Broc_Lia ago

Unfortunately they're using bots.

SimonJ57 ago

Went from 157, click to downvoat, now it's on 256.
Very fishy.

Al_Rubyx ago

Oh fuck that is a problem. I didn't realize that, that's not okay.

Bfwilley ago

New shill is like the old shill.

luxurypillow ago

Oh, you have this mixed up, dear chap. I don't need saving from you. You need saving from me.

luxurypillow ago

Remember that shillboi when they've RICO'ed (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) you cunts into a cell with Tyrone who's going to make you 'toss his salad'. They obviously didn't brief you morons in the nerd virgin hatchery about the risks of taking their cheeseburger money for this crap. lol.

Off the meds again, are we?

Ritalin is your friend.

ProperPropaganda ago

Honestly, I'm glad there are a few voices here that will challenge our main narrative. It'll keep us sharp and offer a quick confidence boost(as you are looking for).Looking forward to future conversations.


Cynabuns ago

Welcome to voat, sport.

Cynabuns ago

This is a machine doing this shit, not the users I'm talking to.

Hover over the account names, review the participation histories - this is pretty important on Voat right now.

Cynabuns ago

You may not be wrong: I discovered a little bot-hive recently and reported this to Admins.

AlphaWookie ago

Voat is not a honey pot. It is a side project from a Swedish cuck. Been here since the whoseverse days. So pop off with your stupid theory's.

Crensch ago


Theory's what? You did know that "theory's" is possessive, not plural, right? Did a sniper get you, and all you could tap out was a period and submit?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

with your million and one shill accounts

nice projection there comrade

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Nice upvoat bots there comrade

Gorillion ago

"Ratbags" is back!!! How you goin' you aussie hyper-faggot? Guess Hillary didn't kill all you fucks after all.

Tell me, does George pay you with one hand, and finger you with the the other?

TheGatekeeper ago




HadEnoughRPCC ago

A 38 minute old account is dictating what the voat audience wants. Fuck off and go back to eddit cuck.

Johncocktosten ago

That video was made by a faggot with full blown aids

BlackTara108 ago

LOL! Yeahhhhh. and Left-Winged-Lies IS mainstream news and is helping to ruin the world but hey, it's your story.

Ralphie69 ago

How the fuck does this have so many up-voates???????

NeedleStack ago


WhoFramedReaderRabit ago

looks like Liberals are double-down on there efforts to manipulate the media, I thought they would give up a little after the election. Unfortunately they did not.

Cynabuns ago

I suspect that a machine is in use to create alts, which then are upvoting the posts almost in tandem. Admins have been notified and I'm tracking the upvotes every few minutes:

OricaTonithos ago

"mediamatters" linked directly. Seems legit.

Drenki ago

Say the line, shill!

Aetrion ago

Well, technically this isn't wrong, but as always with biased sources there is no counterpoint. They just act like the left wing never reports or promotes anything blatantly false, like the wage gap or rape culture.

deadmanwalking1984 ago

Good news everyone. The fact that the Media and the Powers-That-Be are relentlessly conniving against trump proves that we chose the right man for president! Trump is a true outsider who may punish the guilty and restore law and order to our once great nation. Trump is real. I will go to war for this man. My life I will gladly offer up for this noble cause.

Bastionof_freespeech ago

They don't have the specifics to back up there claims. I'm not saying they are wrong but that site doesn't give a single fact or timetable of events. Just poorly done drawings of wolf blitzer to give the audience an impression that actually happened. They don't even proof read there articles, is there a person who is a "climate denier"?

Spaceballs-1 ago

Have a downvoat for linking to one of the propaganda arms of the DNC.

For shame.

1trizz ago

every other news outlet does this, but only in 5 steps. they skip the part where the story arises organically

pray_the_gay_away ago

OP is a pedophile.

superesper ago

OP, you do realize Media Matters is the organization of David Brock, the boyfriend of James Alefantis, owner of Comet Ping Pong, no? I have no doubt you're just a misguided leftist, many of us here on Voat and various other "right-wing" sites that harbor evil, disallowed, wrongthink once thought like you do. It's what society teaches you to think, what's fed to you by the media and the education system for your entire young life, but take a second and honestly look at the fact that your slanted world view has put you in a position where you are now, at this very moment, shilling for a ring of child rapists. It's time to wake up buddy. It's alright. Everything you've been taught for your whole life has been a lie. Face it and move forward.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Damage control.

