NoxAeterna ago

Pfff like i will watch this garbage.

Not only these degenerates race swapped AND overall changed characters , they also shitted over the story of the books making their own changes and other shit.

Completely worthless garbage is what this series is.

truckboattruck ago

It feels like the show had a lot of potential.

but some executive highjacked the casting department and took a huge dump on it.

the niggeration feels absurd, it cant be explained away.

if anyone with a brain could come in a recast the garbage then there could be hope for this property.

but it will never survive a second season in its current state.

NakedWarrior ago

I watched the first episode and found it so boring it lost my attention. It doesn't help though, knowing that Henry Cavill is a pedo and fucks every teen girl on set. Sadly, he is going to start filming with Millie Bobby Brown soon on "Enola Holmes" so I guess she will be the next in his long line of victims.

PontarBewsar ago

I struggled through the first 3 episodes (pirated of course) as the Vag-signalling was overpowering with it's stench. Literally the first scene as a bunch of dudes threatening to give the witcher a kicking, but lo and behold a skank orders them all to sit and cuck it.

The show is watchable when Caville is on screen, but he is in one third of every episode. The rest of the time you have ugly ethnic bitches in place of the hot witches.

joblotheragman ago

being trans is sexual blackface

Steve-Briggs ago

So many characters have been niggified.

Writing is also utter shit.

Fight in the first ep where Geralt slaughters the villagers was dank, but that isn't enough to excuse the extreme cringe.

Whats_my_password ago

I hope they have more characters with massively cleft facial features.

Whats_my_password ago

My sister just today asked me if I have seen this. Guess now it's an absolute must-see.

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

The game sucked anyway. It was garbage. I dont understand how anyone could have enjoyed unless they had brain damage induced from playing shitty games for several years.

Maevtr ago

I downloaded it, refuse to pay for it. Henry caval did a better job than I was expecting (even down to his voice), but the casting is pretty terrible in general.

petevoat ago

Yeah man, it's just a terrible mish mash of SJW crap

DrPlant ago

Women CAN'T do magic to make men do what they will.

They actually can though. And that's why we built the patriarchy.

jthun2 ago

I love all this Star Wars type stuff where some skinny little woman can outfight men, while at the same time trannies are destroying women in sports.

ardvarcus ago

I watched part of the first episode today. It's so fucking hard to find anything to watch that isn't polluted with man-hating superwomen, faggots, and magic niggers. I can watch about one show in a hundred, and even then I have to grit my teeth in some scenes. The Jews of Hollywood simply will not permit the truth to be shown in any movie or television series. It's all lies, to varying degrees of insanity and stupidity and perversion.

Native ago

Check out 12 Monkeys tv show, best sci-if show made.

Whats_my_password ago

yes, but it's long gone.

At least they close it out well. In that house. Together.

Native ago

Not gonna lie the final episode made me tear up.

It makes me mad that very few have even heard of this tv show. The way they expertly weaved time-travel without any plot holes into a coherent story line is amazing.

And then the sci-fi channel did everything they could to sobatage the show. They dropped the last two seasons over the span of one weekend and NEVER replayed the shows ever again.

PontarBewsar ago

Shit - forget about that show. Watched the first season and liked it. Trouble is i don't remember it now to go into the second season. I'll see if there is a recap on youtube.

Native ago

It’s on Hulu if you’re subscribed to that

PontarBewsar ago

Got 4 seasons out of the IP. wow. I'm sure i'll find it on the high seas. thanks

favoritecoloriswhite ago

Why do you even want to spend time watching stupid tv shows? Unless you're like 12, they're a complete waste of your life.

PontarBewsar ago

What if i have no arms or legs?

TheKingAndTheLandR1 ago

One episode was enough, all the men are cucks, evil or pervs except for the superman guy who is just eye candy chad for them. Saw him in an interview and he seems dumb as fuck.

They had the queen armoured up as a warrior, which could have been believable if she wasnt literally the only female on the battle field. Where were all the other strong women?

