PurpleGiant ago

My heart burns having grown up with the Wonderful World of Disney every Sunday night.

BondHoldersRsCrewed ago

It'll be funny when Arabs and Africans overrun Israel...Get out the popcorn.

drhitler ago

Peter Tan

moscowjade ago

Peter Pan, but cast iron.

TippyHome ago

O. K. Really. Really. No thanks. Not on a bet.

Cosmicdrifter ago

What other race enters your house uninvited while you're asleep?

PresudentMcCheese ago

Cry more, you tiny-dicked bitch.


Muh Peter Pan

Cosmicdrifter ago

How about you write your own stories? Or are blacks so unimaginative they have to copy everything?

Mustard_Monkey ago

Dox Hollywood.

Aonuma ago

Watch Hook instead.

holaymackal ago

Peter Pan didn’t have a dad, either.

Works for me!

skullfuku ago

Sounds like an excellent premise for porn.

boekanier ago

Exactly as in the ads. They leave no doubt about it, what the 'current standard' has to be.

CHeritageP ago

This one is pretty fucking egregious.

Isn't peter pan about ignored wealthy white children and their escaping reality or something?

Fucking gross.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Jews and niggers!

Void0101010101 ago

The director apparently spent several years making this movie "so the kids would age realistically"

Also, apparently the actress who plays wendy likes to hang out at his house and watch movies and eat popcorn with him, according to an interview he gave to Kevin Smith.

He is 38. She is 12.

I'm not going to accuse anyone of anything, but IMO I wouldn't let a 12 year old girl hang out with a random 38 year old guy from hollywood. It just screams "bad idea"

And any 38 year old guy should have the common sense to keep his distance.

Dauphin ago

We waz Pur-Pans and sheeeit

edwinthomasr ago

we hold peter pan sacred?

SexMachine ago

Disney, before it became jewed, brought our culture to life on the big screen. Snow White, Cinderella, Fantasia. Those were all white magic.

Now that it's jew owned and run, they have to destroy all of that. Every white, European fairy tale has to be shit on. There's nothing that can belong to "white" people. "white" cannot be a race, an identity. What does it matter if we destroy "white" culture if "white" isn't even a thing?

That's part of their plan to destroy us. First convince the world that nothing belongs to "white" people.

Mr_big ago

Wtf. Oh well another piece of shit we wont be watching

ex-feminist ago

oh yeah i thought the little mermaid was bad enough but this is the next best worst thing

BeauDacious ago

This is again, why you shouldnt be giving them money.

Dont even pirate their shit.

Give up on movies and television. Pick up books and read them.

Stingsbutplug ago

20 years from now they’ll do a remake of Harry Potter and Game of Thrones and all the characters will be black

Stingsbutplug ago

Another red head replaced with a nog. The Jew hates the red head.

DavidsHogg ago

Life Edit

Zeitlin was born in Manhattan and raised in Sunnyside, Queens, and in suburban Hastings-on-Hudson, NY.[4] He is a graduate of Hastings High School[5] and Wesleyan University.[6] He was born to writers and folklorists Mary Amanda Dargan and Steven Joel Zeitlin, who founded the NYC non-profit cultural organization City Lore.[1][7][8] His father, who is Jewish, spent most of his childhood in Brazil, and his mother comes from a rural, Protestant background in Darlington, South Carolina.[9][10][11]

Voat_Monster ago

Of course they did. The agenda is clear and obvious.

Rubberdong ago

we wuz lost childs n shiet.

RandomFurryDude ago

Fucking niggers are the second ugliest people after jews, who wants to see them in film?

RaySchism ago

The movie will bomb. And like a bomb, it was designed to destroy, not make money.

Sadly there is no winning when you can’t even convince your own family that the small hats want their bodies and souls to die and burn in hell.

CloggedBrain ago

No agenda here goy

PeacefulAssassin ago

Peter Pan on books would kidnap the boys then kill them after they reach a certain age.

Wow the director and producers are saying all black men are murderous psychopaths

Drunkenst ago


The story is what it was.

This, in my opinion, abominable “re-telling” is just that.


In a hundred years will white people look back on this era as an attempted genocide or will there not be any white people to look back on this era in a hundred years?

mleczko ago

Peter Pan The Melanine Marauder

not_saying_a_thing ago

Of course they did.


