realchebz ago

old topic but wanted to weigh in on one point specifically:

because the MGTOW "solution" isn't a solution at all -- it is genetic suicide.

This is a logical fallacy. Our definitions of what "solution" is are different. To the tradcons a solution may undermine survival of the collective. To MGTOW a solution is a survival of an individual. So yes, MGTOW is absolutely a solution if your goal is preserve yourself and not some abstract ideological goal like saving muh huwhite race.

vonclausewitz ago

old topic but wanted to weigh in

It's cool. This thread is stickied so it doesn't really get old. I keep an eye on it and make sure that anyone who wants to debate MGTOW has at least one serious response.

MGTOW is absolutely a solution if your goal is preserve yourself and not some abstract ideological goal

The tradcucks will respond to this by saying that you're being selfish. But I respond to that by saying that their ideological goal isn't achieved by getting even more men on board with it. There is already a giant surplus of good men who are ready, willing, and able to marry and support giant families. The problem is the lack of good women.

A marriage-quality woman at an appropriate age (early 20s) has no trouble getting married and staying married. I'll even provide an example: check this out. That woman didn't have any trouble finding a man. And no woman like her will have trouble either. There are more than enough good men for them to choose from.

If every MGTOW man in the entire world suddenly stopped being MGTOW, all that would do is add to the existing surplus of men - it wouldn't create one single additional family. MGTOW is not the problem (their abstract ideological problem). MGTOW is not adding to the problem. Ironically, when tradcucks waste their precious time talking to us, that is adding to the problem. They need to use their time trying to convince more women to be good women.

Dameon ago

  1. Women select which genes get passed on, not men.
  2. Unless you plan to procreate enough to have inbreeding among your offspring, your genetic contribution will approach nil soon enough. Unless you're making clones of yourself, your genetic contribution gets reduced with every generation. Look it up. It's the opposite of the compounding. Half of your material and half of your woman's material. Which is halved again with each generation.
  3. But since you can't argue with the above, you're really talking about race and civilization, which are antithetical to each other. The one thing civilization does is destroy tribalism and replace it with civilization. Tirbalism is just us vs. them. You can't have a tribal civilization, because it can't remain civilized. It will end in barbarism.
  4. If you're talking about barbarism, then why the fuck do you care about preserving the civilization? Go rape and pillage. Make sure your genetic material "survives".

vonclausewitz ago

Thank you for the comment, and for posting it in the right thread!

Is the following a fair summary of your position?

(1) you agree that women are "pretty crappy"

(2) you believe the primary reason for this is that "men enable them to be that way"

(3) you give two examples of men enabling women to be crappy: (a) an Indian couple is hiking, and the woman is carrying a baby, but the man is carrying nothing (b) both the men and the women work, and the women do all the chores - you summarize (a) and (b) as men being entitled and lazy

(4) the solution to (1) is: "the whole intent of this should be pursuing happier lives for yourself and the women around you, that you are offering more to your wife than a soy drinking cuck would."

Is that accurate?

Here's my response.

(1) "Pretty crappy" is insufficiently descriptive of the problem. I'm not nitpicking you here. If we don't describe a problem thoroughly, then we can't possibly have a discussion about it. It's like if someone says, "the buoyancy of the Titanic is pretty crappy." That isn't enough of a description for us to fix anything.

One very specific problem with women today is the way that promiscuity and hypergamy affect committed relationships. Women who are promiscuous as soon as they become sexually active are unable to pair-bond later in life when they decide to get married. Worse, their hypergamy while "exploring their sexuality" means that they fucked men significantly above their own level. They fucked those men, but those men wouldn't marry them. Thus, when they decide to get married, they are literally settling down. A woman finds that she is not happy for very long with the man she settled for, because in her mind, she has always been able to fuck a top-tier guy.