The scene with the princess rolling her eyes when a guy asked her politely to dance was embarressing.

Apart from witchyman all the leads are women, the men either die at the first opportunity or are evil. There was one bad woman but pains were taken to explain how an evil ( white pervy man) wizard was executing young women, she had been next but was raped instead or some nonsence and she just wanted revenge.

Its a show for women fine but there is no need to belittle.

klangbang ago

The Favourite (Emma Stone, Olivia Colman) was the same shit. The press and Hollywood fell over themselves praising that male hatred bullshit.

Niceballsnigga ago

You fucks talking about magic being real need real shit to worry about.

AnotherGrayman ago

I almost want whites to be exterminated just to see Christianity die out.

They're the most useless, superstitious bunch of morons I've ever encountered.

"Oh no, the hippie-women are dancing in a circle and praising Gaia, stay away from their foul witchery!"

This is why the intelligent whites abandon religion entirely and become liberal as fuck.

They know the dominant religion of whites is a fucking joke and they're not laughing.

We will never be unified as a people under this dumbshit cuck religion.

Whats_my_password ago

They're the most useless, superstitious bunch of morons I've ever encountered.

So you never encountered an Islamic jihadi?

AnotherGrayman ago

An Islamic jihadi is more useful than any cucked Christian.

Both are retards, but one is a passive victim while the other will kill cartoonists over an insult.

It's not Christian immigrants threatening the whole planet right now.

Whats_my_password ago

This is why the intelligent whites abandon religion entirely and become corrupted by liberalism.

Sure dude, that's exactly how shit goes down. Intelligent whites abandon religion and become corrupted by liberalism.

AnotherGrayman ago

You're acting sarcastic, but this is exactly what has happened.

Anyone with half a brain knows that Christians are selling bullshit, so if you prioritize factual reality, the next logical step is dropping religious pretenses.

This is what has happened in nearly every learning institution in the west.

Science advanced, God wasn't needed to explain things, and intellectualism supplanted religion.

The problem with this is that all the lessons taught through religious means are lost because religion is the antithesis of scientific enlightenment.

So, you end with people thinking they're smarter than you for letting faggots run free in society, because the only people who actively hate faggots are religious, and we've figured out religion is based on a lie, so hating fags is seen as a superstition that smart people abandon.

You getting where I'm going with this?

Religion has always been a lie used to get dumb people to embrace wise behavior without understanding all the reasons behind everything.

We're at a point where people are smart enough to figure out you've been lying to them about your Santa Claus of a god, and now they see no reason to keep listening.

If people find out you're lying to control them, they'll tell you to fuck off even if you have the best plan.

That is what is happening now.

White people have learned their people's religion is bullshit so they've abandoned it in favor of faux intellect...

...which will inevitably destroy them, because a nation of intellectuals will never be united enough to resist.

Whats_my_password ago

I'm not lying and I'm not trying to control anyone. I have nothing to do with any sort of institutional religion whatsoever.

PontarBewsar ago

What should we do instead? Should we all support the same football team to promote unification?

AnotherGrayman ago

I wish I knew.

I don't have the correct answer, I just recognize patterns and point out bullshit where I see it.

PontarBewsar ago

I think we should at least pick something as the Warbanner to the cause. Even if it is Christianity for example. For those of us who are not true believers at least we could tap into the the rhetoric with a nod and a wink.

Problem is that you yet again have leaders and followers and if any progress was made those same followers could be queered further down the line once the leaders are dead and buried and the cycle continues...Need to really dig into this one.

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

Your ignorance is showing. Once you feel, see, and experience evil you become able to recognize it for what it is and realize there must be no tolerance.

AnotherGrayman ago

Everything you've just said is entirely subjective. You are exactly the type of religious person that enabled the abandonment of faith.

"I have seen true evil, so I know if we don't murder the dancing women, society will fall!"


"Oh shit, the insane religious people kill everything outside their narrow understanding. They are evil tyrants!"

and then...

