robot7247 ago

First episode is on youtube right now. CBS did the same thing with the 1st ep of Discovery season 2. They only have them up for a few days.

Going to watch Picard in a bit and see if as bad as both Critical Drinker & Nerdrotic* have indicated.

thatguyiam ago

I watched episodes 1& 2, and am impressed so far.

robot7247 ago

The ST: Discovery ep I watched was awful. I bailed about halfway through. With Picard though I wanted more at end.

Apparently they have way different writing staff in place. Recall Walter Mosely* quit STD because of lame/woke writers.

  • Devil in a Blue Dress

thatguyiam ago gonna go with the 'compared to' angle

I started watching it expecting the worst. The feminist angle and bestiality(cat-man?) is there, at start. But it was quite mild compared to discovery and 90% of other hollywood bull shaite. I still think picard is going to get pegged by some faggot friend, in the end

robot7247 ago

The feminist angle and bestiality(cat-man?) is there

Do you mean the boyfriend that was immediately killed? That seemed more like a course correction right up front like that.

ardvarcus ago

I bet he has a strong, intelligent, beautiful woman who acts like a man to save his life when he does something old and white and feeble and stupid.

GuesstheJaws ago

Bet they're bringing Picard back just to put him in his place so a rainbow brigade can succeed him. Just look at Discovery.

Charilko ago

Well Patrick Stewart is on record as saying it won’t be anything like TNG and it’s his platform to whine about BREXIT, so...

PornoGameDude ago

Trek been dead since they let counselor Troi fly the ship.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Which series did they do that in?

uvulectomy ago

They let her fly it in Generations (the movie where they killed Kirk)....and she wrapped it around a fucking mountain.

phillyjoe ago

Seit was an accurate representation

Herbert666Marcuse ago

" Star Trek was cucked to its core since it's inception. It was race-mixers egalitarian paradise in the sky."

True Dat.

TOS also starred two jews, (((Shatner & Nimoy))), who were stronger, smarter, funnier, and scored more fine-assed shiksa poontang than all the goyische idiots combined.

I've often wondered what Gene Roddenberry was thinking when he allowed his vision to be all jewed to hell like that.

I guess maybe Roddenberry was so desperate to get his series on Talmudvision that he'd suck any & all jew cock in order to make it to the big leagues.

Gargilius ago

She will realize that it has always been her identity to be a female...

ps do you guys realize that OP might be an hollywood writer picking out brains for the most outrageously woke ideas because the circle jerking hollywood writers tribe is too inbred to be able to come up with any new idea in decades?

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Excellent observation

thatguyiam ago

Hollywood production and netflcuck suck ass. Only thing new on netclcuck that doesnt have any gey faggot in it is a koeran production, My Country. Hard to believe the fegets at netflux let it pass

Gargilius ago

It’s Korean, therefore suitably ‘diverse’ to pass muster?

thatguyiam ago

Oh yah, koreans prolly used muh diversity to sneak it in

Destination ago

The actor who plays Picard is gay or some shit

XSS1337 ago

He cycled on a commercial talking about 70 million migrants need our help...

SoOutraged ago

I think the whole show is about his transition to a female Starfleet captain.

itssomatic ago

You dumb fucking retards retreading the same ground. Star Trek was cucked to its core since it's inception. It was race-mixers egalitarian paradise in the sky.

AussieGoy ago

Personally, I hope he takes a crew back in time, rescues Hitler from the bunker and sets things right. The Jews are all in Madagascar, Israel doesn't exist, the western powers aren't influenced by Zionists. We all live peacefully in our own lands.

ardvarcus ago

Picard will probably be old and feeble and stupid, and will get saved from death by a black woman, probably a lesbian, or maybe in today's trendy world, by a tranny. Half the cast will be black, even though blacks can't drive a milk truck competently, let alone pilot a starship. One of the black women will be a super-duper genius with all the answers. There will be a buffed nigger buck who will be stronger and braver and smarter than all the poor, confused white boys, but not to worry, he will lead them to safety like a mother hen with her chicks. The women will be running everything of importance, and all the evil characters will be evil white men, or their Star Trek alien equivalents.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

You just described discovery

favoritecoloriswhite ago

One of the black women will be a super-duper genius with all the answers

Wait, isn't this the whole story line of Discovery already?

