ago

MTV was founded by Robert Pittman, a Christian. I guess Christians are trying to tear down our country?

Shekelstein6M ago

MTV (originally an initialism of Music Television) is an American cable and satellite television channel owned by Viacom Media Networks (a division of Viacom

Ok, let's see who runs Viacom

Sumner M. Redstone (Chairman Emeritus)

Sumner was born to a Jewish family

Robert Bakish (President and CEO)

Bakish is a Bulgarian Jewish surname

EarlPoncho ago

are you this stupid

jeegte12 ago

are you so stupid and childish as to need a boogeyman? don't worry about replying, clearly you're not one for meaningful comments.

EarlPoncho ago

"don't bother replying, i cant debate you because im a faggot"

jeegte12 ago

check and mate. called it perfectly. thanks for playing

ravensedgesom ago

I couldn't bring myself to watch this reprehensible messaging MTV is truly filth This type of betrayal has become totally obvious for those willing to question the underlying agendas. I don't even know what masplaining is? and could care less to know.

ninjajunkie ago

Except Fredrick Douglas, George Washington Carver, George Takei, Will Smith, Beyonce, Ice T, Dr. Dre., the kid who played Erkle, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Al Sharpton, AG Lynch, Chairman Maobama and I'm sure more but I'm half drunk and tired of typing. Just stop talking you misinformed motherfucking shit-channel and go back to playing music videos.

ravensedgesom ago

maobama apt title if there ever was one

HowieCameUnglued ago

They had music on MTV? TIL. It's been mostly reality TV my entire life.

TheTrigger ago

Are you... serious?

HowieCameUnglued ago

It was hyperbole; I'm not that young. But it's been since the 90s they actually had much music there.

Totenglocke ago

If he's in his 20s, he's serious. Starting in the late '90s they massively cut down the amount of music videos and by the early to mid-2000s they were gone.

Artofchoke ago

I remember when it happened. One week headbangers ball was simply gone, and then this stupid show started calied "The Real World", and it quickly got to a point where they played the reruns of the stupid show ALL WEEKEND. It actually ushered in the end of my television watching, been more than 10 years since I had cable. :/

wgib ago

First off ANYONE who isn't white, stfu you don't know my struggle to provide for an entire nation. Secondly your life in America is great so sit the fuck down and get back to work.

CrudOMatic ago

Kinda like those niggers that think blacks do all the work and pay all the welfare, and white people are collecting the welfare checks. It's gone beyond projection - those niggers flipped the world upside down in order to make themselves feel better about their parasitic existence.

mamwad ago

You provide for the entire nation, personally?

heili ago

Educated, reasonably successful white people are expected to not only shoulder the existing burden that we pay already, but to essentially beg to take on even more responsibility for everyone who does not work or identifies as some kind of victim. We are constantly lambasted as selfish or outright evil for wanting to actually keep our own paychecks.

HomerChimpson ago

Well, if he, as a white person is responsible for the negatives brought by other white people, then yes, he is also responsible for the positive.

Or are we only allowed to cherry pick our race based generalizations?

Artofchoke ago

I think he means there's a higher expectation upon his "group" to succeed and provide and seek up. And that may be true.

7302237? ago

An obtuse retard from SDBH? What else isn't new...

Sushilover69 ago

I came here to be like nu uh I'm not a white man and I do damn good for myself. Now I found out daddy whitey over here has just been taking care of me

Rummel ago

And Africa was never great for anyone except for black peop---lol zimbabwe