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Totally-Not-A-Troll ago

Remember kids, in a diverse multicultural world - everybody needs to be black!

Recent history - The Little Mermaid

Wheatstone ago

I wonder at what point these actors and actresses will realize they aren't advancing their careers by doing this?

I would bet we could track many of these actors taking these roles and then complaining they aren't getting casted afterwards!

Daisey Ripplie has ruined her career taking a woke role in Star Wars! She is now lashing out at Disney for not doing a good job on it. She is complaining that she isn't getting offered anything. But she played up to it all when she got the role. She was an annoying feminist then.

I would think we are going to see an epidemic of stories from these fools saying the same story.

Totally-Not-A-Troll ago

She was literally offered the lead role of the final three episodes of of the (2nd to Marvel Universe) biggest movie franchises in the world! That would be a hard offer to turn down. Too bad Disney failed so bad, it wasn't her fault per se but the series flopped so bad with the fans Disney wants have a redo.

Now that Disney is bleeding billions they will take things a bit more serious.

BTW - Nobody is getting great offers in Hollywood right now. Sucks to have no real employable skills.

Wheatstone ago

All of these cultural appropriation and woke roles are going to people I've never heard of. It's almost like the old timers in Hollywood know these roles are career ending mistakes.

Totally-Not-A-Troll ago

  1. These unknowns are much cheaper than established actors.
  2. They beleive more money is to be made by having a mixed cast (I am assuming a diverse cast for arguments sake).
  3. What you mean you don't keep up with the latest young black actresses? What is wrong with you?
  4. Cheaper to put people in a costume (i.e Spiderman) then pay a main actor to do half the movie for them,

Anybody here remember "The Golden Age of Hollywood?"

What is considered the golden age of Hollywood?

Hollywood's golden age took place from the end of the silent film era to the early 1960s, and was a high point for the film industry.

Seems they "fell off the horse" some 60 years ago. We now have franchises worth billions but the (for the most part) spotlight is NOT on the actors it is on the characters they play. i.e. John Wayne would sell tickets now it's "Batman" - they literally can put anyone in a costume and nobody cares.

Anybody here think Hayden Hayden Christensen is a whiny sniveling piece of garbage?

The REAL Darth Vader could kick you ass literally! Who the hell is David Prowse?