PogotheClan ago

You are right. I haven't heard of it. I will go out of my way to watch anything he peadomedia shun. Thanks

ESOTERICshade ago

Thank you for this thread. It was good. It got me back into movies :)

Podge512 ago

I enjoyed the John Wick films for the mindless action flicks they are. Other than that, the only films I've seen released this decade which I've enjoyed are The Gift (good psychological thriller with Joel Edgerton, doesn't play out how you would think!), Hell or High Water (modern westernesque crime thriller with Jeff Bridges) and Cold in July (80s style thriller with Don Johnson, Sam Shepphard and Dexter) as well as half decent horror movies like The Conjuring, Sinister, The Autopsy of Jane Doe and Hereditary. John Wick moves aside, none of the above have any forced diversity and are just trying to tell an entertaining story. Other than these, I stick to the noir classics from the 40s & 50s, movies from the 70s & 80s and east Asian cinema.

Splaining8Logic ago

A great remake would be "The Treasure of Sierra Madre"

It was a great movie..........

Ghostman_Loon ago

People do not care. FFS they loved that End Game shit.

FEMAswimteam ago

Great movie, was surprised when I seen this since he has so many unserious roles.

Belrick ago

being average looking joe he owned the role. a guy out of his depth motivated to keep his family alive

very realistic.

Jay3Fisher ago

1944 is the least pozzed ww2 movie. It's about Estonians on the German side

boekanier ago

Good movies. You mean movies without jewish propaganda for niggers?

ICanSeeYourPixels ago

Commenting to save thread

weezkitty ago

That's why you should never pay attention to critic reviews

olltre ago

i love Owen Wilson, ill have to check this out. Im suprised to see him in such a serious role tho. he used to be one of the funniest actors on the planet for a while.

notallclowns ago

No escape is a great film.

StopTheDrop ago

Then there are the secretly-redpilled ones. Minions where the little yellow stupid techies are just a stand-in for Chinese H1Bs. Wreck-it Ralph (the first one) which features a German-named princess who has forgotten she is the true heir to the throne. And the bad guy that everyone hates saves her. The Never Ending Story (German movie with English subtitles), where the hero Atreyu fails in his quest, the giant with the good strong hands fails to save his friends, the empire gets overtaken by the Nothing, but then gets rebuilt from a grain of sand because a boy in our world has fantasy and hope and gives it a new name (hint:it's not going to be called NatSoc this time). Rapunzel with the stereotypical Jewish mother holding captive the Aryan princess who has forgotten who she was (and White ruffians save the day again). Zootopia where the poor sheep victims with afro haircuts are actually the bad guys. We are not alone. We just need a few more (((heads))) in Hollywood to roll.

P3NCE ago

It is seriously insane. Last night my wife and I had the house to ourselves while the kids were at grandparents. We were excited to enjoy a movie yet after searching the last year worth of movies, absolutely nothing looked worthwhile. We haven't watched a movie together in probably 8 months. I tried getting her to watch Terminator 2 as a last resort(a movie I have seen a thousand times) but to no avail. We ended up just going to bed. Shows how jewed modern movies are when we would rather go to bed. Tonight we had family over from Texas and locally for thanksgiving holidays. They were flabbergasted that we didn't subscribe to Netflix, Hulu, or god forbid cable TV to tell us what to think. One member tried downloading the ESPN app to get his fix.

Belrick ago

yep modern films are pure shite. have been for years

ESOTERICshade ago

A good old rawbone western with a twist she would enjoy is Lonesome Dove. Its pretty good.

ICanSeeYourPixels ago

Who downvoted you? LD is a fucking classic!

ESOTERICshade ago

LD is a fucking classic!

I thought so too!

Niggertoes ago

Ravenous (1999)

Fucking classic black humor.

PogotheClan ago

Wow, that's a blast for the past. Good fucking movie. Not to be confused with the boring zombie movie that came out recently

curiouserdude ago

One thing I loooove about vote is it's a great place to find out about culture that doesn't suck. That's one of the most annoying things about the mainstream, all the highly promoted stuff is absolute garbage.

stray502 ago

I saw that movie it was a good movie and its actually still available on netflix.

mediaisfooked ago

I'd like to see Mel Gibson/ Clint Eastwood make "The Turner Diaries." That would be an awesome movie!

Alex_Jones ago

That move is set during the beginning Cambodian genocide. From the perspective of the character.