Yep. This thing's been jewed.

To start with it is not about Peter any more. What's the name again? Oh yeah, now it's Wendy! So it's about strong Waymens! And of course being a strong waymen in the eyes of the jew means the (((white))) girl is with the nigger boy.

But that's what you can expect from everything that comes from the jews!

Ayatollah-Naghi ago

Seems like a pedo friendly movie

arsefaggot ago

I guess they called it Wendy because they couldn't call it Nigger Pan.

Drunkenst ago

Bingo gringo.

Jesus needs release sequel pronto.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Niggers and women attend the theater more often than white men. It's basic demographics research. White men are not a growing demographic, downtown browns are.

Smart people boycott the theater long ago. Hollywood has always been jewish subversion.

Qqqqqqqqqqweeds ago

That's odd, I thought they liked KFC, not Wendy's?

Mr_Wolf ago

would be better if this is the version where peter kills everyone and Wendy barely escapes with her life.

Totally-Not-A-Troll ago

I've got an idea. How about a Peter Pan movie where they give them puberty blockers and castrate them. Then the will "never grow up". Fun times.

Greensbr ago

Post humus Oscar to Jeffery Epstein for his role as Captain Hook.

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

Peter Pan is so fucking overrated to begin with. Even the original non-shit Disney movie's highest point was the song poking fun at Injuns.

Neverland would be boring as shit for any kid with more brains than a muskmelon after a couple days. Tops. Even the biggest sports addict is gonna take one look at their Stone Age sports gear and go "oh hell no". If anything the boys would all sign on with the PIRATES.

Merlynn ago

This is so confusing because they're basically calling niggers childish while also shitting on a beloved fictional character. I don't think they thought this through.

Whats_my_password ago

I predict a flop.

observation1 ago

Imagine being black and instead of writing a new story to star in, they replace all the whites with black actors from a white script, and that's supposed to make me feel better ?

jewish_fables ago


HiJoker ago

That got (((dark))) quick.

AlphaOmega ago

It’s all so tiring.

bfriend13 ago

When the film has a goofs section in IMDB someone needs to add they cast a black kid as Peter.

madmardigan ago

At least its upholding it's original theme. An abused child who refuses to grow up, kidnapping a girl from home so he can use her to take care of him and his crew.

Tandemlee ago

Directed by Benh Zeitlin

From wiki:

"Zeitlin was born in Manhattan and raised in Sunnyside, Queens, and in suburban Hastings-on-Hudson, NY.[4] He is a graduate of Hastings High School[5] and Wesleyan University.[6] He was born to writers and folklorists Mary Amanda Dargan and Steven Joel Zeitlin, who founded the NYC non-profit cultural organization City Lore.[1][7][8] His father, who is Jewish, spent most of his childhood in Brazil, and his mother comes from a rural, Protestant background in Darlington, South Carolina"

earlymac ago

There's nothing too small they won't take away from you.

WD_Pelley ago

Even Archie comics had Veronica and Betty be lesbians while Archie married a black chick. Archie. Comics.

FederalShill ago

in a sane society there would be individuals who would rope up the creators of works like these, and they wouldnt suffer jail time for it, they instead would be applauded and praised as heros. we live in a S O C I E T Y where the kshatriya virtues are the most taboo and feared, why is that?

SPAMsammich111 ago

Peter Pan... a fatherless degenerate...

played by a nig nog...


AgentSakura ago

dear god what kind of kike shill faggotry are they peddling now

rabbi_shlomo ago

Whites try to meme Jewish interracial relationships into existence, yet get massively triggered by seeing a movie trailer where the supporting actor is a black boy.

Face it. White women view black men as more masculine, more virile, more manly, all signs of higher testosterone and healthier sperm.

White women view you as weak, addicted to Japanese porn, with small penises.

Drunkenst ago

Fat ladies especially.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

What do jjewish women think about goldbergs?

Wrinkly, closeted faggots, and addicted to incest and little children

bfriend13 ago

You're a rabbi Tiny Duck?

telleveryoneyouknow ago


Well_Deserved_Brew ago

Even Thomas the Engine has had some Indians added to the roster now. Disgusting.

What do we have left? Winnie the Pooh? I'm amazed Christopher Robin is still a White male and I'm assuming there's some legal reason why they can't fuck with the characters. I can't think of a single other show or movie that hasn't been shit on.

