CrankyOldMan655 ago

It was disgraceful

wunderlost ago

Epstein didn't kill himself for this. oh wait, epstein didn't kill himself. never forget.

LAGoddes ago


AnotherGrayman ago

Shut up bitch, nobody's taking direction from you.

This pedophile bullshit needs to be exposed, we're not pretending it doesn't exist.

LAGoddes ago

pedophile bullshit is your childhood


fuck2020 ago

I feel like I'm on a watchlist.

mudbear ago

Holy fuck i cant even watch a review on that with clips provided.

I thought it might be worth watching to see how bad it really is, but that made my stomach churn worse than watching that guy blow his head off with a shotgun.

Good on him for actually watching it to give a proper review. god damned jews.

Naughtius_Maximus ago

I could not even watch this video about the movie. Fuck Netflix, fuck the producers, fuck the director, fuck the parents of those children and fuck everyone that had a part in making this film knowing what it was.

The fact this is on Netflix tells me we are way beyond the point where we need public executions.

AdaptOrDie ago

Wow...... This is degeneracy on a large scale.

He had a lot of good points with the calling the chomo's out on the cultural excuse and more.

Fucking sicko's.

junesunflower ago

He's a closeted pedo like all the right wingers crying about how bad the film is. This movie is tame.

DayWalker ago

This movie is tame.

Compared to all the other child porn you watch?

junesunflower ago

Compared to TikTok, Dance Moms, Gymnastics, YouTube...

DayWalker ago

So who was your favorite dancer?

junesunflower ago

Jasmine, fat girl was kicked out because Angelica was a whiney little bitch over being revealed to the boy in the video and then she gets replaced by the cunt protagonist amy. Then Amy pushes her into a river and nearly drowns.

ardvarcus ago

This asshole has almost three-quarters of a million views. That's an obscenity in itself. And I don't mean because of the film's promotion of pedophilia. Yes, we can all agree that is wrong. I mean because he's such a jerk. Who would watch this fool on a regular basis?

blumen4alles ago

Who would watch this fool on a regular basis?

other fools

Maat4u ago

So when can we start hanging these pedo directors ?

Duchozz ago

Lmao wubby is great. Excellent review

Itgetsbetter ago

Tucker played a dance clip a few days ago. Anyone who has watched a porn flick will recognize the moves. No need to watch the movie to know it is filth.

auto_turret ago

I couldn't finish the video. Had to shut it off after the first "dancing" clip. That ain't dancing. That's what strippers do on stage.

OldGoatNewKid ago

Yeah except it's not CP at all. Its sexualizing children sure. But that's reality now. This film isn't to blame.

Also watch the film before ranting like a bunch of dumb fuck sjws.

capicua ago

he watched the film and it was much much worse than what he thought.

OldGoatNewKid ago

I watched the film and it wasn't as bad as I expected. It was bad, but not that bad.

Kregan ago

Kill yourself

OldGoatNewKid ago

No thanks, then my children would have to grow up without a father.

Kregan ago

Ok then don't do that ... But fuck that movie and it is absolutely exploitation.

OldGoatNewKid ago

It is. And if you took the time to read any of my other comments about this movie you would know that's my take on it too..

Its disgusting filth and sexualization of young children. It's fucked up, its wrong and its Jewish.

But! BUT! those things DO NOT make this film a "child porn". Its wrong for many other reasons, but CP it is not.

Don't be a retarded sjw who goes off about the film when you don't even know what you are talking about. Watch it and make a proper informed decision. (You will hate it, it will make you angry, and it will make you disgusted that we live in such a world, but you will at least be able to form YOUR OWN opinion.)

LittleTony ago

If you had just said this first. I watched the movie, it’s worse than nn, which is considered cheese pizza by some judges.

OldGoatNewKid ago

What's "nn"?

BjornIronside ago

You can kill yourself, or wait around until we get to you.


OldGoatNewKid ago

Not a Jew, also not an easily offended snowflake. Also I watched the movie so I could actually make an educated opinion of it.

BjornIronside ago

Oy vey™!

LittleTony ago

Found the Jew

OldGoatNewKid ago

Why? Because I'm not some easily triggered sjw like you? You're pathetic.

LittleTony ago

Or are you just a pedo?

OldGoatNewKid ago

No, I'm a father, a husband and a land owner. Pedo I'm not, and pedos I despise. Considering I have daughters. And that I was molested as a child too. So, I have a well founded hatred for people that molest kids.

LittleTony ago

I doubt any of that, but you know those molested are more likely to molest?

NicotinicAcid ago

Execute them all. Hell cannot come fast enough. I fucking hate them.

RoBatten ago

Just a few years ago this movie would have gotten DOST violations and arrests . . .

Good review btw

RM-Goetbbels ago

I can't listen to some youtube for 20 minutes rail on about the same thing but holy crap were those clip inappropriate.

I'm betting jew. Jew writer, jew producer, jew director.

fuck2020 ago

Yeah, I wished he just clipped it to just the clips.

PogotheClan ago

Writer/Director is a Race carding negress who is obviously is obviously a Pedo lesbian. The producer on the other hand is Sylvain de Zangroniz, and his Wiki biography keeps getting deleted, so obviously of Jewish decent. Pedo by default.

degenerate7 ago

The director is French with Israeli dual citizenship

ketoll ago

Now who else had French/Israeli dual citizenship? hmm... GHISLAINE MAXWELL!!!

PogotheClan ago

Where did you get that (not that I would be surprised)

degenerate7 ago

It was on his Wikipedia page a few days ago before the movie really started blowing up

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

director is a black woman

degenerate7 ago

You're right, its the producer

Helena73 ago

All Hollywood producers and directors must die.

Bushtaco321 ago

That's anti semitic

Helena73 ago


eongoat ago

gonna go wash my eyes out with thermite now.

capicua ago

If you thought that was bad, remember, he said he was only showing the tamest clips from the movie. He said there are many scenes in it that are much, much worse.

Tandemlee ago

I skipped at those parts. Even watching those images as an investigation will work to normalize them. It is a win to the creators to look at the abomination they created no matter what your intention. So don't.

PedoAnnihilator ago

Read this instead.

Splooge ago

Leave some for me, please. This hydrochloric acid isn't doing the trick.

Nuffin ago

Best comment:

So Epstein didn’t kill himself after all. He is hiding in France and working as an executive producer for Netflix.

tomdogg ago

Wow that was pretty fucked up.

ScreaminMime ago

Stopped when he showed the kids "dancing"... think I'm still on a list now.

Justice_Will_Prevail ago

Laura Ingram on her show last night did too.

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