"Now that we've beaten the superstitious morons who burn people alive for suggesting the Earth is round, let's have an Age of Enlightenment!"

then after peak enlightenment...

""We've figure it out! There's no inherent reason or purpose for anything! Do whatever you want, even male butt sex!"

and then back around to....

"Unleashing faggots and women is ruining society, I think the religious people who hated both might have been on to something..."

and finally back to...

"I have seen true evil! Burn the dancing women!"

At some point dude, one side has to be able to account for than just its own worldview, or we'll repeat this cycle.

EuropeanHeritage ago

Everything on Netflix is Jew-Fed SJW bullshit. - takes 3 seconds to realise...

Uxg ago

Muh video game movies. Oh no.

Time to grow up. Movies aren't for white men. Stop being shocked at Jewish behavior. Stop falling for media demoralization propaganda. Stop caring about fucking tv.

PontarBewsar ago

Trouble is that soft brain fags watch acres of TV and it informs them of their world view and then you have to put up with the drivel dripping out of their retarded face holes.

Uxg ago

And the appropriate response is to chastise the person. Instead of turning cheek. Tell them you don't approve. Society needs to go back to not accepting small acts of degeneracy. The camels back can't take many more straws.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Dude! Sometimes we just want to enjoy a good fucking story! Is that too much to ask for? Jews are destroying our history. It’s not just for entertainment. It’s for brainwashing children (and useful idiots?

Uxg ago

Then read the book instead of watching tv of all things. (((Netflix))) should be all the flag you need.

PontarBewsar ago

I do recommend 'Dark' on pirate Netflix. All white cast and the only pozz they give into is that there is a token tranny in 2 scenes. Like the writers needed to put some in or they wouldn't get picked up.

Uxg ago

Fuck Dark. Fuck Netflix. "one token tranny" is too much. Are you retarded? Your give them in an inch acceptance is how they have taken miles. Put your foot down and uncuck yourself.

PontarBewsar ago

I appreciate your hardline stance my dude, but with that standard I would be stuck watching Bob Ross videos all day.

Uxg ago

Or just do something drastic like turn the tv off. It's far fetched but possible.

nonanonanon ago

When you say movies aren’t for white men, what do you mean? That the form of cinema is somehow beneath us? Are plays and operas and the other entertainments we devised after the example of the Greeks over the last two thousand years also beneath us? What are we supposed to do, just breed and berserk and bitch about other races?

Uxg ago

Also. How about you work on your local community. Meet your neighbors. Go camping. Get some exercise. Anything but watch Netflix.

nonanonanon ago

Oh get off your fucking high horse, TV is for after the kids are asleep and I’m too tired to do anything but too awake for bed. I’ve been watching Fosse/Verdon, which I think is fantastic, and is full of Jewish characters, of course.

Uxg ago

The bugman cries out in pain as stab his sacred cow. Time to grow up, white man.

nonanonanon ago

What’s a bugman?

Uxg ago

A search query waiting to happen.

Because I'm not just typing to you, I'm typing to lurkers, I'll answer.

It's that dude everyone knows that's an adult child with a room full of toys jerking off to consumerism.

nonanonanon ago

Well, to be fair, anything more lasting is not worth jerking off to...but thanks. It doesn’t have quite the cutting truth of most white-coined slurs—you sure about the etymology?

Uxg ago

Regardless of your opinion of the term. It describes and exact subset of typically genx manchildren. It's not a new term. And it's not a fad.

I'm not going to debate the etymology of a meme. You see it on voat every time they mock some white man child with his mouth open scared excited for Star Wars or Nintendo. You're out of the loop. Not me.

nonanonanon ago

Ok, but baghag is way better, and that didn’t cost me any quality time.

Uxg ago

If you need help getting over this fit of ignorant retardation. It's basically the same thing as "nu-male"

Uxg ago

What does baghag mean?

nonanonanon ago

Ok that’s pretty funny. Thanks

Uxg ago

No problem.

nonanonanon ago

Happily so. I will come up with something better for y’all tho...