I have looked for more films on rhe Cambodian genocide from a story/film standpoint. There are not a lot. I think I found one. But compared to the holocaust, its nothing. Why does our educational system fail to dive deep into post WW2 genocides? Why do genocides of communist states hardly get mentioned? There are many people alive and in sound mind who went through this tragedy. Hollywood is failing to record and personalise these stories.

Belrick ago

they dont want to dilute genocides. they want public focus on the only one that matters to hollywood

SpecterPelt ago

What are you talkin about kept from the public. This was a big Nationwide theatrical release movie.

Belrick ago

under the radar of myself and everyone i know.

happy that you heard about it

8stripes ago

Can anyone in this thread spelll the English language correctly?

mediaisfooked ago

As soon as you get that jew cock out of your mouth you brit cunt.

operation_wetvac ago

My favorite part of "No Escape" was when

I'd also recommend the Rambo movie from 2008 or so if you want more fun involving white folk enjoying asian diversity.

Blood-is-Nature ago

They totally have something planned for China taking over the leadership position of capitalism after the west falls. The good old talmudic doctrine "creating order out of chaos" needs a spectacle of better times to force all the new slaves back into servitude to rebuild, so expect them to usher in an entire new zeitgeist movement to sell the jew world order. All these fake celebrity deaths over the decades had the purpose of cultivating something in secret. The need to sell jewishness to the world, or better...obedience to jewishness, which will require a massive spell/deception campaign.

ESOTERICshade ago

They totally have something planned for China taking over the leadership position of capitalism after the west falls.

I have been thinking the same thing. My suspicion is that for the last decade, at least, the oligarchs that live off freely printed money have been investing in China and are prepared for the collapse of the western economies. As they bleed the western world dry and transfer it to China they are positioned for generational dynastic wealth for generations.

ketoll ago

Shit... I hate reading other people confirm my own suspicions.

Blood-is-Nature ago

First off Mao was funded by the Rothschild's to overthrow China under communism, and in return China was prepped up as the production industry of the west (made in china) and most other parts participating in capitalism. This was accompanied with a dense decades long propaganda campaign to discredit the quality of China's exports, while at the same time all jew controlled western corporations would outsource their production lines to China. During that time the jew controlled Saudis were financially prepped up by draining the west out of money with endless jew promoted oil shortages (all lies), while exponentially pumping oil into the industrialization of China.

Now China is not just used as the backup capitalism central, but also to colonize Africa, which was promised to them for supporting the jewish mafia militarily (together with Russia) for the destruction of the west and more importantly for the jewish one world government to this world. While all this was going on the ejwish banking cartel used usury to keep the majority of the world in perpetual poverty, to criminally exploit them with every criminal racket known to men, but also to bred the 3rd world into critical condition (especially Africa) to then use them as proxy warriors under the disguise of migration. This feeds into the black vs white race war their cooking up, which is supported by the Saudis deliberately destabilizing the middle east (with the help of the US army) to force muzzies into migration and thereby into a religious war between Islam and Christianity, and finally we got the banking cartel prepping their totalitarian control combo (cash-less currency, social credit system and universal income) by destroying all the western economies to really create some chaos. The latter being fluffed up by the destabilization of South America and Pakistan to keep that migration invasion momentum going. After all this is going down the UN mafia will march in with their FEMA camps, while being backed by Russian and Chinese troops to "restore order".

And secondly: this isn't about money, because the so called jews own the monetary system itself, and most natural resources, as well as the means of all production and the fruits of most labor. It's about control (and self destruction in the long run).

GrizzlyDark ago

It is crazy that the people can't collectively say "White man good" as easily as "Orange man bad".

Not equal arguments, I get that. But it should much more than painfully obvious to people that blacks and muslims commit crimes. Asians aren't that bad but if they get too far up in a chain of command, check if they are really here for us or for them.

If an immigrant isn't here to become an American...Get the fuck out. Not hard. This is all shit I'm pretty sure I would have spouted out in 4th grade. That's not hyperbole, I just never fell into the weird shit people tried to teach me.

It's common fucking sense and we need to jump on that train.

Blood-is-Nature ago

It's called mass conformity achieved through information control. They are in control of every means of how mankind accesses information, while also using their control over the education fields to corrupt the learning process of the younger generations. Education is all about regurgitating the limited information that is offered to make you compliant to the system. All individual pursuit of out of the box knowledge is either discouraged early on by promoting the fear of not being part of the group, or they separate the students for future use to the system. As for all the working drones...they don't question anything because they are busy slaving themselves to death, while seeking only distraction from new information aka entertainment.

