iLuvJews ago

What the hell is "MDE" ?

How about speaking in english instead of this psuedo military nerd language?

Obliteration ago

Honk Honk

abewasatallman ago

they really view sam hyde as their greatest enemy


Maybe they should. Maybe he's just that powerful as a rallying point. They couldn't compete with him and they knew it. They still can't.

Imagine what would happen if they couldn't get him off tv...

OneZedArmy ago

he keeps shooting up mosques

stonetoss ago

StoneToss here, kinda hard trying to set up a new voat without having "10 CCP". How do I get some?😏

SearchVoatBot ago

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larryhuston ago

On the corner begging like that homeless nigger downtwon.

SearchVoatBot ago

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White_pride_cis ago

Didn’t @puttitout nuke accounts that engaged in this level of faggotry?

Acerphoon ago

You're cool. I like you.

But really don't ask for CCP. It's actually pretty gay.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Mumbleberry ago

Why you delete?

RogerByam ago

Love your comics, dude.

bdmthrfkr ago

Sorry faggot, you know the deal. Just like everybody else you have to contribute to the site before fully participate. If you are who you claim that you are a quick cartoon with Voat mentioned would go a long way to helping you out.

Until then? Grind like the rest of us.

Granite_Pill ago

What is CCP? Creepy Child Porn?

iLuvJews ago

Based on the type of people here, I'd say yes.

Perhaps loli porn.

Like, v/loli


I'm for free speech and everything and also giving pedophiles an outlet so they don't commit crimes, but I don't want to associate with a site that hosts that garbage and be put on a list.


AndrewBlazeIt ago

You can start by subscribing to PewDiePie.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

You start by not being a colossal fucking faggot.

AndrewBlazeIt ago


Drugthrone ago

I'm done with reddit. Just had my purely meme subs r/Schizomemes and r/CyberpunkDilbert banned today, and right after it happened I got a smiley face message from my stalker who reported them both. Doesn't mean anything to admins. Too tiring.

lustig1374 ago

Welcome to voat, nigger. Stop asking for le upboats you stupid faggot.

17468433? ago

Join the community. Join the conversations. That's how ya get more CCP.

iLuvJews ago

Hey, somebody who actually answered his questions instead of some retard/shill who's claiming he's begging!


17489886? ago

I don't like the begging either but while everyone else is on them about it maybe a few helpful words could get them started on a path of joining this community rather than take advantage or abusing it. Which none of us take kindly to.

iLuvJews ago

"I don't like the begging either"

Hoax/false flag?

Asking how to do something isn't the same thing as begging.

What's so hard for you idiots/shills to grasp?

DeadFox ago

Love your comics man

MinorLeakage ago

We'd love to have you, but please don't beg for upvoats. It's pathetic, and you really just don't need to.

iLuvJews ago

How is asking how to get ccp "begging" ?

Not everybody is a loser and spends all their time on voat.

Man, you guys are absolutely retarded.

MinorLeakage ago

How is asking for free shit begging..? Go beg someone else to explain it to you, faggot. I don't support beggars.

iLuvJews ago

Wow, it's so subtle that you changed "how" to "for".

I didn't even notice.

You're such a genius.

MinorLeakage ago

I may have misunderstood your question. You're trying to claim he was asking what CCP is and how he gets it? If that were the case, then I would agree with you. However, it is clear that he understands it perfectly well, and is actually asking for upvotes.

/u/StoneToss himself admitted this himself and apologized for it in a thread on /v/StoneToss. I think he has been largely forgiven by the community, but it was still a shitty introduction.

I assume you're a semi-functional troll, but just in case you're beimg genuine, that explanation should suffice.

iLuvJews ago

If I'm wrong I take it back.

I didn't know how this site worked when I started and despite asking multiple people, nobody would explain it, because this site is full of idiots and controlled opposition.

MinorLeakage ago

The whole world is full of idiots my friend. I hope your experience improves going forward.

iLuvJews ago

Thanks bro.

It will probably just get much worse, but a guy can always dream.

Korinthian ago

Post some comics to voat. You do it for twitter, and twitters a shitter

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You better be real you fucking faggot.