That was a bit long-winded and abstract, so let me repeat some of it: a woman of average attractiveness between the ages of 18 and 30 fucks top-tier men. She has her heart broken many times. She is an alpha widow, forever pining over one or more alphas that fucked her and then left her. Around age 30, she decides to marry. The only men available to her are average (just like her). She marries one of these average guys because she wants a big party (also known as a wedding ceremony). Not long after getting married, she finds that she doesn't love Mr. Average. She still loves the most alpha guy from her 18-30 years. She has never bonded with her husband the way she bonded with that other guy.

That's but one aspect of point (1): women are pretty crappy.

(2) I selected that specific example of women being crappy because it shows the problem with your point (2). That guy, that Mr. Average, he didn't enable his wife to behave that way. There is nothing he can do to stop her from fucking around between the ages of 18 and 30. By the time he meets her, she's already irrevocably damaged.

(3) I agree that the men you describe seem lazy. I agree that married men shouldn't be lazy. The husband on the hike should be carrying the heavier load. But I disagree that this is the cause of point (1).

(4) your solution was: "pursuing happier lives for yourself and the women around you"

Sure, okay. I don't wish for anyone, not even the women around me, to be unhappy. But let's take the specific example of "women are crappy" that I outlined above. How specifically is Mr. Average supposed to make her happy? I contend that it's impossible; that she was broken before she even met him. If you believe there's a way for him to make her happy, then please be very, very specific. Here's what you do say:

offering more to your wife than a soy drinking cuck would.

Well of course. And look, you posted that in TRP. Their mantra is physical fitness and financial independence and strength and all of that jazz. I don't imagine that /u/Native is a soy drinking cuck. And I don't think any of the men in MGTOW are either. Your advice, that we men have to be traditionally masculine - frankly my friend, we already know that. When I got married, I was an Army officer with a 300 PT score. I had plenty of social status and was in peak physical shape.

Sorry, but I don't think your advice actually solves the problem in point (1).

IheartSwimming ago

people here are against MGTOWs is because the MGTOW "solution" isn't a solution at all -- it is genetic suicide.

Pump and dump

vonclausewitz ago

I'm kind of curious what they would reply to that. Would they rather have fatherless white babies, or childless men?

camerongillette ago

Reading that mgtow is perhaps an older man's game, take my early 30's something with a grain of salt. But my guy reaction is perhaps more a criticism of the aesthetic of the movement. The reality is that if you believe that your movement is objectively a great thing for many other men apart from your own perception, and you want to help other men to attain it, then it's imperative that you work to develop the proper display of the movement. Because in my limited experience, as I'm sure most of you know, you come across as salty woman haters who couldn't get laid. But I really don't think that's many of you, so my main argument against mgtow is what I see a poor representation of what the movement is, thus creating a useless barrier to entry for people you could potentially benefit. =)

BigBadmike9999 ago

MGTOW isn't a movement. Most men are going their own way without even knowing about the MGTOW community. There is no brotherhood. There is a lot of group think. MGTOW is not organized and there is no leader. Women have already infested the MRA's. Two of the MGTOW got doxed by the MRA who is associated with Paul Elam. I wish most men couldn't get laid. Because getting laid before marriage is a bad thing for both genders. I can assure you I wish I still was a virgin. Do you realize how easy it is to get laid? At 12 years a girl in my class was banging dudes and she had the nerve to come to me. Before she opened her mouth I told her to f off. I had married women trying to sleep with me, I had women in relationships try to sleep with me. Getting laid wasn't issue most of the time. The issue was getting laid was too easy. A lot of women aren't faithful. The whole salty because we can't laid is ridiculous and there is no logic thinking proves that. Incels are the ones mad because they can't get love. MGTOW is find it it's just isn't worth the effort. No man speaks for other men. Each man is going his own way. We are not here to impress women.

Double_A_92 ago

Not all MGTOW are White.

DavidShekelburg ago

As far as a Jewish agenda goes, the Jews want you procreating so you can breed slaves for them. Its completely absurd to on the one hand say the Jews want to rule the world, and on the other that they want to convince everyone else to stop procreating so they won't have anyone to rule over or slaves to do their work for them. Duh.

