GOT ago

You don't get an intellectual forum without some iron fist moderation. I do not think people have an appetite for that.

Furthermore, voat uses exactly the same comment and voating system. So the same circlejerk mentality will result.

If you wanted something different with less hive mind thinking and less shitty discussion, you should not have come to a forum structured as voat is.

CPT_Ahab ago

The style of forum isn't necessarily toxic to intellectual discussion, but I see how it could follow the same pattern. Voat can be improved by placing value on controversial posts and comments towards the front or top of the page and not just based off of the up-down vote sum it receives. The nice thing about the democratic style of these kinds of websites is that it introduces people to things they wouldn't otherwise be interested in. I think moderation has it's place for removing unrelated, and harassing content, but it doesn't contribute to the sharing and discussion of ideas. Going off of pure score doesn't mean much, but basing what content is displayed by response will help the community if Voat goes in a more stimulating direction.