GrizzlyDark ago

"IF an immigrant isn't here to become an American...

GET THEM the fuck out***.. My bad

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bkugs71 ago

I'm not sure it was kept from the public but it definitely got shit on by critics for obvious reasons but the recent remake of Death Wish with Bruce Willis was great.


Check out " DAY OF THE SIEGE "....totally politically incorrect.

bonhomme2012 ago

Where's the torrents?

ButtonQuail ago

And there’s an English dub version!

TheKalergiFan ago

2015 no escape

I saw this on Netflix, it was great. Based off of the riots in Thailand when the prince was almost overthrown

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Now this is a weird conspiracy.

ketoll ago

Unfortunately the Commie Chinese may be filling this gap too. I just posted in this sub about Chinese Fosun and Alibaba Films behind "Gemini Man" with Will Smith.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

I have zero fears in that regard.

ketoll ago

When I look at how Commie China treats their own citizens and is using their "social credit" surveillance system for complete control, I don't want them having any influence over the west. At least Hollywood is cheap and shallow. China would probably be more crafty in propaganda targeting Communism acceptance.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Yes, to clarify, I think your characterization of China is 100% on the money. It's just that I don't think they'll be able to pull it off their ambitions. Your better safe than sorry attitude is a wise stance to take.

Miralian ago

Independent movie companies are popping up outside of Hollywood. Dallas based Cinestate is an example. They've done Bone Tomahawk, Brawl in Cellblock 99, and Dragged Across Concrete.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Those are all good ones.

langoleer ago

I think that advances in technology are going to make actor’s obsolete. Everything will be CGI. Imagine watching a movie that follows the book exactly and doesn’t insert virtue signaling bullshit. Short book = Movie, Long Book =Series.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

That might be one type of film, but I think traditionally made films will still have their place. Theater still exists after all.

Karbuster ago

Ive watched local theatres actually start picking up locally produced films, theyre so desperate for content and bodies in the building

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Out of work actors will do all kinds of shit. I couldn't believe what they were asking of these poor schmucks in NYC to do FOR FREE just for the hope of exposure.

WD_Pelley ago

Bone Tomahawk is a nice gritty Western with plenty of Injun-killing.

olltre ago

thanks for reminding me about this movie, ive been meaning to watch it.

Miralian ago

Check out Brawl in Cell Block 99 and Dragged Across Concrete by the same movie company, Cinestate.

ICanSeeYourPixels ago

Because of your post I actually attempted to watch this movie today. I'm not sure if you're a clever troll or if you're for real. That was o e of the worst movies I've ever seen. Campy trash. Fight scenes were laughable. I would only recommend this movie if your intention is to laugh at how bad it is.

iitpanun ago

Watched that one twice (Cell Block 99). Great flick. And jesus...the Bone Tomahawk scene near the end....fuck me, that was brutal.

ICanSeeYourPixels ago

Cell Block 99 was terrible. Jesus Christ some of you faggots have terrible taste in movies.

iitpanun ago

So you kept watching, for "almost" two hours, after you found out she cheated on him in spite of her cheating being the gold standard for you to consider movies terrible? Were you expecting some plot twist where he murders her after he knocks her up, as retribution for her cheating on such an upstanding citizen of society? Maybe he wanted a kid? Maybe he wanted to continue his bloodline...albeit with a skank cheating hooker. Maybe you're a fag and you were disappointed when he chose to go back to her, and we're hoping he went full cuck and started hammering a bunch of dudes in the ass? What's your favorite movie of all time? Enlighten me on your supreme taste in movies.

ICanSeeYourPixels ago

Jesus fucking Christ. Thanks for attempting to contribute to the movie thread, but please don't next time. Did you watch the same movie I did? I gave it an honest chance thinking (wrongly) that voaters wouldn't let me down. Holy fucking shit dude. I ended up fast forwarding it to the end and it just got worse. Let me guess, you're the dude who produced this pile of shit? Because no one else in their right mind would EVER recommend this shit heap of a wanna be movie. If you're not somehow directly involved in this film, then I'm willing to bet that even the people responsible for producing this film know how much of a shit show it is. It wasn't even good compared to the usual campy indie shit out there. Let me guess, this was you: "hurrrr durrr they said faggot and nigger one time hurrr durrr based and red pilled movie bro!"


iitpanun ago

You said you didn't watch the movie; you fast-forwarded through it. And then gave us all your review of something you didn't watch. Do you write for Vox? You seemed to like that colored comedian guy given your last gay as fuck comment copying something from his Netflix show. You can't even be original. "Bro."