WD_Pelley ago

Even Thomas the Engine has had some Indians added to the roster now. Disgusting

This one hurt the most. I loved that show growing up and I think it's responsible for my love of the English countryside, trains, and fascism. They did that really special engine dirty.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

I mean lion king, and dumbo is a bunch of african animals hehe so there is no way you can fuck that up

non_alcoholic_nignog ago

Oh please, even chinks don't like other chinks. They know they're bug people. Their escapism involves daydreaming about being white. Look how their whores behave when they come to white countries.

outrider787 ago

What an ugly black kid

HatePrincipal ago

armenian genocide 2.0

you have every right and obligation to whatever

Heathcliff ago

The story of a boy who never grew up.


Tree_Eel ago

Director of the movie is a Jew, shocking isn't it.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

...or you could just read the book.

JohnGaltApproves ago

Peter Pan was a child abductor who murdered the children when they grew too old or wanted to leave, who then lured a young white girl to his island paradise to fulfill his Freudian mother sexual fantasies.

So, he’s either a jew or a nigger.

killkillkill ago

Wow. I have literally never seen a more ridiculous interpretation of Peter Pan in my fucking life. What a fucking fuckwit. You'll find any way to spin anything, won't you?

And ps, a fucking little kid can't have Freudian mother sexual fantasies.

philomath ago

That was the original storyline. Lots of those old Grimm's fairytales and other stories from that time were twisted as shit - Disney softened them up to market to kids as feel-good movies.

killkillkill ago

No. I've read the fucking books. There's nothing Freudian about it.

Vc83 ago

Read the fucking book lol, peter was a psychopath

killkillkill ago

I have. Many times. Peter isn't a psychopath -- it's about the innate nature of children and how cruel, forgetful, but also incredible they can be. James M Barrie's brother died when he was young and his mother never got over it. He sometimes dressed up as his younger brother and pretended to be him in order to try and make her feel better, as she remained confined in her room. The book is about youth, loss, fantasy, wishing to live forever, wishing to be a child forever, what a family and parents mean to a child etc. etc. and that's all embodied in the characters. Peter is no more a psychopath than any child who hasn't fully developed empathy yet.

Sure, Peter was tough on the lost boys, and you could interpret some of the passages as him killing them when they started to grow up, and he and the boys killed pirates, but there's also a passage in the book about Peter going half way with dead children so they wouldn't be frightened, guiding them to the afterlife. Just because you lack the nuance to read Peter Pan and understand it, doesn't mean that peter was a "psychopath."

JohnGaltApproves ago

He brought her in as a surrogate mother.

killkillkill ago

Yeah, there's nothing Freudian or sexual about it...he's an orphan and he's like a child.

non_alcoholic_nignog ago

Niggers can't lure anything; it requires planning and intelligence. Sure if some white girl had already been on the island he would've raped and murdered her. This is definitely a kike operation.

kishind ago

Now there's a dark spin on Pan.

More of a Jeffrey Epstein "old guy kidnapping raping and murdering children to live out a perpetual childhood fantasy"

Ooh, Peter Pan as horror.

greydragon ago

Do ten pushups every time you get pissed off. I just did ten. Match me! Seriously, do at least three.

Greatone2566 ago

This looks like children made it. Dumb, retarded, ignorant children

Chuga ago

What did you expect.

TheNiggerFaggot ago

Now he won't grow up and remain a "boy" forever...

Deceneu ago

A 'youth'.

ardvarcus ago


Nonymous608 ago

Makes more sense tbh...black kid sneaking into the white girls room and all sounds a lot more believable.

satisfyinghump ago

That truly is an ugly dindu... my God...

WhatCanary ago

They love your delicious anger sweetfag

Charilko ago

What’s great about this is that Peter Pan is a story about the importance of growing up. A black boy is going to now be associated with something negative; an inability to become an adult. There will be SJWs screeching about the “accidental racism” of this.

RarryLeeDacted ago

Eh, armed breaking and entering with additional kidnap charges......

whatisbestinlife ago

this looks like a filmed kidnapping

WhatCanary ago

Peter pan is as sacred as a festering boil at this point. When wasnt it tho?

Shadowlight ago

Cultural appropriation.