Herbert666Marcuse ago

"Half the cast will be black, even though blacks can't drive a milk truck competently, let alone pilot a starship."


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ThisIsMyRealName ago

Sad, but I can totally see this being the reality.

slope ago

nigafaggots in space

ardvarcus ago

You got it. Just watch this season's Doctor Who for a preview.

scoopadoop ago

He has to tote about after a young supergirl with a mysterious past, but with the power to do anything. She is gonna lead Pickard on an adventure through a galaxy that is not the same as the one he knew before, and he will learn the ways of diversity.

Angryelectrician ago

The trope that is being pushed across almost all media platforms is this young usually foreign girl that is the future of mankind. The hero is a white male from a well established well defined universe and mythos.

Eventually the white male will sacrifice all that he has accomplished. He must die so that this young girl, usually brown, can achieve her goal of ?????.

Whitey has to die. Like now. Right now.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Also, if the heroine is a White girl, then she will NEVER have babies [unless the babies are half-chimpanzee half-human melungeon abominations].

She'll be some sort of a childless convent-initiate holier-than-thou save-the-earth cat-lady-in-training.

There will NEVER again be another Lucille Ball pushing out a White baby on Talmudvision or in the Joovies.

It's all milk-chocolate babies from now on, goyim.

Milk Chocolate.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

I hate to spoil the fun with some facts, but according to what I've been able to glean it's going to be the old replacement cast ala Star Wars. In other words there's a young black chick who's the Neo of the show and after Jean Luc is milked for all the nostalgia he can provide she'll gradually take over for him as the main star. Classic replacement cucking.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

"Classic replacement cucking."

Just like "Michael Corleone" Al Pacino being replacement-cucked by "Meyer Offerman" Al Pacino.

Although, in fairness, "The Devil's Advocate" is one of the best movies of the modern [post-1964] era.

What the hell the Sanhedrin were thinking when they gave the greenlight to "The Devil's Advocate", I know not.

Unless they greenlighted it simply as a means of gloating over their goysiche slaves.

Because "The Devil's Advocate" gives away the entire playbook of the children of the Father of Lies.

thatguyiam ago

...maybe hollywood knows it's doomed, & figures 'what the hell', and they accelerate their destruction with the cuckolding of all franchises

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

I think they're in full indoctrination mode right now. They're full-funded to churn out nothing but left wing propaganda. I bet once the money runs out we'll start getting decent shit again.

thatguyiam ago

They prolly have billions, the fegets

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Most definitely.

maaaxheadroom ago

He licks Vash’s snatch. That’s plus 10 cool points right there. I’m not 100% certain but I think he fucked that necrophile Beverly too. If he licks the boots of a female admiral and it’s foreplay then I say “engage.”

nobslob ago

A trump clone will take over the federation by appealing to racist white men who have secretly yearned for a return to the patriarchy even after all these years of their liberal utopia being perfect. Picard will be a side character to some woke social justice types (but futuristic bro) that defeat the evil Federation Trump at his own game.

thatguyiam ago

Wow, this fits 100% with the progressive propaganda. I think you will win the picards

nobslob ago

I live in Austin and just had to walk through a bunch of libtards protesting Trumps visit here. Maybe it's because I'm surrounded by morons, but it really does feel like our slide into socialism is inevitable.

spaceman84 ago

Pretty much this. The younger generation will show doddering old Picard the way.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

He will defeat the greatest threat The Federation has ever confronted, even worse than The Borg.

Climate Change

Vc83 ago

Youre wrong, white males

no-hurry-no-pause ago

The fight against climate change is a proxy for white males. Every single fight (((they))) are fighting is a proxy fight against white males.

european ago

Or the Patriarchons

thatguyiam ago

Lool we have a contender for winner right here folks. You win thre andorian slaves.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

I'll take those andorian slaves, and I believe you also owe me nine silly Picards.

thatguyiam ago

The feget andorian slaves are a consolation prize in case you dont win the picards.

Penguinpecker ago

If they're slaves you can make them dress like men and answer to the name Aaron.

IslamicStatePatriot ago

If you are genuinely curious there were some supposed leaks on /tv/ within the last week or so. Don't remember much other than this show is apparently on shoestring budget and iirc will reuse assets/props from discovery. Either way nothing coming out sounds good at all.