Hi 4chan!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol, like you were expecting it. hrm. hahahaha. thank you! as before, can't wait for some (more)discussion between us, or if we never cross paths again, in the words of the doctor, oh i forget, enjoy!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

toyhammer98 ago

Uhhh... what the hell did I just read?


SaneGoatiSwear ago

SongAboutYourPost ago


Maybe you'll like /v/SongAbotYourPost. I make songs about posts. Feel free to summon me (@SongAboutYourPost)! Have a great week.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SongAboutYourPost ago

is the sub /v/fph?

SongAboutYourPost ago

cool. I'll try to choose wisely and hopefully cook up something tonight. my kids have been sick so I've been ... not doing so well on the Novelty Account front.

have a great day!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

that was magical! when in need, i know who to call!

thank you!

SongAboutYourPost ago

booyah! Thanks for the compliment! https://soundcloud.com/songsaboutyourpost/thank-you

SurvivorType ago

Hey, welcome to Voat! Yes, I remember. It's a conspiracy to make us all think we can't trust our memories so we will dismiss everything else the government changes about history!

It's true, I swear it. This is on the internet, so you know you can trust me.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yay thank you!