HeebSlayer ago

Even DVD's aren't safe though. Many tv shows have music replaced because the licenses only covered the initial airing and subsequent reruns and not home media. Also you have directors like Lucas and Spielberg who continously tinker with their films and refuse to make the original versions avaialble.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I think 'originals' ought be sold as well as tinkered versions. I bet original Star Wars would way out-sell jazzed up version.

Often using silent-film-era effects, old King Kong is much better than any re-make.

Not giving a choice show how little respect they have for their audience.

TerraKell ago

3 years ago I purchased a Korean-made copy of "It's a Wonderful Life." It cost $6 delivered and we have watched it every Christmas Day since. I purchased "White Christmass" a week ago, also Korean-made for copyright reasons. I make certain the DVDs are region-free. So Christmas Day we watched both as well as "The Big Lebowski" which I snagged for $2 at a thrift store.

Here is an interesting site with many OLD movies. I watched a silent film version of Zorro on it; what a trip. https://archive.org/details/moviesandfilms?&sort=-downloads&page=2 Warning: some of the films are NSFW and include early p0rn.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I downloaded a copy of Alastair Sim ver. of A Christmas Carol because I'm afraid it could disappear. Getting some DVDs this month before they get taken off market. Not all DVDs will go away, but the ones I really like are already getting unavailable.

Because some tols have viruses etc. I had to get a new thing to download yout00b movies - so far so good - from Free Download Manager

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Its like when the computer in Rollerball accidentally deleted the 13th century.

PeBeFri ago

Never underestimate the importance of archives. Or archivists.

Fuckyounigger ago

Joke on them I’ve been copying all netflix dvds every single time I get one

XSS1337 ago

V for Vendetta

You will never see another film like it.

HAESisalie ago

I am sure with a little CGI editing they can make it fit the narrative perfectly. Like they are rebelling against Nazi's or Trump.

flyingcuttlefish ago

many in Hong Kong wear V masks to protest illegal police action against legal-mask-wearing...

Phantom42 ago

Imagine shilling for CIA chinks.

Tb0n3 ago

Blurays and piracy exist.

GreatWhiteNorth ago

When people say DVD they're including Blu-Ray's.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I agree with this comment -

It's why all these pointless and seemingly useless remakes are being made at blinding speed. To not only subvert the original message injecting the SJW trash, but to also push the originals out of print, out of distribution so that our cultural history on film will be just as easily erased.

from - https://trends.gab.com/item/5e04436190e9c23476ad960a

Business-Anon1 ago

Only Muslims get rid of everything unislamic

boekanier ago

Because history is 'racist' it has to be wiped out (((commie))) decree.

peacegnome ago

I have noticed that there are some films that get heavily dmca'd on usenet that can't be making studios much money at all.

8Years4TrumpMAGA ago

Whats wrong with Blu Ray?

slwsnowman40 ago

I don't think it's been hacked yet so you are still tied to the encryption. It is why there was a sudden adoption of HDMI, the encryption was much harder to crack over the previous standard.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Harder but not impossible, as with all things technology related.

Smokybubbles ago

All human knowledge and culture will be migrated to corporate and governmental clouds, where it's existence and content can be managed and controlled. Your grandkids don't know how to dial a rotary phone because knowledge fades when not in use.

HeebSlayer ago

Not true. They still make the baby toy version of the rotary phone. I saw it recently in a Walmart. I did a double take when I saw it because I didn't think anyone knew what a rotary phone was.

Draco777 ago

This sounds eerily similar to the 50 miles of tightly controlled Vatican archives. Imagine the amount of lost history that is down there. Anywhere from Roman concrete, Greek Fire, Pyramid history, Pagan rituals, Basque and Cathar history, Scrolls of Alexandria. The operators understand that history must be carefully controlled in order for the great work to continue.

Intrixina ago

I wouldn't be surprised if there were documents in the so-called "Vatican secret archives" that say akin to "This shit is all fake and made up just to control the masses"

Draco777 ago

Good boy. Nothing to see, move along now.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I think this idea comes from DARPA .... just a guess.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Buy DvDs

Buy Encyclopedias from the 90s and before

Buy Text Books on Biology

Buy Childrens books

They're erasing history

Save what you can

The New Dark Age Is Coming

GapingAnus ago

The New Dark Age

Funny. Because there was no old Dark Age. It's not real.

DeadBeatNigger ago

In Western Europe there was, but Byzantines, and Muslims saved the day.

GapingAnus ago

It's not real. There was no Dark age. It's a myth cooked up by people who've read too much Gibbon.

slwsnowman40 ago

Yup, they don't want us owning a damn thing. If we own something, that means they can't update or change it without us knowing about it.

AdmiralEnchilada ago


I own a vhs of wizard of oz where you can see the midget kill himself

Theres no peacock

But the peacock in newer editions just so happens to walk infront of the midget swinging in the background

ScionOfZion ago


AdmiralEnchilada ago

HAESisalie ago

"as you can clearly see..." Can't see shit on the 12 pixels shown.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Pussy as bitch, you got enough

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Sorry, ostrich

Its the scene after they find the tin man and are skipping away

Literally-Oppressed ago

Imagine seeing a shadow in the background of a movie and thinking this

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Imagine seeing a little persons dhadow set up a ladder, climb it, put a noose around their neck, and then kick the ladder out from under them and then seeing a tiny foot come out from behind a tree


Deathperception ago

Imagine getting caught in the set rigging& not wanting to pay out accident insurance

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Imagine being a midget caught in the set rigging suffocating as they sing and dance infront of you, but your tiny cloak makes you look like a prop lol

phillyjoe ago

Buy Encyclopedias from the 90s and before

Do the holocaust test. If it's there, it's been corrupted.

whatisbestinlife ago

their is a golden year before a drastic change and exclusion. dont remember which though

Draco777 ago

Didn't WW2 holocaust text start appearing in the 70's?

phillyjoe ago

I'm not sure of when the date was, I guess it'd be around the final purchases of Palestinian land. But it certainly wasn't a thing in the 1950's

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Do the tranny test

If its there, its all lies

phillyjoe ago

Trannies are the symptom of mental illness. And they are most certainly real. I don't see what documenting a clear mental illness has to do with an utter fabrication.

glassuser ago

Good catch, thanks.

Sheeitpost ago

"Men NEVER wore suits, bigot! Wear the dress bigot!!"