stressbaII ago

You've got her genes nigga lmao

LoveArchive ago

yeah :(

DougieJones ago

Don't exit her life. Its a bad ride when someone with mental issues loses the support structure they require. If you leave, she's only going to be surrounded by people encouraging the worst behavior. If you care, you need to actively discourage her and tell her you're not abandoning her. No need to bring god into it, but if she's religious, it helps. She needs somebody she respects to tell her that she is making the wrong decision. You should be willing to be seen as the asshole to provide his role for her.

She is being manipulating by predators. Protect your family.

Ol_Hickery ago

Keep your head up bud, the odds are that youll soon get the chance to tell people about your crazy sister that tried to grow a dick and hanged herself instead. Always a silver lining.

Eiroll ago

My cousin just got evicted from her apartment. Her welfare leech boyfriend refused to stop hitting the bong and running his unlicensed tattoo parlor from it. Frankly I wrote her off after the first tattoo she got. Told her dad to beat the shit out of the guy 3 years ago, now he's surprised the daughter is an overweight drug addict with 12+ tattoos.

I would say go Minecraft the shit out of any tranny converter involved.

offender ago

Your dad sounds like a faggot and you should kick him in the balls if required for self defense.

philomath ago

My dad is a shitty, selfish person. He is a drain on anyone in his life, and nothing I do or say will change that. Nothing his sister says or does will change that, and despite their best efforts, his parent were never able to get him to grow up. I didn't hesitate cutting him off - that's what you do when a cancer introduces itself. It sucks, it hurts; the what-ifs never go away. It's better for you and yours in the long run, though.

MuzzieJuice ago

Cherish memories you had with your sister. For she is dead.

MrJohnBongo ago

You are not a horrible person for not wanting to see her ever again, the same would go if any of my little brothers got surgery to look like a woman.

You can only do so much, if a person is hell-bent on destroying themselves then there comes a time when you just have to let them go ahead and do exactly that.

I'd say if your sister ever regrets what she's done then always keep an open mind, because then she will have realised her mistakes and needs the support to come back to the light. This may sound slightly sociopathic but, at that time it would be a perfect opportunity to mould her and make sure she carries on the rest of her life living well and proper.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

fuck's wrong with your dad

baronOfGraymatter ago

Your sister committed suicide and now a demon is inhabiting her walking corpse. Mourn your sister and move on.

00the00virus00 ago

That you should love your family no matter what Is some bullshit modernistic propaganda. You love people because they matter to you, and because they share kinship. But obviously they are rotten, evil people, kinship is not enough..

philomath ago

I don't think it's modernistic; it's an ancient proverb that kept families together throughout history.

That was before modern times when people were more influenced by their families than what they see or read on the internet. If you can't get your family to conform to your culture, nothing you say or do will change it ... that's when the last half of your statement comes into play.

Basically_Hitler ago

I cut my parents out of my life last year. Fucking retards. If people are gonna bring you down what's the point of having them in your life? Helping someone in need is one thing but dragging around someone who continually stabs you in the back is counterproductive. I don't feel at all bad about it because I made a pragmatic decision so that I can the best I can be.

nLQ1 ago

fucking hell that's sad to hear

you gotta cut contact, "she" is now a ticking time bomb of mental illness and ZOG police will be more than pleased to defend a poor trannie from a big bad mean white supremacist nazi

SparklingWiggle ago

If this were Minecraft, I would recommend you do the honorable thing and murder them all.

thecorn ago

better yet, craft some tnt and blow up the villagers that are responsible for this subversion.

Recyclops14 ago

Write it off and work on building your own future for you and your family. There's nothing you can do, and no good can come of holding on to things from the past (speaking in terms of the will). Time will only prove you right, don't let it embitter you.

GreatestOfAllTime ago

He more than likely molested her.

LoveArchive ago

jesus christ dude shut the fuck up

GreatestOfAllTime ago

Sorry man, not trolling. She was more than likely molested as a child or deeply traumatized some other way to become a tranny later in life. If your father also has inexplicable behavior concerning the situation he either did it, or knew about it and feels guilty about it.

whatdoesthereeesay ago

or he is in over his head. what if you were a normie and your daughter turned into a "boy". in this day and age you get social ostracized for standing against it. A normie would need to be surrounded by like minded anti-LGBT folk to stand against it. Most people can't do it alone.


Dude, it's got to hurt, but the truth is, Somebody probably molested her! Probably not him. More likely one of her teachers at school. I saw a lot of little girls being groomed by female teachers, counselors, any female with a little authority.

There is a live theater in the small town I live in. The creatures that run it are sickos. A man that you just know likes the little boys and an old crow that fawns all over the little girls. There have been dozens of kids molested in that place. Stupid parents drop their kids off there so they can "experience the fine arts". Yeah right! The "fine arts" those kids experienced came right out of the kama sutra!

More likely than not, she was molested!

Count your lucky stars you weren't molested to!

Move on and forget about her.

baronOfGraymatter ago

This. Someone abused her, either sexually or emotionally.

Well_Deserved_Brew ago

There's nothing horrible about cutting off anyone who causes you grief, family or not.

But I'd be wondering about your dad if I were you. That doesn't sound like stupidity. Either he likes the idea of you going through hell, or he's in more contact with her than you're aware of.

Usernamenameuser ago

My first thought was sunk cost fallacy. He's trying to fix his failure rather than cutting losses and moving on to a better investment.

LoveArchive ago

no he's a boomercon. he's not that retarded

BearDolphin1488 ago

I hear you

WeMustRemainPure ago

She’s lost. Move on.

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LoveArchive ago

looking at old pictures of her back before she went insane and sabotaged her looks, it just makes me want to cry honestly. she was a flower and they snuffed her from ever blooming

HeartAche ago

That's sad to hear. It's insane that they don't think of how they may be effecting the people around them with their lunatic decisions.

shoutout_to_burritos ago

not a horrible person, especially since it sounds like there's more than just the tranny thing going on

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Shitty reasoning

If she's mentally ill that doesn't excuse her from being a horrible person

MrJohnBongo ago

Autistic man, I don't think he was calling his sister a nice person, he was saying OP isn't a horrible person.

shoutout_to_burritos ago