Uxg ago

Dude don't waste your time trying to counter a meme that's always established. Go better your community or exercise with that effort.

Uxg ago

You're comparing a (((Netflix))) CW tier sjw blackwashathon with Greek classics? Uncuck your perception of tv bugman.

TV is marketed to black people, gay people, and women. That's what I mean. Sorry to hurt your feelings insulting the tv tube. Comparing plays and operas to kike propaganda on tv shows you're plugged in to the zeitgeist.

nonanonanon ago

Just checking. Most operas are also shit and especially if you look at 19th century France, well let’s just say you’ll see what Wagner was bitching about. I just see a lot of kill your TV stuff here and while I agree with the (((TV))) part, I do think the gesamtkunstwerk is there to be made. I also think what little non-Jewish TV/movies suffers from a lack of skill and understanding the art form. You can’t just turn it off and start reading Aeschylus and expect to make the next great thing. That’s all, thanks for the clarification.

t9spjtws ago

Time to grow up. Movies aren't for white men. Stop being shocked at Jewish behavior. Stop falling for media demoralization propaganda.


Stop caring about fucking tv.

Disagree, because it is warping the minds of white children everywhere. Something needs to be done. Unless you don't give a shit what kind of world your kids inherit. In that case, you just might be a boomer.

Uxg ago

"Boomer" because you strawmanned a reply from me? Sure thing!

I think people should not watch tv with kids. Take them hiking. Build a swing set with them out of wood. Read with them. Be active. I in no fucking way advocated kids of all people watching tv. Despite your implication of such.

Your brain goes into a theta state when you watch tv and it just absorbs whatever is on it. As a former latch key kid who was literally raised by the cathode ray Jew, I can say with full confidence, that nobody should be subjecting their kids to literal brainwashing via tv.

A lot of bugmen suffer from the same kind of shit I am aware of. Early childhood memories are tied to too much tv and cartoons and shows. This is disgusting. A generation that associates their childhood with cartoons meant to market plastic toys. I advocate that nobody lets their kids watch that shit. At best documentaries or pre cucked shit like lassie or that. Fuck tv. It causes so much ass blasting on voat in insult the sacred kike altar of propaganda.

You don't have to "watch it to know cause they are using it against us" or any other Stockholm syndrome horse shit. I don't watch any tv. I get exposed to more of it than I can stomach seeing endless voat users get shocked week after week that tv is pushing agendas.

It's all so tiresome.

t9spjtws ago

Ok, check again and you will see I took issue with

Stop caring about fucking tv.

When did I say to watch TV? I said you should still care about it because, since other people do watch it, TV has an effect on your life. Your kids and grandkids might not watch it, but they will be in school with and go to work with people who do watch it.

You're basically saying to stop caring about jews because we can choose not to interact with them on a personal level. Even if you have never met a single jew in your life, your life is still heavily influenced by jews, and by TV. So yeah, you should probably care.

Uxg ago

Your argument is bullshit cause you call me a boomer and then make false equivalence arguments. Like if I called you a gook and complained about kimchi production. You're just tacking on a generational insult then arguing it. Like liberals do when they call people racist. It's no different than "are you still beating your wife?"

I type to the audience of lurkers. Not just to you. "You" means anyone reading this as much as it means (you). This is effective speaking in the medium we are using. More people will read this than just you.

I'm not saying "stop carrying about Jews" I'm saying stop partaking in their owned and operated propaganda machine. Pure and simple. Nobody is going to "fix" tv. Exposing yourself to it to "know the enemy" or horse shit like that does nothing but expose you the propaganda. Which you then spread by whining about it online. It helps spread message of demoralization. In the current year plus 2.9, nobody should be watching tv given the start of the world.

You should be building local communities, helping neighbors to rebuild local areas back to what they were. You should be having kids and teaching them. You should be getting in shape just in case. Learn sufficiency skills.