ICanSeeYourPixels ago

I watched an hour and last complete 30 minutes of it, that's time I'll never get back. This doesn't matter, the movie was pure shit. I can't believe people liked it.

ardvarcus ago

Bone Tomahawk is a good movie. It doesn't suck up to the standard leftest narrative about the "noble savage" and how horrible the white man was to take away his land. When these Indians in the movie are killed, everyone knows the world is a brighter place.

PogotheClan ago

if you like that then you should check out his movie 'Brawl in Cell Block 99'

WD_Pelley ago

It doesn't suck up to the standard leftest narrative about the "noble savage" and how horrible the white man was to take away his land.

And there's even one Indian in the movie who straight up calls that tribe a bunch of cannibalistic inbreds, so it also implicitly points to the historical reality that the various tribes didn't get along with each other. It was gory and terrifying as fuck but damn it was satisfying seeing those bastards all killed off.

Enderific ago

+1 for Bone Tomahawk. I was caught off guard by how good that movie was.

Rubberdong ago

when terry gilliam shot Zero Theorem, it got absolutely no coverage in the cinemas.

At the same time, Lucy with SAcarlet Johanson was being playind all over the place constantly. Naturally...it was a box office.

It happens all the time with art.

You need to dig through shit to find a gem. And we simply no longer have the time for this. So as you turn 30 you drop the hobby or find a reliable source you trust.

Rotten tomatoes, the most popular werbsite for movie reviews has Black Panther at the top of the list for Dramas.

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Voatering4life ago

Watched Conspiracy Theory for the 2nd - first time at the theater. In the intro-all his babble is conspiracy fact. Fell asleep halfway through but will go back and finish. It is interesting how some truths are hidden in plain sight. The MK Ultra programming has been strong for a looong time.

blumen4alles ago

At first I though you were talking about another movie with the same title - the one with Ray Liotta.

I've seen the one you are talking about, but don't have it in my collection yet. Right now I have almost two-weeks worth of downloading in queue. Been creating an HD library.

Good point OP.

GrizzlyDark ago

Now I'm jealous and realize why people download ALL of the things. I'll be back after I get a gigantic new hard drive.

Never thought about downloading as a hobby, until just now.

blumen4alles ago

The 8TB Seagate's (Backup Plus model, they have a USB hub on them) aren't too bad. They use SMR (shingled magnetic recording) so they aren't quite as fast to write as conventional drives. Not really something you want to use other than writing once, like an archive. Most large drives are going that way now. All the HDD companies have been bought up, there are only like three manufacturers left.

GrizzlyDark ago

Be careful with those shitty things. I recently found an old external hard drive, was pretty excited. Like a time capsule. Went to fire it up, nothing happened. Upon much further research, it was simply a piece of shit.

blumen4alles ago

Oh yeah, I only use it as a backup drive. I have two old 2TB drives that are still going fine. After researching online about SMR and the archive drives (because of horribly slow write speeds) I decided to find out which manufacturers still have none SMR drives that size, and it is only Toshiba. So I bought my first Toshiba drive as my main data drive for movies. I wish all the other companies weren't bought up (Maxtor, etc) and there were more options...

Did you try any tricks to get your drive spinning so you could recover data? Sometimes putting it in the freezer works.

ardvarcus ago

I've mentioned a few good movies with white casts here over the past few weeks. You can find them, but you need to really hunt for them, because they are buried under a mountain of feminist empowerment, magic-nigger, race-mixing, anti-white garbage.

SocksOnCats ago

I love movies. I collect them. I learn from them. It one of my things.

Thanks for this. I will go get No Escape and watch it.

What other movies are being hidden or should get more exposure? I recently read Ford vs Ferrari is a good one. Can’t wait to get it (I rarely see movies in theaters).

I recently saw The Reliant - the God / survival film with Kevin Sorbo. It was pretty good. I’m not particularly religious, but I respect those who are, and The Reliant presented things in such a light I could easily go along with it.

Watched 300 with my son last night. His first time. He’s 12 and loved it. He’s big in history so I made sure to couch the movie in a very proper historical light. Gave him a lot of backstory on Xerxes (who had a jew wife, BTW) and Darius and Cyrus. To understand 300 you really have to dig back through history and keep asking ‘why’. What’s interesting about this is that in digging back you find that (((they))) had quite a hand in the ancient conflicts between the Persian and Western empires.

Voat needs a list of good red pill movies.

satisfyinghump ago

I can imagine you telling your son that, "xerxes... he had a jew wife by the way... now pass the popcorn son!"