CyborgCuttlefish ago


capnflummox ago

Isn't "Peter Pan" slightly pedophilic?

I'd rather they have a nigger in that movie. I don't want them to associate white men with children and/or pornography.

blumen4alles ago

I have this downloaded already but not watched it. Had no idea there were niggers in this!

derram ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=KKktQFFcXL0 :

WENDY | Official Trailer [HD] | FOX Searchlight - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

CheeBooga ago

Jews will shit on everything white people hold dear.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Like Cartoons from prehistoric times

Splooge ago

Wowwwww, they really got the darkest fucking flat-nosed dread-headed niglet they possibly could for this didn’t they? The trailer features several other turds and I can’t see anything but feral chimps chimping out (and corrupting the white kids of course).

SearchVoatBot ago

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PsyOp ago

"Fuck these fucking degenerate Jews ruining everything we hold sacred!" Yes, and the christians are helping them to do it! Not only did they passively let the jews take total control of the media without lifting a finger to stop them or to raise the alarm, they passively allowed them to take control of the public education system, especially at the university level. How many millions of christians are watching these types of movies in their day-to-day lives?

TheSeer ago

It was the Boomers. And it was because they feared nothing more than to be called racist, or God forbid, anti-semitic.

PsyOp ago

Nice try, jackoff...the takeover of the media began well over one hundred years ago.

ussliberty ago


zech7 ago

peter can’t lose his shadow now. he is a shadow

SonOfRobin ago

This explains the no father and forever childhood mentality. Peter was always a nigger.

zech7 ago

in the sequel Peter murders tinkerbell for fleeing neverland with their 1/2 black 1/2 fairy children. fantasy crime thriller. cpt hook is the protagonist, played by mel gibson , of course.

SearchVoatBot ago

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AntiMason ago

Damn that made me fart

AmericanJew2 ago

I wouldnt worry too much, this will probably flop. You couldn’t pay me to watch it either.

Vc83 ago

You definetly should worry about it. This is how they wage war. Slowly push degeneracy then suddenly you're in a weimar republic

Simonbelmont27 ago

They dont care if it loses money

SexMachine ago

I wouldn't waste my time even illegally downloading it.

peacegnome ago

looks like it could have been good too.

peter pan (the animated one) was pre-jew disney; so it makes since it would need to be destroyed.

GuesstheJaws ago

Coal Black and the Sebbun Dwarves is some good shit. You will find zero jewry in this product of the golden age of animation.

kingssman1 ago

hat to tell ya but that film was also made by a jew.

GuesstheJaws ago

You're right. Screenplay was by Warren Foster, that last name is Jewish. :/

HeebSlayer ago

Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates was another good version. And there is always "Hook" with Robin Williams.

killkillkill ago

Hook is garbage, and Spielberg admits it.

drhitler ago

i heard he hated it because of the way curry and his assistant intentionally acted like they were like a gay couple.

GuesstheJaws ago

Honestly the movie must be decent then if a kike is dissatisfied with the work. Wasn't enough six gorillion references in it probably.

killkillkill ago

Spielberg MADE the movie and admits it's garbage...

GuesstheJaws ago

I guess I should've rephrased it as "the kike who made it" instead of "a kike", but I am fully aware he made it hence my statement.

GasTheYikes ago

I like Hook too, probably my favorite adaption

GuesstheJaws ago

I like your name, and I agree it was a pretty decent movie, one of my favorites as a kid.

GasTheYikes ago

As a kid I liked the imaginary food fight. Anyways your name is pretty cool neighborino

Heathcliff ago

It does?

peacegnome ago

(((Some))) would say so.

tempuser2 ago

I think it was all inflicting unlived trauma onto children. How many characters had parents? How many characters had traumatic deaths of loved ones, especially parents?

Tandemlee ago

None. No major character that was fed to us by the media growing up came from a normal household with two parents.

RacistCatWhistle ago

I always wondered about that as a kid. “How come the protagonist is never from a normal family?”

WD_Pelley ago

I've noticed this growing up and thought that I "missed something" by having two loving parents. These shows can do numbers on children worse than you know.

Tandemlee ago

Because we want to indoctrinate your young malleable mind into thinking it is normal for families to be fragmented and incomplete. So when you grow up hopefully your family will be as fragmented as the families of the heroes you worshipped. This will increase the probability have have any meaningful social ties and effectively nullify you as a potentially becoming a threat to the status quo.