JanMichaelVincent ago

Media Matters? Really? The Soros-owned propaganda machine outed as corrupt by Project Veritas?

beren ago

You've been a member for 5 hours... how about calming your tits and try to become part of the community instead of trying to ram your point of view down other user's collective throat? This is not the echo chamber that reddit is and we don't want it that way.

Kommander ago

Hey Bud could ya stop being a hillary supporter that would be great

iownyou ago

Media Matters

LOL this is a joke, right? You're not serious are you? You haven't seen the Project Veritas videos?

edistojim ago

You are trying to force feed a liberal progressive fucktard correct information with Project Veritas, you know thats not going to work, they are delusional. Look at Hillary. They voted for her in droves in spite of information that says she is a crook, dishonest to a fault and in incapable of telling the truth. Media Matters is pure shit and most know it.

serjsbeard ago

Good Goy! Doesn't happen with the left ever. Actually it only happens with right wingers.

Sippio ago

ITT: Triggered Voaters with accusations of propaganda and hypocrisy instead of articulating why and how the linked statement is factually wrong.

Slayfire122 ago

First, as others have pointed out, has been outed by Project Veritas. It is not an independent website/organization.

Second, it is a blog site. Being a blog site, it can post anything it wants because it's not a news outlet. It's their personal beliefs, understanding, and/or opinions.

Third, I went to search for any evidence, sources, or studies where they received their information. I found absolutely nothing on their website that linked to any external sources. They never even said where they received this information from.

Jugouptis ago

the only problem there is is that people don't care enough about the credibility of their sources but rather quote themselves just like mediamatters beautifully demonstrated in this article and i don't blame them that's how you make ad revenue i blame the people who think such articles hold any credibility what so ever and share them and call them news.

Cynabuns ago

You'd have to link which post your talking about because everyone's Front is different based on their subscriptions; if you'd like to PM it to me instead of linking here that's cool.

Ina_Pickle ago

In the minute it took to write the last comment, his numbers started climbing again in sync. So I screen capped it for you.

He is at 203 on both posts now.

Cynabuns ago

Both posts now at 253 exactly, 59 minutes later. Hmmmmm

Ina_Pickle ago

On different subs to boot. Not possible.

Cynabuns ago

I know... I know. :(

The Admins are being updated and another user has provided a few accounts that may be linked to this upvote fuckery.

Cynabuns ago

Note: Both now at 303 each, 50 minutes later

Cynabuns ago

9 min later, both have 312 SCP

Cynabuns ago

25 minutes later: 325 SCP exactly on both posts.

Cynabuns ago

12 minutes later, 337 SCP on both posts.

Cynabuns ago

10 minutes later: 345 SCP on both

Cynabuns ago

12 min later: 357 SCP on both

Cynabuns ago

13 min later, 366 SCP on both

Cynabuns ago

20 min later: 379 SCP on both

Cynabuns ago

14 minutes later: 393 SCP on both

Cynabuns ago

11 min later: 401 SCP on both

Cynabuns ago

22 min later: 404 and 403 SCP... stopped??

Cynabuns ago

9 min later: 404 & 405 SCP .... back awake

Cynabuns ago

24 minutes later: 405 & 406 SCP

Cynabuns ago

35 min later... no change: 405 & 406 SCP on the two posts

Cynabuns ago

22 minutes later: both at 407 SCP

Cynabuns ago

31 minutes - no change 407 SCP

Cynabuns ago

1.7 hours from last comment, both now at 410 SCP

Ina_Pickle ago

It has to be a bot. Or else this guy literally has no life and is cranking out alts faster than anything I have seen.

Cynabuns ago

It's something machine involved for sure

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

different veiwpoints should be allowed but if they have to cheat to put it here then the users don't want this content

Cynabuns ago

I was already messaged about this dude and I have a PM into the Admins for attention. I have his two posts up on screen and have been watching. There's definitely some voting fuckery going on, but it's still not spam that can be deleted.

Ina_Pickle ago

Buns, Adsnell is right about the vote manipulation. Take a look at the amount of upvoats /u/Wild_Bill_Hickock has on his (only) 2 posts on his brand new account. They both have the same amount, 170. It is rare for any post on voat to hit an upvoat that high so quickly, and Both of his posts managed it at the same exact time?

Lets be real here. Especially considering the subject matter of the posts, the huge (for voat) amount of downvoats, and the fact that every comment on the post is mocking the post rather than supportive.