Not argue online that the person telling you to leave Platos cave is a wrong. Unplug yourself from the kike matrix that is tv.

Jesus Christ they have their claws in deep.

t9spjtws ago

I'm not saying "stop carrying about Jews" I'm saying stop partaking in their owned and operated propaganda machine.

This was in your post, verbatim:

Stop caring about fucking tv.

TV is the electric jew

Uxg ago

You shouldn't care about TV. You should care about Jews. Sorry you can't fathom despising Jews but not participating in their propaganda platform. Just cuck your shit up theta state absorption.

t9spjtws ago

You shouldn't care about TV. You should care about Jews.

TV and Jews are synonyms

Uxg ago

Cute downvoat buthurt faggot. Contrarian away.

TheSeer ago

Magic is real. Any sufficiently advanced technology will appear as magic, though, so that is the real question. What tech is being used. The elites are occultists, yes, but the devil and demons are real.

Do they grant them magickal powers or merely use high tech on these occultists behalf? May be a moot question. We have to trust our cultural traditions in this regard. This is WHY they destroy our culture and belittle our religion.

AnotherGrayman ago

You are why white people with brains hate religion.

You're like some nigger who doesn't understand what a metaphor is and blames his criminality on "evil spirits."

Thereunto ago

Man murders and claims he was possessed by an evil spirit.

Judge: "The apothecary will provide unto you potions that have a demonstrated ability to suppress the reoccurrence of possessions. You will be segregated from the people until it can be determined that these means are effective. If you refuse to submit or if the treatments are determined to be ineffectual, you will remain in segregation."

Translation: "You will be treated using pharmaceuticals with a demonstrated ability to suppress the effects of your mental illness. You will be segregated from the population... " [the rest is the same].

Whether we use the term "evil spirit" or not, the method for approach and the resolution can be exactly the same.

AnotherGrayman ago

By your logic, there is no reason to differentiate between schizophrenia and influenza because both require segregation and medication and are thusly the same category: evil spirits.

You're braindead. You're the reason people who aren't religious hate religion. Hal of wat you think you know is literally fairytale bullshit, and influences you to tightly hold on to incorrect observations.


Thereunto ago

there is no reason to differentiate between schizophrenia and influenza

Supernatural language would still differentiate between types of illnesses. Whether you call that science demonology or balances of the tumors doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what someone calls something so long as the cause and effect are derived empirically.

If someone claims that it was evil spirits you can take measures that are consistent with models of language. The fundamental requirement is to force each language case to be modelled around new information as it becomes available. Aether, the humors, miasma, and possessions all speak toward aspects of reality in as indirectly a sense that any conceptual framework. The aether particularly (a field that permeates all physical things) was abandoned as a scientific theory only because there wasn't enough traction in the community to update the model as platform for predictions, as it was felt that the existence of a permeating field wasn't the most concise school of thought / approach. Lo and behold we modernly accept the existence of the Higgs Field (a field that permeates all physical things) based on additional information. The of Arthur C Clark's quote about "advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" is based on the concept that all thoughts point to aspects of reality, some models just have more or less predictive power.

uvulectomy ago

He's a retard who thinks demons are interdimensional aliens, but outer space is "fake and gay."

Pretty sure he's got the same MO as the "NASA is a hoax" faggots that spammed Voat a while back. Discredit by association.

BushChuck ago

nasa is fake as fuck.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Nasa is a hoax. And it’s definitely flat

TheSeer ago

I've never said ANYTHING about space being fake, it was the Apollo Program that was a hoax. The Earth is a globe.

AnotherGrayman ago

No, but you DID say this gloriously stupid shit...

edit: I should add that demons are interdimensional entities (demons is just what we have called them for centuries) and they have also been described as 'aliens' for the last 60 years or so.

Demons are not interdimensional entities you fuck stick, "demon" is a metaphorical descriptor for the horrible animal nature of humanity that wrestles with the civilized consciousness.

Basically, it gives you a way to escape being labeled a fucking monster when you do wicked shit because you're an animal that isn't fully in control of itself.

