ulovesexdoll ago

Judaism is a sex grooming gang. Islam and Christianity too. sex doll

Watchmoviesonline_90 ago

Agree, but not totally agree.

bagano1 ago

I like how they subtly hinted they were talking about Jennifer Lawrence, LOL.

She cannot fucking act. Neither can Brie Larson. There is no doubt they sucked dick to get where they are today, or worse.

Swolectomy ago

Came here to make a point not brought up in this article and rarely brought up in general: Hollywood is also a training ground for future mass rapist pedophile ritual murderers. While, yes, there are a host of victims of sexual abuse of both genders, there are also those in power who groom their followers to victimize, abuse, and toss away the hapless seekers of fame and fortune. I worked in development for a few years before having to come to terms with the fact that my (((bosses))) wanted me to either join their disgusting little games or become a victim of a hack job that would ruin my life on top of ending my career. I decided I'd take only half the equation and quit the biz and to this day encourage others of my ilk to do the same. Los Angeles is a treasonous hellscape of truly epic proportions. Don't come here. Don't associate with people who long to come here. They are lost and the world would be better if this town and everyone in it finally burned in the coming conflagration.

ExtraDouble ago

90 percent is a Pedo Mafia. You don't get in unless you do the dirty.

PhilKDick ago

Nobody caught this dog-whistle reference? "you will see the underlying monstrosity in Hollywood, as clearly as the hero of John Carpenter’s They Live sees aliens disguised as everyday people when he puts on the sunglasses."

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ThrowawayFtmPacker ago

They're all satanist transgenders

NPCGator ago

Hollyweird is full of satanists.

The Anatomy of Satanism in hollywood

ThrowawayFtmPacker ago

You forgot to mention how theyre transgender

samy90a44 ago

The best thing that could ever happen to Hollywood is if some Islamic jihadi managed to get onto Hollywood Blvd around 1:00 on a warm sunny weekday driving a delivery truck with a small nuclear bomb in the back. The ultimate revenge weapon against the Zionist pigs that run the Motion Picture and Entertainment Industry, a covert VBIED driven by a 20-something Jihadist with a nuclear bomb in the back and the detonator push-button switch on the dashboard!! In just 5 seconds he could vaporize that longstanding pit of jew managed filth and degradation. From our pen to Mohammad's (PBUH) ears

Dsciexterminationist ago

Hello FBI

bourbonexpert ago

No shit

usethat ago

Then Christianity is a sex grooming gang too.

koitsa ago

They never hide

iDontShift ago


i focus on the positive... this is how to be joyful and why and how.

Highonfire ago

Judaism is a sex grooming gang. Islam and Christianity too.

QXQ ago

Christianity didn't have that problem. Catholicism has only had it since Vatican II.

I don't think the Orthodox Church has that problem though.

ProudBoy1 ago

No the Catholic Church was infiltrated by communists and then they started giving priesthood to south American priests and being more lenient towards who became a priest.


There is nothing heretical about Vatican II.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Atheist religion is just as guilty ( Belief in no god or A theist).

DeliciousOnions ago

... Care to give any justification for that?

All the primary flavors of Abrahamic religion are corrupt and abusive to the core.

I can't think of anything atheists - even the irritating fedora douches - have done that can compare to child marriages, ritual abuse, mutilation and the swindling of entire nations?

Mustard_Monkey ago

It is easier to turn a blind eye and not give a shit. But I call bullshit on atheist's anyways they lack the testicular fortitude to openly go after Islam, and Jews. Why? Christians are easier doormats to walk on.

gazillions ago

"Phillips’s life was pretty much ruined"

WTF? If she said no and left. How is that a ruined life? Because she won't be a rich and famous movie star?

They should be shot for messing with kids, but messing with grown adult women that will sell themselves for a job is called prostitution.

If their biggest problem is that other women will sell themselves for the job, then they should take it up with the other whores. Why should we care who wins the cat fight for the corner? Maybe promoting non whorish behavior would be to their benefit. Morons.

