SwearGoatISane ago

hey beautiful

ExpertShitposter ago

We love your one sane Jewish gay ass on voat!



LeopoldXXII ago

They're an ugly bunch to be sure.

Mr_Wolf ago

Child hood pictures of Krusty, how sweet. This is also why he wasn't funny.

HillBoulder ago

Where's a suicide bomber when you need one?

SwearGoatISane ago


Goathole ago

dammit. it's one thing for you to be "fabulous" but now I have to add jew. fuck, are you a nigger too? you might as well make it the trifecta.

10000904? ago

Krusty the Clown was Jewish i'm pretty sure.

Edit: Damn I even forgot about his real name Herschel Shmoikel Pinchas Yerucham Krustofsky. It's been years since I watched the simpsons.

Crensch ago

There was a time when I'd have not had a visceral reaction to such a picture. It used to be that Jews were just an odd curiosity to me.

I can't wait to watch them melt.

SaveTheChildren ago

Yes, they are definitely just vile looking to me now.

HarveyKlinger ago

I'm so amused and confused by this picture.


Stop clowning around.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

getting ready for those anti-police, anti-christian propaganda for Sunday like clockwork?? maybe u can do an ama on how you survived the holocaust twice.

Rotteuxx ago

Ah shucks, you just can't help but picking on one of our own non-zionist jew :(

How come you're not over at preview.Voat.co actually doing something productive for the community ?

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

kill yourself tranny

Rotteuxx ago

Awwww, I love it when you do that, so cute !


Read my diary. If it's too dark for you to read, then that's ok because they turned my tattooed butt into a flimsy lampshade.

heygeorge ago

Better than being Amalek.

Le_Squish ago

You speak ill of he who quit for your sins?

heygeorge ago

Neh. I think it's fair to point out that it's not easy being Amalek.


He had sourced facts and wasn't afraid to share them with 30 unrelated subverses.

heygeorge ago

Lol! This is true. At times, I enjoyed his brand of eccentricity.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

Do you find it duplicitous that Jews are matrilineal, yet consider women inferior?