BigBadmike9999 ago

Zionist wants to kill most of the population. Some say 70% and I heard high as 95%.

cobaltcolander ago

Plot-twist: some MGTOWS are Jewish. How would you know?

yourmomgay ago

Would you believe it. Jewish MGTOW checking in. Jewish women are no different, AWALT.

cobaltcolander ago

I wouldn't expect them, sir. It's biological.

DavidShekelburg ago

I know that. I was just pointing out anti-Jewish rhetoric can just as well (and more logically) be used to support personal antinatalism. I mean, if someone hates the Jews so much, and if the Jews rule the world, why not save future generations from Jewish rule by not bringing the future generations into existence? Simple fact is, white nationalist breeder cult are retards; their brains aren't working. Starting from their own premises, the most logical conclusion is that procreation is evil.

BigBadmike9999 ago

Talking about Jews is off topic. If you do your research Jews didn't really have to do with it.

On conspiracy theorists

Sherb ago

I have a vast family and my genome will be passed on, no worries there. Just not my my direct dna.

I don<t care about the white nationalist, heck I am from Quebec and kids roams the parks and streets to fight any immigrants/anglos.

vonclausewitz ago

Here's my response to @PieceSeeker's comment from here:

people here are against MGTOWs is because the MGTOW "solution" isn't a solution at all -- it is genetic suicide.

I think this is a non sequitur. I don't think that MGTOW is a thing that young men do. Oh, I'm sure there are a tiny minority of twenty-something men here, but I think the vast majority of us are older and have already played the game you want us to play: marriage, family, "leave your genetic legacy" etc.

I don't think that there are young men who are thinking "I can either have a family or I can go MGTOW." I think that if you present a young man with a virtuous woman, he will happily marry her and have kids. He'll come to MGTOW after he gets divorce-raped.

Voat recognizes the evolutionary / psychological / historic "meaning of life" and justification for existence to be the preservation of the people, the blood, the genome. Without women this is impossible.

I wont argue against your stated meaning of life. Instead, I'll say that applying that meaning to a conscious person is the fallacy of composition.

See, you are not simply alive. You are also conscious. Consciousness can be created by life in the same way that a house can be made of bricks. But an argument of the form, "here's something that's true of bricks, therefore it is also true of houses" is the fallacy of composition. Similarly, while it's true that the purpose of life is to perpetuate itself, and it's true that I am made of living cells, what I actually am is a consciousness, and you can't claim that my purpose must be the same as the purpose of my components.

Men should become men again and keep their women in order.

That statement is too vague to be meaningful. My belief, as a MGTOW, is that (a) the risks of marriage are substantial and severe, and (b) the rewards of marriage are low.

Visit /v/TraditionalWives to be reminded of what this can mean.

This is like suggesting I look at lottery winners to remind myself why I should play the lottery.

If even one-in-ten women were virtuous, MGTOW would cease to exist. I know such women are out there - as proof, here's an example. That's a stay at home mom talking about how she lives frugally. She also claims, in other videos, that she was a virgin when she married. Her marriage will likely work, but it's not for the reason you claimed above - it's not because her husband "became a man and kept her in order" - it's because she was raised this way.

You've got it all wrong. The problem with society isn't something that men can fix by "becoming men and keeping women in order." The problem with society isn't too few good men. It's too few good women. The existence of MGTOW doesn't make this problem worse. No woman like the one in that video is going to suffer because of MGTOW. MGTOW is not a problem for good women.

...however, your advice is a problem for good men. It's vague and unrealistic. I can literally give better non-MGTOW advice myself!

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

  1. If you can't pickup women, you are genetic and social trash.

  2. If you masturbate very regularly as a MGTOW- it's pathetic


Vast majority of MGTOWS are purple pilled betas/incels that want to fit in... Very few have good pickup skills- this is very telling!

vonclausewitz ago

Vast majority of MGTOWS are purple pilled betas/incels

lol. You are literally just making shit up.

this is very telling!

