42252252 ago

When I dated, I made it very clear what the different rules and duties we could each expect from each other. Most of it is the usual stuff- monogamy, no ex's talking and flirting, no going to parties alone, etc. But one that always took them by surprise was a BMI limitation. Depending on their height I'd usually set it somewhat generous, something like 130 lb. for a 5'6 girl. If she went up to her top weight or I did, that was enough reason to end it. I only had one gf get that bad, and I kinda suspected she'd pack it on since she loved 'going out' and bragging about it to her friends. 4000 calorie meals every night packs it on damn quick.

So while I hate most of how these girls treat their husbands, I get it to an extent if he's acting like a filthy animal. A friends' mom growing up was in her mid 30's, still trim and quite pretty in the face, while her husband let himself balloon to almost 400 lb. It's grievous to do that to your partner.

ManchesterT ago

Funny, the Koran recommends denying sex to your WIFE as a preliminary step to try before resorting to smacking her.

Personally I'm a man who finds sex to be a chore, and have to be in an especially good mood to want to bother with it.

arathans ago

if your wife does this, then she doesnt actually care about you, you are just her provider.

with-holding sex for personal gain is also considered abuse in many countries. its a shame when there are kids in the picture cause at the end of the day, they are the one who ends up being hurt the most when the father finally leaves. and off course, it will be the mans fault when that finally happens.

carnold03 ago

If my wife cut me off from sex for the benefit of our marriage and children, and not some narcissistic powerplay, then I'd apologize once for putting her in a situation where she has to use such an extreme to prompt me to action. Then go about hammering out a more consistent routine where we can both talk about what we need to be doing to keep both our marriage together and our kids happy. The second woman in the article, Alisa Ali I could handle. She's a stay at home wife, which is rare these days, but she could've done better than a government drone though. Those guys are insanely low energy and he's clearly not right in the head if he's using sex every other night with his wife for stress relief.

That said, lets back up to the Maggie McKenzie woman who's also a stay at home mother. She's a slut turned whore. She learned to cut the guy off to force him to be a vegetarian. Narcissistic manipulation only escalates. I'd have nexted her the moment she blue balled me during the courtship.

Pippa Vickers would be rejected during the courtship the moment she let me know she wanted to being a working married mother. I'm not interested in a woman who tells me in a round about way that family and children aren't important to her. She can go find some chump simp who'd humor that.

It's messed up when a carmel darkie is the best wife a British man could land.

Cacciaguida ago

Time for a trade in.

ilikeskittles ago

Divorce. Hookers.

Rellik88 ago

So the only thing of value with women is a vagina?

IgorStrav ago

Well, it's the entire reproductive system that keeps them necessary for humanity.

When that is not in the picture, they have no value to humanity.

vonclausewitz ago

you're employing the fallacy of the excluded middle.

level_101 ago

First time they try that. A warning that they wont like where it goes then simply ignore them completely. If they want to withhold a part of what a relationship is.. Withhold everything else.

If they ever try again. File for divorce and get out.

GoatsnHoes1 ago

Sometimes if we fight I won't have sex with my husband for the rest of the day because I'm mad. But this whole manipulative bullshit is crazy. That's not a healthy way to have a relationship.

conservativecanuck ago

Two things here:

  1. My wife is better than one-in-a-million and would never do that. She is just about as close to perfect as a person can be.
  2. If i were with a woman who did that, I wouldn't even say goodbye, I would walk out the fucking door with everything.

vonclausewitz ago

As to point 1: I encourage you to offer advice to young men on how to find a good woman. All that I ever hear are horror stories, on the one side, and "I got lucky" on the other side. It's not very reassuring.

As to point 2: same here. I just walk. If we're not having sex then we're not in a sexual relationship. A marriage is a sexual relationship so, we're not married. I'm not going to stick around to be your roommate, and you didn't take vows to be my roommate. So you've broken your vows; I'm out.

conservativecanuck ago

  1. Be the good you want to see in the world. If you are good, then you will more likely attract good people.
  2. If you got a red flag in the relationship, figure out if you are willing to watch that issue grow over time or if you should cut your losses.
  3. If you meet a girl at the bar, she's probably a bar girl. If you want to meet a girl who likes fishing and riding horses, maybe look into 4H or the equivalent.

derram ago

https://archive.ph/SB0Cq :

2019-07-04 | Would YOU go on a sex strike? Meet the four women who use bedroom bans | Daily Mail Online

'No wonder the ‘sex strike’ — women refusing to have sex with their husbands to get their own way — has been used for millennia. '

'So my first sex strike, in my mid-20s, started off somewhat unwittingly. '

'So going on a sex strike last year wasn’t something I embarked upon lightly. '

'There is no chance of Lee going on a sex strike. '

'Since then, I’ve used the sex strike method with gusto!'

This has been an automated message.

Wheatstone ago

How to destroy all the love and joy in your relationship for short term gains!

Any person that with holds sex as a means of control is a psychopath.

Imagine using what could make your partners life fun and loving into a weapon.

The mask comes off when they have a kid or two of yours. Then your in a real dilemma. Your stuck with a toxic cunt for the sake of your kids. Because these toxic cunts will just abuse the kids if they can't destroy the man.

All you young guys need to learn how to spot the red flags and avoid these monsters like your lives depend on it. Because it just might.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Heathcliff ago

I can't imagine my wife trying that shit.

vonclausewitz ago

TL;DR - women openly admit that they deny their husbands sex until he submits to her will.

I used sex strikes to achieve everything from getting my home redecorated to letting loose with internet purchases.