mamwad ago

You seem obsessed enough for me to think you have a little secret fantasy...

mamwad ago

i have them somewhere on a hard drive saved.

You have a trap folder! Hahahaha

mamwad ago

No. They existed before modern media.

mamwad ago

Existed before the internet.

mamwad ago

Internet memes should never be seen in the real world.

Philosopher_King ago

Very pretty, though I read your rules.

  1. No gay stuff. (Girl on girl is welcome.)

Girl on girl is gay stuff...

mamwad ago

But I like lesbians.

Philosopher_King ago

Yeah, but the rule contradicts itself, by saying no gay stuff, but you allow gay stuff.

mamwad ago

In porn, girl on girl and gay are different genres.

Philosopher_King ago

So this is a porn sub?

mamwad ago

It's a NSFW sub.

mamwad ago

That meme is already about as well established as a meme could be.

mamwad ago

That meme was around well before the SJW phenomenon, idiot. Traps have been a staple on /b/ since I was in highschool.

mamwad ago

I didn't make the law. Blame channers.

mamwad ago

  1. Traps aren't gay. (Internet law)

  2. I'm not into traps.

  3. Mixed race girls are palatable.

mamwad ago

I find these women attractive and that makes me a faggot...