Barfin ago

they're sent their own ways, women only want chad now

zzzxxc1 ago

I used to be MGTOW until I stopped being retarded

veteran88 ago

Mgtow = don't have children goyim

Embraced by faggots to lazy to learn self hypnosis to fix their errors with dealing with women.

It is stupid easy once you get the hang of i their nature. Just don't expect logic ever and you will do fine. Hypnosis can also fox her errors. It is easy to sell because you can also make her more sexually sensitive and anyone you would want to be with will get turned on by that idea.

8k has a good hypno board with relevent books

Alzapua ago

What is 8k?

veteran88 ago


You can do it Anon

You have to grow stronger and radicalize yourself

fishmantis ago

dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed

superspathi ago

It doesn't matter what individual white men do. Women have all the power in choosing mates.

It really doesn't matter. Used to be generations of men died in war without reproducing. Men are irrelevant because one man could repopulate the entire species.

letsfindout ago

One man couldn't repopulate the entire species, cause the generations after that would all be inbreds.

superspathi ago

No, they'd all have different mothers.

Marku1 ago

MGTOW is for the weak, fuck women as much as you want, they are yours for the taking..........

Ken_bingo2 ago

It is the male version of feminism.

MrJohnBongo ago

no brother, don't take what one man say's and purposefully go the complete other way you shill... have one wife and many children :)

ant_earth ago

"no man ever gained anything from having sex with a woman" - pythagoras

coomers get the rope

letsfindout ago

Hey dipshit, coomers are people that consume porn, not have sex with women.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Nope, its both. Sex is only virtuous when it occurs between a married man and woman.

ant_earth ago

unless you're genghis khan or something, if you have premarital sex you're a coomer.

ronaldhowards ago


keksupreme ago

yeah better fall for the jewish marriage trap, really wanna pay my brainwashed feminist wife and her jew lawyer the big bucks.

nice kike post though

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Marriage - The institution older than civilization itself, which has produced every healthy white family that's ever existed, is a Jewish invention?

keksupreme ago

today any relationship with women is controlled and dominated by jews...there is literally no point unless you want jew kids controlled by your jew wife, due to social indoctrination.

the only solution is to say no

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Do you value your own comfort, or the future of the white race more?

keksupreme ago

producing more offspring for american women will produce more feminists, it's literally the worst thing you can do since it helps the jews. also it means giving jews your money

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Its a yes or no question.

JunOS ago

jewish marriage trap

Tell me how marrying someone and having a healthy marriage is a bad thing? The like lie is 'that over 50% of marriages end within two years so why bother?' MGTOW sounds more like a like lie than getting married.

keksupreme ago

over 50% end period. also laws favor wahmen. what a joke

CapinBoredface ago

100% of marriages end with the death of both spouses.

Better not get married.

keksupreme ago

oooh great logic.

more like 100% of american marriages end with feminist offspring since american women are feminazis and have all legal and economic power in a relationship

CapinBoredface ago

Oh no. It looks like you made a retarded mistake.

See, when you say 100% of anything is true then you better be damn sure someone can’t give you a counter example. Cause even a single counter example makes you wrong.

And UH OH, here comes a counter example!

None of my sisters are feminists which means at least 1 American marriage did not result in feminist daughters.

Would you like to revise your statement or would you prefer to double down on your clearly grug tier opinions?

Keep sucking that Jew cock too though, definitely don’t have kids. The Jews say that’s a bad idea.

Barfin ago

j-j-just get married bro

CapinBoredface ago

Fuck it, don’t get married. But don’t be afraid of women either. Find a woman, start a family.

Barfin ago

nah no thanks. kids are too expensive and bratty. stop hoping for white families to come back, first we need to burn down society. I guarantee you're a virgin larping too

CapinBoredface ago


keksupreme ago

even if they say they aren't feminists they are. it's the nature of american culture.

secondly because of the biased legal system...yeah.

zero chance your kids don't end up as femtards.

nice try though kike shill

CapinBoredface ago

Telling you to have babies is being a shill?

keksupreme ago

shilling for marriage in contemporary is like...shilling so that jews get more divorce settlement cases...and feminazi women get more cash, and can indoctrinate the next generation

CapinBoredface ago

Who says you have to get married in front of a judge?

You know you can be married and have kids without getting the government involved right?

keksupreme ago

you still have to pay child support and have them be indoctrinated by society and your feminist wife

CapinBoredface ago

Only if you knock up a dumb bitch and have a dumb bitch child.

Sounds like if you allow those things to happen you might be a dumb bitch.

Are you a dumb bitch? Cause you’re acting like one.

keksupreme ago

oooh wow so tough.

you realize statistic and legal realities exist for everyone

CapinBoredface ago

I’m not being tough, I’m asking if you are a dumb bitch.

Even if the failure rate of marriage was 90% (it’s not) you, as a non-bitch man should be the 10% of not being a fuck up.

