blanco9000 ago

Cry more, pussy.

PogotheClan ago

I used to like Deniro - but after his Fuck Trump Bullshit, the fat little joojoo can fuck off

killkillkill ago

God, you're a fucking faggot. DeNiro is one of the most legendary actors to ever live, and his performance, along with Pacino and Pesci, was phenomenal. You're so clouded by the fact that he wifed a black chick that you can't even enjoy a good movie. His face hasn't had any fucking plastic surgeries either, you dense twat. They used CGI to de-age him during certain scenes.

God, imagine being this fucking stupid.

Not to mention DeNiro is playing an IRISHMAN in this movie, has played three other Mafia affiliated characters in his career including THE GODFATHER PART2, one of the greatest movies ever made, and Goodfellas, one of the greatest mob films ever made, as has Pacino in THE GODFATHER1/2/3, as has Pesci in Goodfellas/Casino.

Stupid fucking idiot cuck faggot piece of shit scrawnball cuck. Go be beta somewhere else, scared of niggers, faggot.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Trying too hard.

LastCowboy ago

Fuck you for even considering watching a movie with Robert De Niro in it! He is the enemy.

aCuriousYahnz ago

I was laughing my ass off when De Niro was beating that guy up. Looked so weak. .The hand stomp. Didn't even look like it would hurt.

Scald85 ago

The Mafia is very ugly in real life, in all ways. Glamorizing the Mafia was almost like Jackson Pollock paintings, intended to demonstrate that the media elites can sell any psychological operation to the masses and make them believe it.

magagirl ago

The damage is done you already gave them your money

generate ago

nope I pirated this POS

Newmemba ago

yup organized crime is a jewish phenomenon, there were the Italian crime families for sure but it is jews who raised the organizational level towhat it is today.

(((they))) stole the pension funds of the Teamsters, over a billion dollars at that time

ardvarcus ago

I watched this last night. It was kind of funny, the way it started, with De Niro in an old folk's home, mumbling to himself. All the main actors were in there 70s or 80s. You have to give credit to Scorsese for being able to hold the interest of the audience for three and a half hours.

For anyone who doesn't know, the movie is basically about Jimmy Hoffa, and how he disappeared. It traces all the history the liberals love so much -- Kennedy's assassination, Watergate.

I found the movie to be intensely depressing. There is no decent, honorable character in it. The Irishman's daughter, who turns her back on her father because of his mob connections, is the closest thing to honorable, and she is still a selfish little bitch.

This material is very familiar. We've all seen this movie at least a dozen times before over the decades. At times I thought I was watching The Valachi Papers with Charles Bronson.

HelmutSchnitzelnazi ago

It was a shit movie, too fucking long.

Drunkenst ago

Gonna pass - those involved not my kind of folks.

LastCowboy ago

I made it through literally no more than 10 minutes of that movie. It's awful, everything about it is bad.

Glipglup ago

Why are you watching hollyjew

bitbug ago

Holy shit I'm so sick of seeing these stupid posts on the voat frontpage.

Every week there's some other stupid faggot complaining that they didn't like yet another jew movie they chose to watch. STOP WATCHING THE HOLLY WOOD JEW!

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Sounds like you need a nap nap.

bitbug ago

That's not an argument, rabbi

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Sure it is. You're cranky so no one needs to pay you any mind.

Uxg ago

It makes you realize how powerful the grip of television and movies is, doesn't it? I'm not sure if it's people being hopeful that suddenly it'll be noncucked, people just discovering it, bugmen, or demoralization propaganda

Whichever it is, it is all so tiresome.

SearchVoatBot ago

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bowyang ago

TIL even "based" millenials watch movies with a checklist of boxes to tick and their enjoyment of the storylines and plot are dictated by which boxes are ticked the end of the movie. God help us.

Aidan20 ago

Imagine getting triggered by old actors, when 90% of current year Hollywood is these twenty-something nobodies that got hired through casting couch selection. Still salty about Scorsese redpilling people over capeshit, eh?

