LoveArchive ago

MrMan591 ago

I don’t hate Jews themselves. But the people destroying the world are Jewish.

CultureOfCritique ago

I think most Jews are just as much slaves to the (((elites))) as we are, albeit with some more privileges and protections due to "muh anti-Semitism". I had a very interesting conversation with a Jewish prof recently in which we discussed his views toward Israel. Since he is a liberal, he's always been opposed to the apartheid-like regime they have. He told me that some people from AIPAC or some other group actually tried to get him to rat out anti-Israel profs so they could put them on a list / smear them / whatever and he turned them down. However, he's been so brainwashed by Holocaust propaganda (at least that's my take) that while he hates Israel intellectually, he has strong ties to it emotionally. When push comes to shove, he'd support Israel-- solely because he actually believes all the tales about turning Jews into soap etc. He's not a bad person-- he's just been deluded by the propaganda same as we all were at some point.

So no, I don't hate all Jews. I hate the ones who are at the top of the power structure who control and manipulate our society and our government. I try to keep my hatred focused where it belongs.

That being said, I don't trust Jews much either-- my prof included. We must always keep in mind the Talmudic practices and be on guard to their practices. I've met many Jews who don't practice deceit-- but there's enough that do to be wary. Same as I am around black people-- I'll interact with them without discrimination generally, but I am always on guard for them trying to take advantage of me and will definitely avoid large groups of them so I don't face anti-white hate.

spaceman84 ago


CodyCigar_1800 ago

Are you serious?! Of course it's irony, bigot

Helbrecht ago

My biggest problem is the lies about the Jews - muh 6 gorillion, muh chosen people - that people (especially my fellow Christians) swallow wholesale. Perpetuating these lies does no one - Jew or otherwise - any good in the long run.

Unfortunately, these lies serve to absolve Jews of any wrongdoing and provide a handy shield against criticism. A more important point (to my fellow Christians), the lies prevent Jews from coming to salvation, ultimately damning them to Hell.

philomath ago

I've got nothing against jewish people I know. They seem to be like most other people in that they go to work, go to church, and do all the other stuff in between.

But I do wonder what their answer would be iI asked them i they were loyal to the US or Israel first......I've got my suspicion.

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

I do not hate Jews and other non-whites for what they do, much as I do not hate mosquitoes for what they do; they are simply acting in their nature. Now, I certainly get angry or upset about their actions rom time to time, but anger is not hatred. Anger is hot and irrational, but it is also fleeting. Hatred is cold and deliberate; slow to set in, and even slower to fade away.

What and who I do have hatred for, are the accomplices of the Jews. Not the useless idiots, they are simply brainwashed. By sheer luck, any one of us could be a mindless leftist, drowned in their propaganda and falsehoods. No, my hatred is for those who are deliberately assisting the Jews in their goals, in return for immense personal gain. The likes of the Clintons, the Bushes, Merkel, Macron, etc. These fucks know full well that they are selling out their own nations, cultures, ethnicitices, and race ti be destroyed. Words fail to describe the contempt I have for these vile wretches.

They are like the wicked bastard Loki, whom sold Freyja, the goddess of Beauty, to the giants. When Odin discovered Loki's betrayl, he broke the contract, but in doing so launched a war that lead to the destruction of the heavens, and the death of the Gods.

Obrez ago

I hate jews, As a collective first, as Individuals I believe they cannot be trusted on a social, cultural, political or biological level and I do not believe you can safely individualize them in the context of any jewish upbringing; an individualized jew is someone who might have incidental jewish heritage but isn't raised in the culture, religion, or family of people who were, this is like a third generation dissident jew of mixed blood, if I discovered they were such I still wouldn't trust them because other true jews would feel that they could recruit them if need be, the jewish victimhood cult benefit card is something they can still apply for, and as I said above I think they are Biologically untrustworthy. I think yids have had a mix of intense in-group biases and treachery as selected traits in their history of reproduction going back to the time before they settled in Israel and this selection was exacerbated by the rise of Christianity wherein any jews of good moral fiber converted within the first 4-5 centuries after the time of Christ. Christianity sort of distilled the worst parts of of their chosenism and lead to them using a sort of protoeugenic selection system to try to make super yids who were ruthless and unscrupulous to all non jews, this hasn't been an ineffective ladder strategy for climbing themselves up as a people but their sort of eugenic chosenism has tainted them and is responsible for all the evictions of jews from various lands going back thousands of years.

