Bugman1488 ago

Just directly link the image. Steal Schlomo's bandwidth.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

tell me what to hook up to sharex then

stillhavemyforeskin ago

I use it to keep up on those faggots. Although, I get that I shouldn't support them in any way...

It's just so funny to see how their brains work. For every post about a dog doing some amazing trick, there's another post of a pit bull doing absolutely nothing on the front page. "She likes her scritches". This bitch just walked into her living room, took a picture of her dog chewing on a bone, and they all mindlessly upvoted it. Meanwhile, Air Bud over here just scored the game winning goal.

I guess i'll stop using it though.

Trumpocrat2020 ago

Anyone know what happened to kek.gg?

The text fx and meme generator still works but the image hosting has been down for over a month.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Based post.

GoyimNose ago

Imgoat is down

TheKobold ago

Alternatively internet how you want. Don't let somebody tell you what to do that's not freedom. But for your information imgur was made by redditors and is funded by Reddit. Do with that information what you will.

PeaceThroughUnity ago

At the end of the day, people will use whatever hosting site they want. It would be much more effective to discourage upvoting of imgur posts than to discourage people from using it.

wifebeater666 ago

Every image you upload on imgur is public btw. Sometimes I check my old uploads and there's some confused normies in the comments wondering what ((( ))) means

1moar ago

Yep, fuck that shit haven.

zyklon_b ago


belphegorsprime ago

And (((you)))tube

MosheSchnozenstein ago

We control Imgur. Go ahead goy, it is safe to use. We will just make sure you see what we want you to see, and say what we want you to say.

o0shad0o ago

The alt-hosts have load problems, if something's already up on imgur and isn't political I'm not gonna bother rehosting it.

rektumsempra ago

that's pretty good lmao. and he didn't even have to pull a gun and risk getting ten years of jail time

bignuggies ago

Wow niggers are evolving I'm impressed

atheistnightmare ago

As long as posts don't get deleted it's fine. What problems does it have other than being connected somewhat with Reddit?

MillionDollarBanned ago

Imgur is blocked on my school iPad

Sburban_Shitposter ago


Skeeterdo ago

They're practically the same entity. Friends, Co owners, investors whatever.

You're basically giving money to the company that banned you.

Cockboy ago

How is posting direct links to the image giving them any money at all? It's wasting their server space and they get nothing in return.

The_Exodite ago

I browse voat almost exclusively on my phone, imugr is like bloatware, terribly slow, loads up countless other photos using heaps of data, I cannot save images on it, I don't use the app (fuck that shit) so it constantly asks me to download it, when I try to zoom on images the borders/frame and ads enlarge to the point where I can't see the image.

It's basically super ghey, if @derram or someone doesn't post an at-link in the comments section, I'll avoid looking at the post if it links to imugr, no matter how cool or funny or may be.

Fagtardicus ago

imgur is horribly buggy if you try and use the main site on a phone, and im pretty sure the staff tries to keep people from being able to use direct links so they get more ad revenue, BUT it works perfectly fine if you click on a direct link shared on another site, and if you can mimimise load on alternative imagehosts then why not make use of the unlimited CIAnigger bandwidth?

PeaceThroughUnity ago

Why even use a C_A site when you have other hosting sites?

Fagtardicus ago

because weve lost three imagehosts in the time ive been here and almost lost a fourth

each time it happened many of our subverses were crippled and it completely killed off some of our less active ones

PeaceThroughUnity ago

This is a fair point. I would recommend to not rely on a hosting site, any hosting site, to keep your images forever. We cant cuck to them.

Mumbleberry ago

Use of imgur reveals your status as a reddit plant, reporting back to u/spez

lustig1374 ago


SIayfire122 ago

Also imgtc.com

FreeHellicopterRides ago




LostandFound ago

Amen to that, do these guys not get that imgur is reddit ..