Or something like that..

Draco888 ago

Strong bond to Family vs. Subservience to Government

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Makes sense, since blacks don't progress beyond the mentality of a child.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Their malevolence does.

Thepotatolobby ago

children aren't evil...

do you faggots even realize when you're shitting out jew poison?

"oops just a little squirt... nobody notices when i discount intent like a kike"

philmchawk ago

children aren't evil...

You can go watch nigger kids hitting other kids for no reason for days. You should probably stop thinking that subspecies are the exact same.

performance ago

Nigger kid is a nigger. You think it will grow up to be different than all the other niggers? It won't.

SexMachine ago

What's interesting is that even when you put a nigger youth in an upper income area, give them all the same or even better opportunities than their white peers, and for the most part they'll regress into stereotypical nigger behaviors.

I used to be of the thought that "not all blacks are niggers." but it doesn't really matter if you have a "good black man," he will reproduce, and his children will more than likely turn out to be niggers.

Thepotatolobby ago

i literally just called niggers evil and I have 4 fucking co-signers pretending i said the opposite.


undertheshills ago

Evil is the wrong word for niggers anyway. They are a different sub species with different motivations than us. They have much higher estrogen levels than white people. Much like with women, the estrogen curses them with jealousy, bitchyness, irrational emotional anger, and an obsession with status symbols. Yes there are many nigs that are good functional people. But you cant culture away brain genetics, and hormonal problems. I agree with you kids are not evil neither are nigs. We are a different people with different motivations and societal needs. Not wanting to raise my kids alongside them is not evil either.

Thepotatolobby ago

go fuck yourself co-signer

HateCumbuckets ago

But you didn't. You literally said children are evil. No mention of niggers until this comment.

We don't fall for your lies schlomo. Pretty much what a jew would do. Lie even when the truth can be seen.

Thepotatolobby ago

I had said there were 4 co-signers. I apologize. There were only 3 co-signers.

now, with the addition of this faggot right here @hatecumbuckets there are now 4 co-signers.

HateCumbuckets ago

Just clocked on. Need coffee. These am shills are killing me

Thereunto ago

children aren't evil...

Are children capable of evil?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Then why did you say children are evil?

Thepotatolobby ago


niggers are evil dummy. you're rehabilitating niggers by calling them childlike. you're bad. bad bad bad.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

rehabilitating niggers

You can't rehabilitate them lol

Get out of here with your bleeding heart nonsense.

Thepotatolobby ago

you tried.

kammmmak ago

The new Wendy trailer I guess. talk about being careful not showing the nigger being Peter?

Attac ago

Pics or it didn't happen

SexMachine ago


It's a niiiiiigger

Shitt1ngMys3lf ago

Makes sense that a nigger is the one telling Wendy to "sneak away" -if it's not jews is fucking niggers

SexMachine ago

Niggers are just tools of the Jew

bfriend13 ago

A link would be helpful.

ALIENS2222 ago

A MAGICAL NEGRO... Like nearly every movie ever... There is always a magical NEGRO..

killkillkill ago

Uh...like which movies?

ALIENS2222 ago

The Stand (book and movie by Steven King)

The Matrix (Magical nigger with a cookie and magical nigger with the pills)

The Green Mile (Another book by Steven King)

Newest Peter Pan (Peter is a hideous monkey with magical abilities)

Independence Day (Strong nigger and smart Jew saves the stupid race mixing white man in the trailer who sacrifices himself in a war... for the jews... )

I-Robot and Men in Black are basically the same movie...

Enemy of the state... So smart he is magical... just like every real nigger right????

This is just off the top of my head... Enjoy your sauce below!





As you can see this is just me and I made it all up. Gas yourself.

killkillkill ago

Wow, so three Will Smith movies and a handful of others that have a single black person with any abilities in them. Wow, that's like 0.00001% of films for ya! I guess you are right!

MainFag ago

The magical negro section on Wikipedia already lists Peter Pan from Wendy.

This is the reference:


ALIENS2222 ago

Don't follow the links, whatever you do.

killkillkill ago

Yeah, like 10-12 instances per decade. Wow. Holy shit!

ALIENS2222 ago

You are black as midnight huh?

bfriend13 ago