Cynabuns ago

I see two new accounts, and their posts are good enough to be there (I used the Default Front because my Front is pretty whack with my subscriptions ). It's hard to see some of the new users steam-roll in with their old reddit ways, but just like with every influx, and you've seen several this point with all your time here, we upvote the good and downvote the shit, even if the accounts are new. We try to educate them at Our Voat Way and they will come around, or they will leave. It's all good, dude.

If there's any way you can document the vote manipulations you're seeing, which is super bad juju, then this should be looked at but best to put in a PM.

Dosbi_Ausbi ago

/v/news is being brigaded by commies

guinness2 ago

It's funny because it's so obvious.

Dalai_Llama ago

I like how after the election the media created a narrative of fake news. All these shills had plenty of time to try and discredit Wikileaks during the election season, but for some reason they admitted all of that news was real by claiming that "muh Russians dun it."

And now they're trying to drown the news cycle with MORE bull shit propaganda stories. After seeing the "fair and objective" coverage of the election, none of us are surprised that they would be this fucking dense. Maybe Hillary lost the campaign, but these so-called "journalists" lost every shred of dignity they once pretended to have.

Zardoz ago

FOr me that was one of the biggest stories in all of this election .. how the mainstream media exposed themselves as shills and were willing to 'double down' and now are 'tripling down' and sold out all their credibility. The OP doesn't even understand that the MSM (incuding FOX) is now the least legitimate level. That Breitbart, Drudge and even 'citizen bloggers' are now what verifies the heresay crap seen on the mainstream channels.

The OP's video is outdated and has it backwards lol

newoldwave ago

Left wing is a propaganda outlet.

superesper ago

Media Matters was founded by David Brock, boyfriend of James Alefantis the owner of Comet Ping Pong. This is literally the propaganda rag of a pedophile ring.

WellSetTable ago

Yes it is

WhoFramedReaderRabit ago

yep it's a desperate attempt to try and discredit any media outlets that talk about pizzagate. It's not going to work, we know what they did.

WellSetTable ago

It's also an attempt the discredit the Right at this time since they have President, House and Senate. We have some very nice people on here who in certain threads saying there is no right or left in PIZZAGATE .

Watch these people. You can check out my comments and thread I started on it . All of a sudden let's be friends it's not Political but if Republicans were in those Wiki Leaks you know exactly what would happen

SpitsMonsters ago

I suppose if you had people think for themselves, critically about the volume of evidence that supports the fact the entire MSM is completely and willfully manipulating the public for a very small group of globalist elites, that would probably ruin the narrative. MSM fucked up bad, the genie is out of the bottle and the facade of control is over, what happens next is anybody's guess.

ScreaminMime ago

What happens next is the MSM continues with their bullshit and the fanboys continue to watch because they would rather be lied to than confront the fact that they were fooled.

Dark_Shroud ago

Yeah Thanks Giving dinner was laughable listening to some of the older extended family. They clearly watch CNN & call it a day. At this point I want that wall just to watch liberals and the ignorant masses cry. Stopping the trafficking of people, drugs, & weapons is currently second to me now.

ScreaminMime ago

SpitsMonsters ago

Personally I'm surprised how many people are still unaware how much information was unleashed.

8Hz_WAN_IP ago

Please tell me you posted this to point out the hypocrisy of the left and not because you actually believe it.


Is there examples of this happening on the left? I mean fake bullshit on the left seems to come from the top. It tends to be mainstream outlets peddling lies and half truths.

Avnomke ago

He didn't post the archived version, and his two other posts seem to indicate he's serious.

CRKT_M16Z ago

And it's a 13 hour old account on top of that.

mofukka ago

Fuck Mediamatters

NeedleStack ago

Media Matters is:

A creation of Democratic Party funders and ofperatives, and of former conservative writer David Brock

David Brock is Pizzagate's James Alefantis's ex-boyfriend


Is funded and supported by the billionaire philanthropist George Soros


ibepokey ago

Fox News picks up the story and gives it heavy, one-sided coverage.

lol, one-sided coverage.



Is this the kettle?


This is the pot calling, YOU'RE BLACK!

Greg_Punzo ago

The amount of projection is comical at this point. At least it totally gives away their hand though.

Zardoz ago

Anyone who's ever had a cunty GF (or wife you poor bastard) who did this knows how the Leftists work. Whatever they are doing, whatever they are guilty of is what they Alinsky.