SocksOnCats ago

It was just about like that. He understands the historical 'contributions' of the jews - he gets it. Was a good night watching 300.

Littorio ago

The problem with 300 is that is everything but historical. The film exploited a war between two white people (Greece and Persians were Aryans) to promote the anti-Iran agenda now. Persians then were not monsters or dark skinned and had little connections with modern iranians, as the ignorant/biased media want you to belive

SocksOnCats ago

Well, yes and no. I made sure to properly couch things in a more historical fashion for him.

GrizzlyDark ago

God damnit I wish you were my neighbor. I feel like we could go through a bottle of Booker's and shoot the shit and enjoy the time.

Good on you making sure your son is based and redpilled. 300 is an awesome movie, just don't watch anything streaming as they cut the gore.

V For Vendetta?

SocksOnCats ago

Fuck ya Bookers! And lately I've been drinking a bit of Dickel's. Really good stuff. I visited the distillery when I was in Nashville for a data convention. Great stuff, that.

I never watch any streaming bullshit. I download and own everything. Have a little server with 20Tb of movies and TV shows and music of all different kinds.

I red pill the shit out of my son (mostly subtly). He's seen V for Vendetta, and he liked it, but I think he'll need to watch it again in a few years. He loved 300 and he totally gets it. And I do let him see a bit of South Park now and then. American History X is quite a few years off yet.

Ya we could be neighbors. Would be fun. Where do you live? I'm in the liberal kingdom of Marin County, CA.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

backstory on Xerxes (who had a jew wife, BTW)

Jews and mudkikes are the same and have always been allied against whites. Just more proof.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Gran Torino

Good Fellas

A Scanner Darkly

The Fountain

Mr Nobody

Patrice O'Neal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dulGdlC6hs

FEMAswimteam ago

Love Goodfellas but I wish De Niro would shut his mouth on politics..

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Deniro's a kike :P ofc

curiouserdude ago

Scanner Darkly was great. Slacker, also directed by Linklater, is also excellent and a unique piece of film making.

Basshole ago

Falling down is a great one to

Charilko ago

American History X - the thesis of this movie is basically that Voat-minded people are evil idiots

The Fountain - I love this one too, but the director’s got to be some kind of Satanist.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Just imagine that he starts out in antifa.. and ends up as a national socialist

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

I didn't see any jewry in The Fountain. I saw a man who wished he spent more time with his (white) woman, that everything is connected, and that sheer willpower can accomplish nearly anything

dubmon3y ago

The Fountain was done by the jew Darren Aronofsky who more recently did mother! So yeah Satanist.

Way too many people citing pozzed jew movies in this thread as good.

P3NCE ago

Charilko is exactly right about American History X.

It was on the TV around people I know. I hadn't seen it in forever but it portrays the whites as evil basically while Jews being in the right. He is horrible for protecting his property while blacks steal it armed. His brother is evil for writing his story about civil rights on Hitler. Whole movie is jewed. Portrays the whites as drug addicted pieces of shit.

iitpanun ago

Totally true...however by themselves, the dinner scene was pretty entertaining as well as the basketball scene and the curb-stomping scene. Other than that, it's a bait and switch garbage.

GlowWorm ago

I liked The Fountain a lot, (((Aronofsky))) must’ve stole it because his other movies are shyte.

Can’t recommend American History X, at all.

Gran Torino was ok, only because of Eastwood, but it’s all about conditioning us to accept our replacement. No fucking thanks.

Never saw Fight Club but the author is a degenerate fag of the highest order.


They Live, First Blood, Open Range, Boondock Saints, Michael Collins

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Edge of Tomorrow was a pleasant surprise, as was Brightburn.

PogotheClan ago

Edge of tomorrow not a redpill movie.But it is a great grounghogday-esque scifi action movie.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Good luck separating movies as redpill and otherwise.

indoctrophobe ago

Could you imagine Brightburn being made with a black kid as the villain?

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

I mean, devil's advocate, they did make Hancock, which I still find kind of unbelievable. A black dude as a drunk loser, abusing his super powers? And Will Smith of all people.

indoctrophobe ago

But Hancock was still a likeable character. The kid in Brightburn represents pure unhinged evil. That's why it could only ever have been a white kid.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Maybe, but I'd say closer to reality is too nail-on-the-head for liberals. Like why the thugs on the train in Joker couldn't be black. But Michael Peele is remaking every horror movie in black so I'm sure it won't be long before we have a black Rosemary's Baby.