BordelonLoop ago

i liked Harry Brown, the Michael Caine movie. it was more realistic.

GreatWhiteBeyond ago

That's a pretty good one. Don't usually see it mentioned.

HiJoker ago

It's up for torrent and I refused to download it. That's an interesting approach to curtailing piracy, make movies so shitty with such disgusting pukes like De Niro, aka Raging Bullshit that nobody is willing to tie up bandwidth stealing it.

voaty_voatface ago

then go watch super heroes shoot lighting from their fingertips you cretin.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Suck a Jew dick, faggot.

voaty_voatface ago

Can't bend down that far 😥

Merlynn ago

Fun fact: (((Hollywood))) likes to portray the mob as "Italian" when it was actually mostly jewish. In fact,most mobs,regardless of country are jewish or at least run by jews. This is blood libel.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Jew Derangement Syndrome.

Merlynn ago

I find jews are pretty deranged.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago


Merlynn ago

You haven't noticed?

Hyst ago

What about all the real world court cases and examples of clearly Sicilian organized crime?

I guess they're just the fall guys?

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Yup. Hank Messick's book "Lansky" discusses this somewhat. The jewish mob preferred having Italians and the public face of organized crime to take attention away from the fact that it was jews who were calling the shots. People like Lansky led very low key, low visibility lives and let the Italians live flamboyantly. It was this strategy that allowed the jewish mob as run by Lansky to become at one time "bigger than GM [General Motors]". Lansky used money from his organization to help fund the creation of the state of Israel.

waringi ago

The Italians provided the "muscle" for the mob, because they were the newest immigrants in need of work. Then when the Italians figured out they could move up through violence, they became the head of families. ie Sammy the Bull and Al Capone.

Merlynn ago

Also,jews lived in Italy for a long time,so passing themselves off as Italian was easy.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

They sure did, and being the sneaky shape shifters they are, they managed to get their evil DNA into a population already weakened by hordes of invaders (including islamic shit skins for a while). Take a good look at Savanarola, for example. I can't find any proof, but damn if he doesn't look like he has kike forebears.

waringi ago

There was a DNA study done on countries in south America. Turns out something like 5% of them have jew dna because they were crypto spaniards who went to the new world and raped all the natives. Whatever atrocities the Spanish committed, they were probably by cryptos.

Merlynn ago

You probably won't find any. You know how they love to destroy records,especially ones showing who they really are. But yeah,guy looks like a classic fish faced jew. I'd imagine most people in Italy have some jew relation at this point.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Bingo, that is the reason why they pushed the "italian mafia" in Hollywood. Jews can be made to look Italian at first glance due to the naturally dark features whereas they could never truly blend in with Aryans.

Merlynn ago

It's more like the use of jews as Italians in movies and TV shows is so pervasive,most people don't know what a real Italian looks like.

Glipglup ago

To this day people on Voat confuse Italians with Jews. Before white people Jews used to be all "hello my fellow Italians oy vey" because they have similar facial features it's easy for them to blend in. Take Louis Rossmann, I posted his channel here and because he has dark curly hair and black eyes people think he might beat Jew but really he's German-Italian and if you watch his videos on New York real estate he's clearly not Jewish.

Cobr4Comm4nder ago

TF, I was convinced to this moment that he was Jewish. My prejudices are showwa.

Glipglup ago

He's got curly hair and a New York accent but that's not what makes a yid. He stated that he was denied tenency once by a Jewish man who thought Luis was Jewish but upon realizing he wasn't had redacted the offer. He also preaches honesty, hard work and a strong ethical system. He's also going to court consumer protection laws and the Jew lawyers and Jew politicians clearly don't care for his concerns.

Italians, yet another European race drug through the mud by kikes.