On a logical level I have to be disgusted by all jews as individuals even if I might unthinkingly want to lower my guard, that disgust is for the treachery and iniquity that will come in dealing with them and that disgust looks like hatred to people who don't understand why the modern jew is nigh indivisibly from kikery, which is our chief most enemy.

If you do not hate the jews you do not know the jews.

My personal resentment was sparked after the facts of multiple wars and the holocaust came to light and then seeing how they have taken power in the west and shut down our ability to criticize them even when they go unnamed, the greatest seed of personal hatred for jews they themselves sewed into my being by using media to program and deceive me personally and alienate our entire society from itself. If you've ever been fat think about how much body positivist crap you got from the TV, that bullshit coaxed you into lying to yourself and wasting your health and critical years of your life no doubt, various social cliques were heavily reinforced and even imposed by tropes in media kikes used to tell stories of exclusion that alienated large swaths of our society from one another for no reason other than some meaningless pejoratives and the tales of social exclusion kikes identified with and projected via their writing, the old nerds versus jocks dynamic. The coaxing of me and my whole generation into immense degeneracy from such young ages with music, popular culture from film and TV, and most significantly the free and easy access to pornography which greatly pacified males and normalized whore culture and even made it mundane and commonplace. Those sorts of examples go on endlessly, with elements of kike media stoking people's anxieties and compromising their abilities to make rational, independent judgments for themselves but instead gave up the job of self philosophizing, unwittingly, to the idiot box. I can't even say the bulk of this was all intentional and was more likely them trying to console themselves at first, but their sickness became ours and affected us more so because of anti white policies being instituted to dissolve the foundational family units of all goys; while they had mostly intact families with no shame for their in-group bias to correct their behavior our parents died in wars for Israel, to poisons they polluted us with or were simply cowed into silence and taught not to correct their children.

The only real solution is the death of all jews, either in a real holocaust or through sterilization, Even just going back to ejecting them and banning them from western civilization would not be enough to ensure we never end up here again; that said we only really need to destroy the identity of jews so those people in our society with some estranged jewish ancestry obviously need not be targeted, merely all jews with any allegiance to jewish thought, religion, political or national power, that would include the social issues often pursued by jews as well.

Hitler never went so far because he knew it would be hypocritical to say that Germans should have their homeland but jews shouldn't, and were I alive at the time I would have agreed with him but seeing the results I'd rather be a hypocrite on this single case than have any great grand nigglets running around 80 years later.

I suspect my position is the majority position (loosely) of those on voat who aren't ass backwards brainlets or the over-empathetic/under educated.

dusloth ago

Great comment, thanks a lot

oldzeke ago

MDE is 99% Jews larping as Nazis. My adopted brother Avi is the only real Nazi...I think he's still mad about his dick.

Soyboy69 ago

Can't trust a jew, only when they are dead and their past deeds and comments examined can they be properly judged as /ourjew/.

Obrez ago

Even then it dulls the knife with more necks yet to cut, steely resolve until the last one is the only way, in memoriam of a race perhaps we might find some of /ourjew/s but not until long after the death of the last one.

remainselusive ago

Fuck kikes. Go back to Israel troll.

dusloth ago

Not a troll, just curious, I've been here since the ban on reddit.

Siege_Ballista_11 ago

I'm not an antisemite, I'm a countersemite.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

I don't hate jews. I just fuckin hate jews.

I don't like their behavior as a unit. I don't like their influence in culture and politics. Individuals can be alright, though even before I became aware of their higher agenda, the jews I've met and interacted with are generally quite obnoxious and repulsive personality wise, and those who aren't financially well off have been open degenerates.

I'm sure there's a decent handful that I could get along with sincerely, I just haven't met them and I don't care. I know there's a few who I find humorous or otherwise appreciate their creative talents, but I can't think of them off top.

Bottom line fuck republicans.