Wasn't me who killed those people, it was a demon in control of my body!

Fuck you, dude. Fuck you.

You're exactly what we're talking about; a delusional moron with a brain full of program errors that results in a broken understanding of reality.

TheSeer ago

Hundreds of years, dozens of cultures around the world... All using the same metaphor? Sure, buddy.

It isn't about freeing 'monsters' (ike Epstein and his ilk) from culpability, it is about understanding what motivates them. Where they get their ideas. Like the guy who threw a child from a 3rd story in a mall, or others, covering strangers in human waste. I could show you videos right now of 'poltergeist' activity and people under demonic influence, but because your belief system does not allow for it to be true, you will say the videos have been edited/are CG, and that the people under demonic influence are simply 'on drugs' (which they are, usually, but doesn't explain where the ideas/motive comes from).

You keep studying things like Pizzagate and you will eventually, hopefully, figure out that there is a very very dark underbelly to the issue. Also a reason that cannibalism and human sacrifice have popped up all over the world, across the span of human history.

Charilko ago

Somebody remind me to do a book review of Satanic Feminism for y’all. The feminist movement has been eyeball-deep in the occult from the get-go, in a very literal manner.

Magic exists, it’s just not the happy Harry Potter, nice SFX shit that people have been conditioned to think of it as. Ask Satan nicely enough and he just might give you what you want from time to time.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Not without sacrificing a family member. Oh and satan is just handing out currency (satan is actually just the Jews) imo

ardvarcus ago

Ask Satan nicely enough and he just might give you what you want from time to time.

He'll give you what you think you want, but if you decide you don't want it he won't take it back.

TheMan1 ago

I've been waiting for an article on the SJW stuff in the series but haven't come across one yet. Other than the race changing, what else have they fucked it up with?

PontarBewsar ago

The usual. White men are pathetic, weak evil without any depth or explanation as to why they are that way. All the Whamen are glorious, even the evil ho in the first episode is given a back story as to why she is that way. blah, blah rinse and repeat. yawn

blumen4alles ago

I find it interesting of the custom of women taking the mans name when they get married. I think lineage on the female side is more important. The egg that became my mother was inside my grandmother all her life until it was fertilized, and I see this going backwards through time. Males only activate what was already there.

At the top of the satanic pedophile elite, I imagine there to be a gaggle of old women ruling the world...

AnotherGrayman ago

Lineage is traced through men because they're the ones carrying their family through the trials of the world.

It's not women fighting wars and taming lands. You don't name the family after a sperm receptacle.

Thinking of mothers being "more important" because of a biological trick is pussy-boy vagina worship.

Males "only" activate what's already there?

The President only activates nuclear weapons, he doesn't actually destroy anything, it's all the nukes.

So we record the names of the nuclear warheads into history, but we don't write about the guy who launched them.


blumen4alles ago

Fuck off faggot, see my posts in v/mgtow. You are not understanding my point at all. I am speaking on a metaphysical level.

tlamatini ago

The Y chromosome from the father is the only one you can trace though.

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truckboattruck ago

middle ages europe : "lets put a fat nigger in fat plate mail"

"then lets make the king a pussy and the queen some kind of manly warrior"

i feel bad for henry, he did a solid job, for a property he appreciated.

Whats_my_password ago

In the middle ages in Europe, all the super duper warriors were heroic black guys.Everyone knows that.

Conspirologist ago

Boycott SJW propaganda. Don't pay for their shit.

Timur9000 ago

Don’t forget they made dr Manhattan A NIGGER.

Conspirologist ago

Yes, they don't create new characters. They ruin canon characters. Their goal is the destruction of characters that were made by the white intellectuals, who were obviously white. The first nigger instead of white was cast in Thor, but the idiots didn't care and said "it's just a movie".

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Anything with minorities in a main role AVOID

Even shit like witcher with token niggers

Whats_my_password ago

Wait! there's a minority in a main role? Cool.