All these liberal wymynz are demanding to be treated like children. Who the hell needs them? Maybe they should grow up and fuck off.

killkillkill ago

How would you feel if your daughter, or a close female friend (if you have any) wanted to be an actress, got to town and realized she had to suck some dick to get a part or be blackballed?

bagano1 ago

You'd be surprised how many people are willing to pay that cost to live the good life. People are whores, I'm sorry.

killkillkill ago

No I wouldn't. But I'd be surprised that too many parents would want and accept their daughter needing to suck dick to pursue her chosen career.

Trousersnake1488 ago

i wouldnt know, i dont allow my women to act like that. https://youtu.be/JcKJmjokN1k?t=990

killkillkill ago

You don't get any women.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol spoken like a true beta!. I couldn't be happier with my gf and I will probably get married to her. She is younger than i and she had a strict family. Shes quite smart (for a girl) and unstands the danger of feminism. But yes, keep telling yourself the all men on the internet who espouse violence/control are just pretending.

Tell me, how much does your gf appreciate your placating?

killkillkill ago

Alphas brag on the internet about their real lives. Bet you lift and could kick my ass too.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Probably. I don't think I'll, if I can avoid it at all costs, get into another physical fight. I broke my hand in and it still hurts with certain movements

gazillions ago

If my daughter or a close female friend wanted to be hollywood movie star, I'd be alarmed that she was that fucked up. Narcissists are not worth the trouble.

And by the way adult baby. Millions of people go to holly wood to be famous and don;t get famous. Where's their entitlement. NO One even aks them to suck dick.

killkillkill ago

Anyone wanting to be in movies is a narcissist. Got it. Thanks for your insights into humanity.

CulturalImperialist ago

Clearly you haven't known many theater people. About half the people small town community theater are narcissists.It only gets worse as you go up the chain.

killkillkill ago

I work in the film biz. Just because you think they're narcissists doesn't mean they should have to suck dicks to succeed.

gazillions ago

You sound like a spoiled rotten 6 year old that lives in a narcissistic fantasy world.

Let me guess. You want a sex change operation because it will make you as special as a gen-u-wine hollywood mooovie star

killkillkill ago

I'm just a normal human that understands people can want to act and it doesn't make them a whore or a bad person.

gazillions ago

No you do not understand anything.

Nobody is stopping you or anyone else from acting. Being insanely attached to the notion of being a hollywood movie star and having millions of people idolizing you is not "acting"

Acting would mean joining a local theater troupe. Or starting one if there wasn't one already.

Your confusion is all poisoned ego.

killkillkill ago

Lol. No one said these women all want to be "stars" and shit, and even if they do, that's not a bad ambition to have. Hollywood is where you go to act. Actors want to be liked and have success and have people see their work, just like any and all creative types. You really have no idea what you are talking about and I'd doubt you have even 30 seconds of speaking to a single person in the film industry and base everything you know about Hollywood on things you read on voat.

gazillions ago

All the millions of other women that "didn't get the job" go on to have a life.

The level of entitlement going on is off the charts. No one owes you fuck all.

As for seeing celebrity as a reasonable ambition; you're fucking nuts. Institutional crazy.

killkillkill ago

I never said anyone owed them anything, nor did I say their life was ruined, but you seem to think it's perfectly fine for some prick to ruin your chances of any type of success because you didn't suck his dick.

I seriously doubt you'd be singing the same tune if your manager at the Burger King where you work, or other random chain, told you to suck his cock to get a promotion, and if you didn't, made sure you'd never get another job in the industry again.

gazillions ago




killkillkill ago

Sucking dick for a job or choosing not to is competition? Lmao.

I love that you think it's snobbery not to equate and accept prostitution as part of an industry in a civilized country.

FuckredditKenobi ago

Chose to be a whore

is now a whore

ah I'm a whore now

Pluviou5 ago

Hollywood was also built by Jews.

ProudBoy1 ago

It was taken over by Jews. The Red Scare was real.

GassyMcGasface ago

The Jews are pedophiles, it's in their bible.

YoHomie ago

Said the moron with the IQ of a crouton. Few things get past you, eh Pluvious?

YoHomie ago

No... say it ain't so! Who'd have thunk it?