Also don't beg for upvoats, it's mega-gay.

Ps. I like your comics.

Rotteuxx ago

By not begging for them faggot, participate in the community like any normal user.

Hand_of_Node ago

Member for: 1.6 years

Comment Contribution Points: 34

31/34 CCP gained in the past 1.7 hours...

Mumbleberry ago


SIayfire122 ago

CCP stands for "comment contribution points." Congratulating! You managed to get a measly 10 upvotes on you comments.

SCP is submission contribution points. These don't actually have any effect on anything. They just look cool.

As for how many daily votes you can give out, it's half you ccp. So if you have 100 total ccp, you can upvote 50 posts and comments.

There are no restrictions for posting within a subverse you moderate. But you're limited to 3 posts per hour for subs you don't moderate. As such, you'll see people post three things in /v/whitebeauty then move on to another sub.

Also, I think you need 100 ccp to downvote or something, but I don't downvote so I don't know for sure.

raisinade ago

Step one, stop being a niggerfaggot that asks for CCP.

SearchVoatBot ago

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stonetoss ago

I'm not tryna be gay, but I am tryna quickly get my subreddit converted to voat. I think this is a win for everyone involved.

nevertriggered ago

You got the CCP now nigger set it up

pimplepeter ago

what the fuck is stonetoss... what sub reddit

Le_Squish ago

You are a faggot and no one likes you. You will enjoy many downvoats today.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Go kike elsewhere

Le_Squish ago

Your chosen namefag probably won't even survive voat.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

I saw stonetoss being a faggot elsehwere so it looks like you were proven right about him. Objection withdraw man.

Have a good day

Le_Squish ago

Thank you kindly, sir.

CrudOMatic ago

Doesn't look like it's his shit being pushed in, nigger.

TheTrigger ago

Sorry, squish. It's Stonetoss. Like, actually. Like... for realsies. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Le_Squish ago

I don't give a fuck about name fags.

TheTrigger ago

It's not about namefagginess and you know it. At what point do we all stop bickering and just band together, already?

Le_Squish ago


TheTrigger ago

Le_Squish ago

Nah, just don't think you guys should bow down and suck cock because someone has slight internet fame.

xenoPsychologist ago

i agree with this statement. so far he hasnt shown the voat spirit, just grudging tolerance of it.

Le_Squish ago

Did you catch his bitchpost sticky he made? He took it down after getting gassed. Was hilarious.

xenoPsychologist ago

no, i didnt. wonder if anyone got a screenshot of it. would have been nice if here werent just another somalian, but oh well.

Le_Squish ago

He'a apologized now but I'm still not convinced he is genuine and won't sell out in a heartbeat for shekels.

xenoPsychologist ago

i guess we will have to see.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

People like StoneToss because he makes good comics and is redpilled, not because of some celebrity mystique.

Le_Squish ago

I give him a hard purple at best.

heygeorge ago

This is why I like you. And all of the updates on Hawaii. Did you get yourself set up with PV panels?

Le_Squish ago

Winter was too insane with the rain and wind and I've had to postpone my move.

Hoping to be out on homestead permanently in the summer then I'll get the solar going then.

unclegandhi ago

EYYY ITS THE MAN HIMSELF!!! Are we setting up on /v/stonetoss? Please let us know on twitter and stuff so we can regroup quick

Zinnsee ago

I love your comics!

This is the first time I upvoated someone who begs for CCP's

Plavonica ago

Participation. Make a post somewhere, then participate in it.

PunishedStaple ago

Is it really him?

phockomofi ago

Well he posted this on his site,

that says

/u/stonetoss is the official voat account for stonetoss.

but if you look at there's nothing about voat. maybe he didn't update that yet?

xenoPsychologist ago

man, we are gonna get so many somalians, now. guess its time to fire up the ovens. again.

CameraCode ago

Seems legit, see this comment.


Still hasn't posted proof tho?

MrPim ago

He posted a link to saying that's him. Someone w write access put that up.