This thing you just made up supports your position? Amazing!

using MGTOW as a way to rationalize not having sex

Let me clue you in on a little secret: I don't value your opinion about me as a person. Why is that relevant? Well, see, since I don't value your opinion, I have no reason to rationalize or explain anything about myself to you.

Maybe you think I'm a slob too. Maybe you think I kick puppies. None of those opinions matters to me at all. Therefore, I have no reason to "rationalize" anything.

The only thing I care about are reasoned arguments. I've presented what I feel are reasoned arguments for MGTOW. The only thing I care about are if you address my arguments and, using logic and reason, refute them. That is literally the only thing about you that I will ever possibly care about.

You replied to the comment above, but as far as I can tell, you didn't actually address (let alone refute) a single fucking syllable in that comment. So let's start over. Read this - I'll even make it easy for you - you don't even have to read the whole thing. It's numbered. Stop at the very first number that you disagree with. Reply to this comment, quote that number, and then tell me why what I said is wrong.

Do you fancy yourself an intelligent person? Then that simple task should be easy for you.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Still waiting for a reply..

Your silence has spoken volumes

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

You having to tell me you don't care what I think about you... lol

You're flat out wrong saying I don't know what MGTOW is. MGTOW is for guys who:
1. Don't already know that you should love and care for yourself over everyone else
2. Don't already know that a man should be on his path and that is more important than any ho
3. Don't know how to maintain a relationship with a hypergamous girl, have gotten hurt, so are angry and say "fuck it then"
4. Don't know that you can and should be fucking multiple girls regularly without having to pay... Don't know you can have multiple long term relationships or a girlfriend who fucks other girls with you..
5. MGTOW doesn't know how to be non-needy and abundant when they are dating or in relationships. 6. MGTOW SOMEHOW doesn't STILL know that marriage is for chumps. You can raise healthy kids with a woman without being married. Marriage was never created for "love".

  1. Don't know love is a mental illness of addiction and neediness despite being on this path and being hurt from it before.

MGTOW is perpetually stuck in the "Anger Phase" of learning the red-pill. Date or be in a relationship if you want, who the fuck cares. YOU SHOULD ALREADY BE ON YOUR PATH IN LIFE, THIS IS #1 ALWAYS. THIS DOES NOT NEED A SEPARATE MOVEMENT UNLESS YOU ARE CLUELESS ABOUT GAME AND PICKUP.

Picking up women is one of the most essential skills any man can have. Cold approach pickup is problem solving and solution finding in real time. It challenges you to get out of your comfort zone. It forces you to be aligned in your thoughts, words and actions aka congruent. It forces you to have balls and step up. Avoiding pickup is for cowards

You fuck the ho when your dick is hard and you want to fuck the ho. Being needy, asking or demanding it is pathetic.

vonclausewitz ago

You're flat out wrong saying I don't know what MGTOW is.

Prove it by linking to an actual MGTOW explaining what it is. Otherwise, I am going to assume that your opinions about MGTOW are wrong.

The truth is, you've never read anything written by any MGTOW. Your opinions about MGTOW are as wrong as feminists' opinions about The Red Pill.

MGTOW is NOT what you say it is. MGTOW is what MGTOW-men say it is. If you can't link any of them, then it's safe to assume you're full of shit.

Picking up women is one of the most essential skills any man can have.

This is just further evidence that you don't know what MGTOW is. You assume MGTOW men don't know how to pick up women. I linked you to an actual MGTOW addressing that exact point. It's addressed in points 1.b and 2.

BigBadmike9999 ago

That woman is a minority. Btw she is a true Christian not the fake ones most women pretend to be.

vonclausewitz ago

A miniscule minority, yes. And several standard deviations from the mean, which is basically worthless. Pretty sad.

BigBadmike9999 ago

My best guess is about 1 to 2% of the female population.

cobaltcolander ago

I think the vast majority of us are older and have already played the game you want us to play: marriage, family, "leave your genetic legacy" etc.

I will just note in passing that this is definitely true for me. I also believe that those who have been put through the wringer form the majority of MGTOW.