If nothing else happens they think its 'cancels out' their wrong after all, you said it about them and they said YOU did that so who's to say, one is just as bad as the other, equal morality, its niether here nor there

So they are so clever (shitty) they do it preemptively too. Ann COulter pointed this out. You could predict what the Hillary Team was going to be guilty of by what fake news narrative accusations they brought out a week earlier about Trump. So they go 'meta' because when (example) a woman will come forward describing how Bill Clinton (potential first man) actually grabbed her by the vagina, gripping fingers into her vagina and pressing her against the wall then they find a stupid narrative about Trump as 'pussy grabber' (despite being a stupid locker room expression not real).

Then they can even say "AHA.. seeeee... you are just saying what we said!".

So they are really just bitchy cunts after all. The truth is not in them.

Greg_Punzo ago

Yup, my mom is a Hillary Clinton clone, both born on October 26th too, so I grew up learning every play in the book.

HowieCameUnglued ago

We prefer the term "cookware of color"

I_like_paint ago

Whatever man, as long as you COOs stay on your side of the cuberts.

Rellik88 ago

Reddit is to the left cuck.

Al_Rubyx ago

The site needs types from all sides if it wants to work and survive. The nazi comparisons are getting old though.


That's what I was thinking. I came to this site for an alternative to reddit because of the shady shit their doing. It's a dick move to just go insulting people with differing opinions.

Broc_Lia ago

Member for 1.3 hours

Yeah, sure, you're just calling for diversity of opinions.

AlphaWookie ago

No not really. No special pleadings.

Gorillion ago

"Shill" isn't a side, fuckhead.

Al_Rubyx ago

Yeah I wasn't aware he was upvote botting. That sort of thing has no place here.

Wild_Bill_Hickock ago

Reddit is to the left cuck.

Nazi Germany is to the right, brother.

Dark_Shroud ago

Hey dumb ass, right wing is small government. The further right you go in ideology the less authority the person wants. Meaning extreme right wing is anarchy.

Fascism is left wing as in everything goes through the government. Just like how Hitler had all the crosses taken down everywhere and pictures of him put up in all classrooms.

ooli ago

dont argue with the scared children around here, they downvote because they need to protect their safe place.

Dark_Shroud ago

Space spaces are a creation of the left wing Democrats.

Most of us live in the world where there are no safe spaces.

You don't like us mocking you? Then quit pushing stupid ass backwards ideologies that fly in the face of reality.

South Park - Safe Space - "In My Safe Space"

Broc_Lia ago

He's still at it. His most recent contribution is a climate alarmism video to /v/science.

ConservativeDev ago

Nobody wants you here loser. The left is done. Go back to eddit and take your bots with you. Go brigade there where your intolerant progressive dipshit buddies can circle jerk each other while watching kiddie porn. No one is buying your BS.

Gerplunckamo ago

Holy shit, the asspain is real. Could you cognitive dissonance any harder?

Edit: is that a yes, cuckservative scum?

thatguyiam ago

You are a traitor not a brother

HeavyBrain ago

Already there bro, ich bin schon bereits hier.

BTW make a new meme, this "u nasi" bullshit is getting boring, hench the downvote.

I agree that voat needs to break the right circlejerk to not go the same way as deddit, but this shaming shit doesn#t fly here you faggot pandring kike lover.

gazillions ago

Fuck off.

Rellik88 ago

No thanks not a socialist.

RoninSnowman ago

Need to change your user name to Will_Blow_Hiscock.

DamoclesofBenghazi ago

shouldn't you be fucking some kid in a pizzaria basement you child fucking cuck?

derram ago :

VIDEO: How Right-Wing Lies Become Mainstream News

'The Fox Cycle is the process by which Fox News pushes right-wing fringe stories into the mainstream news. '

'While Fox News is mainly to blame for picking up these fringey stories in the first place, mainstream news outlets must be careful not to echo their right-wing manufactured distortions as truths. '

'Fox distorts facts, spreads myths as truths and devotes heavy, one-sided coverage to make viewers believe in baseless, manufactured stories -- and, worse, to convince mainstream media outlets to cover these lies. '

'Even after the truth has emerged, proving the story false, there are still many people left with the impression that there’s some truth or credibility to the claims. '

' Fact checking and debunking misinformation is especially important this campaign season. '

This has been an automated message.