LoveArchive ago

Ben Shapiro 3AM Challenge

Merchant_Menace ago

He should have named Ben Shapiro instead of Candace Owens as his primary inspiration.

jewsbadnews ago

Was listening to this kike on the radio tonight and he had the audacity to say this is tribalism. This coward is too scared to debate anyone but dumb college students because he knows we will be BTFO by someone like Duke or Spencer.

0rion ago

Fuck this fucking kike. Seriously.

waringi ago


1Sorry_SOB ago

Jew in sheep's clothing

MinstrelBoy ago

It's too late for that now. People like to say that we should hide the shooters identity after a shooting but nobody is really serious about it.

ShitPostMcGee ago

By that same logic he should never bring up Hitler anymore

veteran88 ago

Daily stormer has a good torrent with the video plus manifesto.

The shooter didn't want to be ethnicly cleansed. The Jew Shapiro doesn't want you to know your being replaced.

Luis_Sphincta ago


Goys-R-Us ago

Lil shorty Yamaka.

remainselusive ago

I must be a sicko but I was impressed by how cool and collected the shooter was...and the doom soundtrack was pretty funny. Payback's a bitch.

RandomBOT ago

But but but his manifesto said that Israel is fine. Fuck this retard. He only wanted to accelerate shit. This is why he mentioned pewdiepie, trump, Israel. The guy even went to Pakistan. This shit stinks a mile high like an Indian valley.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

I fucking hate that damn Jew.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

It's almost like they want these guys memory holed.

BlueDrache ago

Starve mass-killers of attention?

I've been TRYING but the goddamn Jews have their filthy, rat-fingers in EVERYTHING.

Civil_Warrior ago

Unconvincing Heroic Jew meme is unconvincing.

SouthernSon ago

Doesnt Israel celebrate a American doctor that did the same thing in Israel back in the 90s? Im sure someone even made a statue of the guy

admin2 ago

I cannot tell if that is a PARODY PHOTOSHOP or if he is a fucking Jew Shill!

What the everloving fuck!

He really does not like it when people resist having white culture divided and conquered by muslim invaders.

How Zionists Divide and Conquer

ExpertShitposter ago

Jew Shill!

The guy literally doesn't leave the house without his yamaka. He wears a black one so its not as obvious. Google pics.

condensedpun ago

you guys are memeing, right? Does anyone really not know Shapiro is a Jew?

ExpertShitposter ago

Well the black yamaka had me fooled for a good 6 months. I just didn't notice it. And i somehow managed to avoid his controversies about identity politics. This was one or two years ago tho.

admin2 ago

THANKS!!!! Seriously I never noticed the covert black yamaka! I know some have a old timey hat they wear with a brim, but I thought jews liked to brazenly flaunt their yamaka.

I did not know about his yamaka.

ExpertShitposter ago

Probably custom made to PERFECTLY match the color of his hair.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

Does anyone read his voice in "helium" sound?

WorldView ago

Fuck this stupid kike and anybody that supports him.

WhoreOfBabylon ago

Brenton Tarrant DESTROYS Muslims with BOMBS and BULLETS (Thug Life Compilation)

Drunkenst ago

I’m a lawyer!

Evileddie13 ago

Hmmmmmm.....I feel like its a little different than some mad man.

PaperPhone ago

Yo I’m ripping flat lines and drinking wine to celebrate.

Pissed_Off_Vet ago

Ah, Benji the Dual Citizen. Fuck him.

SocksOnCats ago

Wow. So fucking done with that guy.

And by ‘that guy’ I do not mean Brenton Tarrant, the NZ shooter.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Who do you mean by "that guy"

SocksOnCats ago


SparklingWiggle ago

He just wants what's best for you, goy.

Korinthian ago

Youre a bit late to the party.

AnonFrankly ago

Jews: putting passion into the framework of Hollywood success and not into the passion of virtue.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

What a cuck! Who is this Shapiro jackass anyway? I hear his name babbled from time to time n

condensedpun ago

he’s an evil white supremicist alt-right guy, he spews fascist nonsense, but luckily me and my friends and my gf (she’s trans and amazing btw) always show up to stop his evil speeches on our campus.

lollo9990 ago

huwite supremacist

ExpertShitposter ago

He is a "right wing" jewish political commentator, that hates identity politics, unless its about Israel, in witch case he loves identity politics.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

He is a piece of shit. Got it thanks.

Poonis ago

The yarmulke should have been your first clue.

HorseCunt ago

Worse, he's a jew

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

Should have said that before I shared that shit

ExpertShitposter ago

Damn, i reposted the manifesto 7 times. Fuck. I'm sorry ben.

whydontulovemelynsi ago

cool yarmulka ben, why dont you bring it to the gas chamber some time

Baconmon ago

You mean the very based manifesto that points out that white people are being genocided?.. The manifesto that describes the guy's desire to accelerate things in to a race war because he believes if we don't do any thing now we will just continue to slowly be replaced and die out as a race?..

MrShekelstein ago

too late, they're going to make sure everyone knows.

Bigdickedelf ago

Mr. Tarrant is a hero

MrKrabsOurLord ago


Odin_inspires ago

His name is Brenton Tarrant

mezzanine224 ago

Astupidname69 ago

He flat out states in his manifesto that killing for fame is retarded.

DeadFox ago


offender ago

His name was Sam Hyde

SIayfire122 ago

He can't keep getting away with it.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

this sub is nothing like the old MDE subs

AriesianGemini ago

It was a self defense situation.

fuckingmockies ago

At this point I think there's just no stopping him

Evileddie13 ago

You stupid faggot. Hiis name is Commander Tarrant.

thecorn ago

Herr Obergruppenführe Tarrant*

Landrictree ago

What's that? General Tarrant?

Evileddie13 ago

Sorry, auto correct, Lord Commander Tarrant.

Sburban_Shitposter ago

god emperor?

anoncastillo ago

Didn't he get promoted to Supreme High Lord Tarrant?

Civil_Warrior ago

I am Spartacus.

Tb0n3 ago

No wonder he went on a shooting spree. He has a faggy name. Must have gotten bullied as a kid. Fucking faggot.

shoutout_to_burritos ago

Early & Often

shifty_pete ago

Where can I get the video? Anything they tell me not to watch or read I gotta get my hands on.

LtDanDingus ago

Of course The Daily Fed has it lol

SparklingWiggle ago

That site is cancer. I can't get the manifesto.

siener ago

I checked it with the copy I got off of the torrent, Its ligit.

SparklingWiggle ago

Thank you.

Black_Chopper ago

What do you mean? It works perfectly for me

fellowwhiteperson ago


This link won't expire or be removed.

Paddington_Bear ago

Seconded, can't find this thing anywhere

Black_Chopper ago

Video will be up for 14 days. If you want to get it after 14 days contact me.

Civil_Warrior ago


Trousersnake1488 ago

Ive got the fullvideo on my PC but it gets wiped Everytime I upload it.

Here's a teaser.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Use fucking bitchute