Truthsayer9000 ago

im pretty sure its some kind of a bot

sane ago


it can be turned off if anon in settings

bearandbird1988 ago

I came on to voat late, so I assumed it was some shit you guys knew about.

CodyCigar_1800 ago

I don't know but copy and pasting random users into your post is a lame way of getting attention

oddlike777 ago

PuttItOut ago

You can turn off anon pings in your profile.

Obrez ago

It's a big ask but would you consider making the anon posting resemble how it works on 8chan?, it would cut down on the trolling and insanity in anon subs and make them much less of a nuisance for all of voat.

YouCanDoItBuddy ago

Thank you @PuttItOut. Very cool feature, much appreciated.

Cracklord ago

Aridartifact ago

yeah same apparently im apart of some mason scheme

jollux ago

same lol

riffwraff ago

Happened to me three times. No idea why.

Danzig1870 ago

Yeah, no idea why though. Whatever it is it's always incoherent nonsense.

LtDanDingus ago

It’s weird, happened to me twice so far. And what is soapbox about anyways?

oddlike777 ago

It's a contest to see who can be the biggest douche.

jackthelion ago


somebody was like "blame @jackthelion", same way you were mentioned, OP

i dont even follow Q or anything it was weird

Obrez ago

It's probabbly SBBH or other trolls trying to get v/milliondollarextreme users to duke it out with v/qrv for SBBH, nobody needs to be covert about it though, I think everbody wants to womp those kikeloving faggots.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Yes it's very schizo

TopShun ago

Yeah I don't know why though. It's pretty strange.

Terrentist ago

What's soapbox?

oiseaulibre ago

Voat's resident faggots.

Terrentist ago

From what I gather it's a sub for getting banned. How is it that they are despised?

oiseaulibre ago

They're voat's (((powerusers))). I don't want to elaborate and throw accusations at them because I don't feel like getting into drama with them anymore... But to give you an idea, people accuse them of taking over subverses to control voat content, brigading, vote manipulation, witch hunting and attacking users, forum sliding... And more. I'm not saying I agree with any of this or not, because I don't feel like arguing with them anymore.

People also probably just think they're annoying. And I personally blame them for getting voatchat shut down.

HorseCunt ago

So like AHS?

Ocelot ago

Their humor reminds me intensely of SRS faggotry on reddit.

jollux ago

absolutely 100%

SaveTheChiIdren ago

@YouCanDoItBuddy you are being brigaded by SBBH criminal shills @gabara and @seanbox. The trannies brigaded my account and had Putt ban me the other day. After I contacted my lawyer in Delaware my account was restored. I have sone CCP left but their bots keep downvoting and locking my account. Criminal trannies control voat. @Empress @Rotteuxx

turtlesarepureevil ago

Glad to see you're back.

SaveTheChiIdren ago

Thanks :)

Rotteuxx ago

Can confirm, @empress and I had our genitals surgically switched in the Philippines.

Her husband then impregnated me so I could be a surrogate mum for them since they were unable to correctly reattach my former gigantic balls on her. Her former uterus and ovaries took very well to my body though, I gave them twins but only charged for a single delivery.

I wouldn't want to be him though, she's got a way bigger schlong than he does now.

17095460? ago

You. Weren't. Supposed. To. Tell.

Rotteuxx ago

§ 6 Gorillion

Sub-paragraph Kike

The lifetime non disclosure agreement will be void unless terms are paid in full upon delivery. Any rebate offered and willingly accepted shall null said clause.

hand rubbing intensifies

oneinchterror ago

based genitalia swappers

70times7 ago

After I contacted my lawyer in Delaware my account was restored.

lol wut

jollux ago

He's full of shit, he just replaced L with i in his name.

oneinchterror ago

More schizoposting? I hope...

Obrez ago

I'm prety sure this guy got outed on protectvoat for being part of some strange network that calls everybody trannies as a way to identify each other, or of filling up spare content to then sell accounts later on, IDK protect voat is super paranoid about everything that looks a little different than the average protectvoat user.

shoutout_to_burritos ago

Yeah occasionally. Like v/4chan or whatever the sub is.

lollo9990 ago

Yes happens often, on QRV, on 8chan and others. People schizoposting about soapbox or actually people FROM soapbox. I have a couple of suspects from the first category

Chainsawdomist ago

This happened to me too. QRD on what soapbox is?

lollo9990 ago

If i understood correctly (maybe i didn't becuase shit is weird as fuck) these people upvoat themselves schizoposting or posting random shit, and then use this "karma" to go around voat and downvoat people, or mass report them, basically they are wannabe mods/griefers. Basically they are fucking jewish cockroaches or atleast behaving like they are