Diarrhea_Van_Frank ago

I don't hate jews. I just fuckin hate jews.

On it's face this reads as a total contradiction, but somehow I know exactly what you mean.

Helbrecht ago


475677 ago

Baby jews grow up to be adult jews the same way niglets grow up to be full blown niggers. It's absolutely genetic in origin so if it were up to me I'd exterminate every last one of them including their passable women like Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman. None can be allowed to live if the future of our nations are to be white and free of the degeneracy that's ruining our societies today.

00the00virus00 ago

Hear hear. We must unironically gas the jews. Not in minecraft, in the real world.

TopShun ago

Hating individuals is pointless. Unfortunately Jews as a group are capable of operating in splinter cells exceedingly well. They're simply too dangerous to let live (in Minecraft).

Diggernicks ago

I hate the real enemy of America. Catholics.

wifebeater666 ago

You mean protestants

varialus ago

All of them? Their families seem alright although I've only known a few, so I don't really know.

Cockboy ago

Go back to reddit.

dusloth ago

If only

Coors_Nationalist ago

but can give multiple examples of individual people who are Jewish who I respect or have no problems with

So can I but the fact is that I still do not trust them. You cannot trust them. Even the friendly neighborhood yid is part of the power structure, giving money to causes that hurt us, voting and advocating fr things that hurt us.

I do not hate all Jews, I even consider some of them my friends, but i know that they will never be my brothers.

SearchVoatBot ago

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dusloth ago

I don't trust them based on my understanding of the history surrounding them and Israel-US relations. I think my ignorance comes from not being from America or a place in the world with a high Jewish population (and I pray that doesn't change)

CameraCode ago

How much have you read about Jewish culture and teachings? Identifing as a Jew implicitly means accepting it's teachings and cultural values. The only Jew I know of that despised Jewry was Bobby Fischer, and he is the only Jew I would ever trust or not hate. If another Jew did the same as him I may accept them, but I have never seen that.

MortonLoothorKodos ago


adolphin ago

ek ekeke :D

kvetchmeifyoucan ago

Jews are mobilized by their power structures to act in concert to advance their interests, and the main strategy through which they do this is weakening other groups via moral corruption.

Lateknighttt ago

It seems what force animates jews drives to corrupt and subvert everything that is moral and virtuous. They cannot stop it seems it's pathological. I pity them more I can express, they belong to nothing and nowhere.

pepe16 ago

I personally think "hate" is a weakness. I think it would be ideal and convenient to eliminate all Jewish people, but this doesn't mean that I hate them. It would also be sufficient to exile all of them from a certain area. When all is said and done, there's no hope for the USA as it exists now.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Boy I sure wish there was an ethnostate I could run off to when the country I was born in goes to shit. Must be nice.

lollo9990 ago

Fuck it we could all pull a "fellow chosen people" and make alyah to Israel, would they take us in?

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Why would you want to be surrounded by yids by choice

theoldones ago

the root of their culture poisons even "moderate" followers.

LeFrontHole ago

I don't hate them all, but I want them all out of White countries forever.

oneinchterror ago

I want them all 6ft under tbh.

offender ago

Most Jews aren't even 5ft tall so that's a bit overboard

Obrez ago

What do you think is more successful as a strategy, hoping europe never falls prey to jewish tricks again or killing them all? Consider also that it would be bad for us if they "integrated" into other non-european/white societies and cultures because they would use their power to fight us "directly" by sending the goyim they command there to kill us and ruin our land.

thecorn ago

thousands of top jews should to be executed, the rest of the millions should be put in re-education camps and forced converted to Christianity and be taught about decency, honesty and work.

Obrez ago

Christianity can't be forced, not like it would stick with those kikes anyway.

Mercy now would be a curse later, the full destruction kikery Is a mercy unto the future.

Helbrecht ago

Didn't Spain try something similar in the late 1400s? Not sure it worked.

Aprioned ago

So just like the moslems

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Theyre both semites

oldzeke ago

Not quite. The tribe are Khazar thieves of Semite land. Calling them Semites absolves them of this theft.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Whether or not they are khazarian I still consider them equal to semitic sand niggers.

theoldones ago

one may be used to kill the other at our command.