Antikaon ago

He's using the term "on" in the same way one would say they were "on caffeine" or "on painkillers" or some other substance. In this case "on cheese" or "on pasta". Again...just silliness.

Phen ago

I recall reading many emails that reference his cooking skills. Maybe he just likes making pizza. Sounds like a fun host.

Even if he does have questionable taste in "art".

Phen ago

Sure thing, I'll give it a shot.

  1. Take any one of these:

  2. Accidentally leave it at your friend's timeshare.

  3. Receive email from friend about it.

I dunno man, I wasn't there. I'm pretty sure child abuse wasn't either, though.

Phen ago

Imaging you and some friends are playing an intense game of dominos while eating a nice home-cooked meal. Someone's playing around and accidentally drops a domino into the food. Everyone laughs, and a stupid inside joke is born. Later, it's used in a private email to your friends because what's email for if not exchanging inside jokes and memes?

Actually, never mind, I re-read the email again with your theories in mind. Dude, he lost at dominoes while eating John's cooking. And now he's joking that with the gift box of cheese he got, maybe he won't suck next time. It's completely innocuous!

rocket_robin_hood ago

Its true.

placoid ago

Who plays dominos while on drugs?

Reddit_traitor ago

who plays dominos sober?

Codewow ago

Based on pure context it sounds more like a drug thing than a child sex thing.

CowWithBeef ago

We need to see pizza.jpg.

Phen ago

Something tells me I don't want to download that.

ArcherMcTaco ago

I was looking into it on /pol/ last night. I can't see how podesta is not a child molester. It's very clear that they are using food as code and there are emails that make zero fucking sense until you realize they are talking about sex with childen. There is one where they are talking about having pizza and how they whipped 2 little girls (mention them by name) at dominos using the 'podesta' method. There is also creepy attatchments with pics of children saying nothing better than 'Pizza.'

Where the rabbit hole goes is crazy. Last night was the only time I've ever seen /pol/ say they don't want to dig any further.

CeepsNo ago

I don't think the people operating these emails with horribly bad security and no real IT knowledge would start hiding messages in images

Kazzy ago here's another although it might just be coincidental

xyzzy ago

These aren't code words, they are talking about food. John and his wife Mary seem to like cooking and inviting guests. They talk about food a lot. There are for example threads about pig roasting and risotto and buying ingredients.

There are emails which look more like code but I don't think there's a big conspiracy to uncover in the emails, Podesta set up meetings or at least calls for everything critical. The "good stuff" is mainly written by others in mails to him.

MaunaLoona ago

I'm starting to think there's nothing to these emails either. How many emails were released? Hundreds? Thousands? Out of that many emails there's bound to be a few goofy ones that seem a bit off. I actually feel bad for the people in these email. As much as I hate Hillary, these people don't deserve to have their lives ruined by accusations of pedophilia.

Codewow ago

He's one of the richest sons of bitches on the planet. Nothing can touch him. Hell I doubt he'd even go to jail if he was found to be using kids for sex. That's how much money this guy has.

xyzzy ago

How many emails were released? Hundreds? Thousands?


MaunaLoona ago

Law of large numbers. Given a large enough number of normal inputs our pattern detection algorithms are bound to misfire on some of them.

Antikaon ago

Ok, I've read all of these and It actually sounds to me like they really are talking about walnut sauce, pasta, pizza, cheese. Also, Herbert Sandler plays dominoes and wonders if eating cheese would improve his game better that eating pasta would. It's just a sliiy email conversation. It'd be interesting if it was some kind of code, but I'm not buying it.

8_billion_eaters ago

Keep digging. The truth will come out. ..Kazzy...people like you ae the backbone of this nation.

connornm777 ago

There isn't any hard evidence that it's child porn/ trafficking (though it seems pretty likely), but there is most definitely fuckery of some kind going on. Some of them at least seem like drug references. What other things besides child porn/ trafficking these could be code for?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Pasta could definitely mean money.

MaunaLoona ago

Definitely illegal. Probably drugs.

HST ago

Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?

What the fuck?

rocket_robin_hood ago

lol, the idiots, there is no way that is not code for something.

Phen ago

I'm glad you guys can't see the nonsensical inside jokes I put in my emails to friends.

... I mean ... I really hope that's all this is...

Edit: not even inside jokes. These are completely innocuous. Ya'll are sick in the head.

rocket_robin_hood ago


SarMegahhikkitha ago

Why would a millionaire run a hotdog stand? Do they have a lemonade stand and a fruit stand too?

Kazzy ago


"Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?" and according to that list of slang cheese is little girl and pasta means little boy

badkangaroo ago

another possibility was cheese is toddler, pasta is preteen, dominoes is domination.

Kal ago

Last day in MV. Missed you. Susan whipped Sherry and me at Dominos. Using the Podesta method, she made up the rules as we played.

Kazzy ago

Fuck thats fucked

connornm777 ago

It seemed innocuous until he asked if the sauce was actually very tasty...

SarMegahhikkitha ago

"Walnut sauce" is a common, normal food to request? "I look forward to your hotdog stand in Hawaii?" Does that sound like a normal thing to say totally non sequitur?

Oh, 29 day old account. CTR shills with no soul playing literal devil's advocate for a pedophile ring.