SocksOnCats ago

Saw Edge of Tomorrow (2014). I liked it, but I'm not sure what red pill I should be getting from it. Some help there?

Brightburn sounds awesome. I'll check that out asap.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

I don't buy into the red pill meme. I was just suggesting some decent movies that aren't full of the typical woke bullshittery.

ardvarcus ago

What other movies are being hidden or should get more exposure?

The King is good.

aboutime ago

Rush--- great true story of Grand Prix racing rivals

SpecterPelt ago

The movie Backcountry is a fun movie

WD_Pelley ago

I second this. All White cast (well, Timothee Chamalet is half-jew but I won't hold that against him for now) and two +/- female characters. The women aren't Mary Sue bitches; one's an innkeeper who calls out Falstaff as being a drunk asshole and the other is a French princess who is politically savvy. Oh, and then there's the lovely, traditional Queen of Denmark who gives some advice to her cousin because she loves and care for him.

YoHomie ago

You can get those movies, you're just an asshole who thinks Netflix or some other similar company is going to provide them to you. You must be stupid, most people have heard of a public library. They'll give you any movie, even if they have to do a load from another county or state.

Now grow the fuck up and quit being such a faggot.

bonhomme2012 ago

"You're stupid" he says while using the socialist public tax payer "library" system to get movies on his neighbors dime.

blumen4alles ago

LOL you have the internet, why not just download them? I can get almost any movie with usenet or torrent. I am not talking about streaming either. Most of the movies I have are full HD with a file size of 10GB in x264, half that or smaller in x265.

Plus I don't have a list of movies I have watched on file at the public library...

They are being kept from the public in that they are not advertised like woke movies are. You have to remember them, search IMDB, or browse forums.

ESOTERICshade ago

What torrent program do you use? I use to use one years ago to download movies but I forgot the name of it.

And what Torrest sites do you use? I used to know all this shit but I can't remember.

blumen4alles ago

Only ever used uTorrent. I know there are other clients, but I haven't tried them out. Torrent sites vary, I try to use all magnet links. If I can't find a movie on usenet (like the other day all copies of Ghostbusters 2 were missing) I try to find a YIFY torrent for it. The files are small but they are good quality, around 1.7GB for 1080p. The Pirate Bay is still online, sometimes the clearnet one is down so I have to use TOR. Then the magnet links don't work from TOR, so you have to copy the magnet in TOR and paste it into your regular browser.

A usual torrent search example.

If I see a ~10GB movie with lots of seeders I will usually get it. Otherwise it is usually YIFY.

1337x is another good site.

kickasstorrents is OK, sometimes you have to give them a password, which is 654321, and sometimes after getting a link it will redirect to a site saying your computer is fucked up and won't let you close the tab or browser, I just kill it with task manager. I've been pirating for decades so that shit doesn't scare me.

https://yts.lt/ <---- YIFY torrent site

https://thepiratebay.org/ or uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion

If you want to torrent TV shows, https://eztv.io/ is the best site I have found.

If you have a major ISP like Comcast or Verizon, probably best to use a VPN. My ISP doesn't seem to mind me using torrent so most of the time I don't use the VPN cause it is faster if I don't.

For usenet my provider is https://www.tweaknews.eu/en they are based out of the Netherlands so they don't bow down to the jews as much as US based providers. I used to use Giganews but switched a while ago. Still get about 9 years of retention (articles posted up to 9 years ago) with tweaknews.

To get NZB's I use https://drunkenslug.com/ and sometimes usenet search sites like https://nzbindex.nl/

You really have to have a good members site, because to get around DMCA takedowns they name the files randomly, to make them harder to find. Drunkenslug opens up the register page from time to time, you just have to check frequently.

Finally, I use https://sabnzbd.org/ to download from usenet. Really a step above what I used to use, which was NewsBin Pro. SABNZB is much more automated.

ESOTERICshade ago

Thanx! Lots of good info. Saving this comment for future use :)

bonhomme2012 ago

qbitorrent and proxybay dot red

ESOTERICshade ago


YoHomie ago

Upvoat for not being butthurt; done like a true Voater. Respect.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

You say something?

YoHomie ago

You wouldn't understand, it had something to do with a library. Carry on, nothing for you to comprehend here.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

I'm sorry, were you trying to communicate?

ardvarcus ago

He made Jew noise.

YoHomie ago

No, that was the sound of me fucking your mom. I can see how you'd be confused though, Jews sound a lot like your mom when she's getting fucked.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

Did you say something?