Killeratlarge ago

Damn I though Louis Rossman was the only kike I liked

Merlynn ago

Well,most of the "Italians" they've seen are Hollywood jews claiming to be Italian. For example,Sylvester Stallone is jewish. Couldn't tell,could you? I didn't till I looked him up. I used to think he was 100% Italian. Turns out,his mom's a jew. So that'd be a common reason people confuse jews and Italians.

ardvarcus ago

For example,Sylvester Stallone is jewish.

That explains how he got his foot in the door with his Rocky script.

Merlynn ago

Well,it was a pretty good movie.

TheSeer ago

Maternal DNA for Ashkenazi apparently has a large southern Italian component. The paternal... I think it was more varied. Probably along the coast of the Black Sea (Khazaria) and eastern Mediterranean. There was beef with Armenians for centuries because they were competing with each other as merchants in all the same places.

Then there was the Armenian genocide and... Yeah. Centuries in the making revenge, or just bloodlust from the 'Young Turks'?

Merlynn ago

It was more like they wanted to wipe them out and finally had the chance.

TheSeer ago

I know. The Young Turks were cryptos.

Merlynn ago

Well,the leaders were at least.

TheSeer ago

Yep. But a fish rots from the head down.

Merlynn ago

I'm just saying I doubt jews put their own in harm's way. Most were probably puppets.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Europeanrennaisance ago

the boomers have to feel bad ass vicariously through their movies till they die. sad.

INK9 ago

De Niro is not a boomer. He was born in 1943. He is however a major asshole.

t9spjtws ago

The spirit of the word "boomer" is a baby that was conceived when a GI got home from war. 1943 could definitely qualify, if De Niro's dad was sent home early

BumpyGums ago

I watched this on Thanksgiving, and came to a similar conclusion. The movie was 3 and a half hours long. 1 hour could have been trimmed, and the movie would have been the same. It was a clone of Goodfellas, with less plot, and more filler.

TheKingAndTheLandR1 ago

clone of goodfellas

This, only in the when we were young flashbacks they still looked like old men. And no 70s and 80s bling.

It might actually have worked as a modern version if they had taken a risk with some fresh faces instead of tried casting old men they thought wouod be bankable. And and relied on so many cliche's.

Bottled_Tears ago

The scene where Robert deniro is kicking that market guy on this street, wow some of the weakest fake kicks I've ever seen.

TheKingAndTheLandR1 ago

That was the point I turned it off.

bb22 ago

Odds are good we’ll live to see someone doing a much better job kicking De Niro himself on the street

BordelonLoop ago

if only it were to pass.

Heartdisease ago

My friends were watching this last night and we were making fun of the same scene.

Triple_InVerse ago

Thanks crazy matrix level shit, I watched it right up until that scene and I was like "fuck this" and turned it off. It was so fake and gay that I couldn't maintain the illusion.

Heartdisease ago

It almost looked like a cutscene from a bad video game.

Triple_InVerse ago

That's a perfect description. Like early PS2 games.

generate ago

when you are 76, don't exercise and have 20 extra kilos, your main mission is to keep the balance

satisfyinghump ago

Youd think hed know how to kick someone on the ground as I'm sure when hes home his wife and mongrel kids take turns kicking him...

ardvarcus ago

LOL, I noticed that also. Talk about shitty method acting. You could really see that De Niro is just a little old man when he was trying to kick with his foot. Pathetic.

blit416 ago

best laugh of my day so far. thats a mental image to save!!

pshawman ago

Star studded cast, haven't even been able to finish it. Fucking snoozefest.

GreatWhiteBeyond ago

Drug on quite a bit - repetitive, too. They didn't do a good job of making the audience care about any of the characters, so nothing really seemed to matter. Even Al Pacino sucked, and I usually like his stuff.

petevoat ago

Yeah, it was bizarre alright, I don't get why it got a high rating in imdbq

LightningLol ago

Fake reviews & cocksuckers in Hollywood just trying to up their social cred.

Glipglup ago

They pay pajeets to write fake positive reviews.

Swallowdaredpill ago

Because the same people own the rating system.