Let niggers and retards be fuckups. Don’t be a dumb bitch and dumb bitch problems won’t be your problem.

keksupreme ago

oh wow great logic, totally negates the societal cultural problems, the fact american women are indoctrinated, and the massive legal bias against men

HbMcNutt ago

Yall just suck at meeting cool people. Stop using tinder to find woman, make yourself a good atch and dont be slut. Stop telling people what they want to hear and youll find people who genuinely share your goals

CapinBoredface ago

I met my gf on tinder when I moved to a new city.

I wasn’t looking for a relationship, I just wanted someone good looking to hang out with while I learned the city.

Turned out she was super cool and shared almost all of my world views and goals. Now we live together, have plans to get married and start a family.

Just because sluts exist doesn’t mean all women are sluts.

Basically_Hitler ago


inverseowl ago

Don't have kids goyim, just play video games and masturbate. Thanks for the advice rabbi. How about not marrying some feminist fatty to begin with. Have some standards, it isn't hard.

keksupreme ago

look at the divorce rates in the us and modern women...and the fact women always get child support.

there is literally no reason to have kids in the us, you are breeding a new generation of brainwashed feminists.

nice try though kike

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

there is literally no reason to have kids in the us,

The preservation of our race...?

keksupreme ago

let me put it this way, i would only ever marry a foreign, ie non western girl.

and i would be very hesitant to bring her back to the US at all due to US laws and cultural norms

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

and i would be very hesitant to bring her back to the US at all due to US laws and cultural norms.

breeding with an american woman means another postmodernist femtard anyway so...

This is only true if you have 0 charisma and control over your relationships.

keksupreme ago

no it's statistically what happens...and also how our legal system works.

yeah because "muh charisma" changes our joke legal system

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Then don't be a statistic lol.

Statistically most men are weak, spineless things filled with vice. Are you a statistically average man?

keksupreme ago

ignore statistic, jump into the danger so you can have more kids to be indoctrinated -jews

Whentwurf ago

How is getting divorced worse than never having children at all?

keksupreme ago

no more money going to feminists and jew lawyers, no more feminist offspring.

Whentwurf ago

How does that outweigh not having children? Shouldnt you have children and support changing the laws back to non-feminist ones?

keksupreme ago

having children while these laws exist is financial suicide

Whentwurf ago

So? These laws might never be changed and not having children is racial suicide. Is that your goal?

keksupreme ago

i will only have a child in traditional countries, not the cucked western world.

there is no point since the only result is promoting feminism and preserving it toherwise

Whentwurf ago

Interesting. Are you white? Do you think preserving your ethnic or racial group is important? Jews find it very important to have lots of kids, and you seem to be very concerned about them.

keksupreme ago

jews aren't having kids, they are dying off.

secondly, i refuse to further the existence of jews by marrying an american (ie jew) woman who will take my offspring and raise them to be feminist jew rats

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

"All Americans are Jews" Hot take!

keksupreme ago

all american women are socialized feminazis jews true

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Are you going to die childless?

keksupreme ago

hope so, not going to feed the jew machine more money and human fuel

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Good luck with your inconsequential and superfluous life then.

keksupreme ago

it really isn't, my life will be watching the boomer world order collapse. sounds pretty hilarious to me.

also better than feeding the jew feminazi machine

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

it really isn't, my life will be watching the boomer world order collapse. sounds pretty hilarious to me.

Sounds pretty superfluous and inconsequential to me.

keksupreme ago

better than feeding the boomer jew world order by getting married

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Do you not care about the white race?

keksupreme ago

having more kids in jewmerica and supporting america's feminist welfare queens helps no one, actually it probably hurts everyone besides jews

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

That doesn't answer my question.

keksupreme ago

i care, which is why i don't want to get married in america, don't want to make the world a worse place by helping the jews

MuzzieJuice ago

Try fucking actually raising the child you faggot kike shill

keksupreme ago

ok kike. you mean getting robbed by my wife and not raising my kids because of our kike legal system lol

Basically_Hitler ago

Don't pass on your genes because something bad might happen. Jesus Christ. Or maybe take your best shot, if it doesn't work out deal with it like a man, follow your primary biological reason for existing and leave some evidence that you were even here apart from some wadded up tissues.

inverseowl ago

That sounds like actual shit Jews talk about. You entire profile is calling people kikes. Really activates those almonds...

0rion ago

Do you have an actual rebuttal though?

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

The rebuttal, is that you are a faggot and a coward

Diggernicks ago

Cry harder Christ cuck niglet

tokui ago

Most already have sired, unlike the faggot virgins here.

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Agrianian_Javelineer ago

If you are a father, and your marriage fell into divorce, you are a complete failure

fishmantis ago

maybe they married a dog of a woman when they were young and dumb

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

possible. that's why i think its generally better for men to marry in their 20's

BushChuck ago

@vonclausewitz is their leader.

No shit.

Fucking niggerkike.