CameraCode ago

I'd just ask the current v/stonetoss user if you can have the subverse, or be added as an owner. I'm sure if you can prove you're really him they would let you.

Or you can ask Putt to transfer the sub to you if the user is inactive or just a troll who registered it so you couldn't. I'd do the first option then try with Putt if that doesn't work.


Quit being a begging faggot?


Ps I like your comic.

SexMachine ago

Can someone explain the reference? How is stonetoss related to MDE?

spamyak ago

The MDE sub was pretty much reddit's primary alt-right sub; its users migrated to SubOfPeace where StoneToss comics got posted a lot and the admins decided that guilt by association is a good policy.

offender ago

It's not related to MDE. Their sub got banned because retards used their old MDE accounts which are all flagged by admins

If you have a reddit account that you used on any banned subs you need to make a new one (also clear cookies).

MaunaLoona ago

Can't they track you by ip as well? Get a VPN too I guess? Too much work.

offender ago

They only IP ban you if you make them really mad. It's pointless though because you just need to restart your modem or use a VPN.

MaunaLoona ago

We're talking about tracking users by ip, not banning them.

offender ago

Of course they can, but it's more time consuming and the majority of people have dynamic IPs.

MaunaLoona ago

Dynamic ips don't matter as long as the signal doesn't overwhelm the noise. They'd be looking for trends of ips that participated in banned subs vs them participating in new subs in disproportionate amounts. It's a simple query.

offender ago

Reddit is so large that if your IP changes (even last octet) it's an absolute nightmare to find you. Their IPv6 banning is also really bad if you have private addressing turned on (not putting your real MAC in your IP).

BlueDrache ago

If (IP range) pings (these subs) then $x = True

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

its not at all, these retards don't know what they are talking about

Rothbard_Block_Hoppe ago

that sucks, I liked that sub

bourbonexpert ago

If you go to Reddit. Youre a faggot.

Hand_of_Node ago

Made my first reddit account in 2005, and spent 12 years there. I must be a MEGA-faggot!

bourbonexpert ago

I started in 2009 but got permanent banned for for not being a cuck.

150k karma.

They couldn’t have cared less.

Hand_of_Node ago

Your account has been permanently suspended from Reddit.

One of those, eh. My comments were always a bit too far to the right to accumulate much karma on reddit. Then I pointed out that one man could correct the 'reddit problem' at their HQ in San Francisco. I stopped making accounts after that last account went down and moved to voat full time.

BlueDrache ago

And neither should you.

Hitlers_Politoed ago


MinorLeakage ago

Well, uhh... Yes?

HighEnergyLife ago

That latest mde2 YouTube post got 40k views in 4 days. There's still a following

nevertriggered ago

Just wish Sam wouldn't be such a kike and actually upload some content to YouTube again instead of paywalling it. Don't get me wrong, I paid the 5 shekels a month a couple times to see hydewars but he doesn't release enough to justify keeping up my subscription.

HighEnergyLife ago

Lol he spent it on shit cigars and Taiwanese massage parlors

nevertriggered ago

shit cigars


Anyways my nigga Sam keeps leasing cars and paying the Jew not to own them. Doesn't surprise me he's low on cash.

Stinkybeans ago

I don't care how much they've changed lease laws, the concept is still fucking flawed to all heck.

onikage ago

It was fun while it lasted.

UnfoldTheBox ago

This is good. There are almost no good subs left, so the people will go here and to the chans. Then reddit can die in peace.

A new era is starting and this time they can't win.

22trilionAsecond ago

At some point they will ban the fitness subs for being nazi's

AffirmativeApartheid ago

Crack open a gronk monster energy drink and enjoy the ride as we circle the drain. sip

nevertriggered ago

Nah zoomer, the gronk one tastes like Robert Krafts piss after a night of blowing coke chugging down brut champagne and cialis and fucking dirty gook whores. Zero ultra, now that's the good stuff.

jewsbadnews ago

Monster Juice is where its at.

BlueDrache ago

Bang - Piña Colada

HerniaHerman ago

Everything even remotely related to MDE is getting banned. Boomer posting, grilling, everything. We've driven them insane.