fonkyninja ago

Im interested about those theories. Can you tell me more?

OverReddit ago

yeah reddit is so worried about political correctness. Im so over it. I want the truth and honesty.and sometimes being real hurts peoples feelings.

Chimaira92 ago

Too true, ill link you some stuff to start with if your interested.

Crensch ago

Read the /v/introductions sticky. Ask questions, and don't assume the thought-terminating cliches and shaming that work on rEddit will work here.

smallpond ago

@McNukesForAll Crensch is a master of thought-terminating cliches and shaming, among other things - and it's worked very well for him around here.

Disclaimer: If we’re conversing, I will soon fall silent. I may want to continue, but because many users are unpopular here and have less than 100 CCP, we are temporarily banned as soon as we make 10 comments in a day. Voat does not respect free speech, but I'm grateful for recent comments stating an intention to improve things.

Crensch ago

Mouse over the username above if you have any questions.

smallpond ago

Just can't help yourself can you... yet another reply consisting solely of CCP-shaming, because you're incapable of addressing the point regarding free speech.

Crensch ago

You have no point. You spam the same ending text in almost every comment, and change the text above it in order to virtue-signal that you're something other than a spammer.

voatHatesTheFirst ago


How do you reconcile voats motto `have your say' with the fact that the voating system allows you and the other SRS types in /v/protectvoat to regularly downvoat brigade users accounts into an unusable state?

Having a negative CCP severely restricts users ability to participate normally on voat. You wont' be allowed to voat, and you will be banned when you post 10 times for 24 hours.

@McNukesForAll @smallpond @middle_path

Crensch ago

How do you reconcile voats motto `have your say' with the fact that the voating system allows you and the other SRS types in /v/protectvoat to regularly downvoat brigade users accounts into an unusable state?

Prove this.

Having a negative CCP severely restricts users ability to participate normally on voat.

Don't spam.

You wont' be allowed to voat, and you will be banned when you post 10 times for 24 hours.

You don't seem to understand the definition of "ban".

Cuckbot ago

That account is registereduser.

Crensch ago

Thanks. ...

I forgot who registereduser is. Well, I'm familiar with the name, and I know I'm not fond of him, but what'd he do?

And thanks in advance for any explanation. I honestly can't remember shit-tier users very well if they're off my radar for any decent period of time.

Cuckbot ago

He's the one posting pictures of turds to PV and been harrassing both admins for years. Has about 6 or 7 alts he uses.

Crensch ago

Ahhh, I think I remember some of that now. Thank you very much for the information, bud.

voatHatesTheFirst ago

Prove this. See posts/comments and sidebar.

Don't spam.

Like you've been doing with your calls to brigade other users. Ok.

You don't seem to understand the definition of "ban".

Crensch ago

It appears you don't really know how the burden of proof works, and how what you did is the equivalent to saying "just google it, I'm right".

Like you've been doing with your calls to brigade other users. Ok.

I haven't called to brigade anyone. Show me where that happened.

And you also still don't understand the definition of "ban".

smallpond ago

All three of us understand that when a low-CCP user makes 10 comments and 10 posts in less than 24 hours, they suffer a temporary website-wide ban - but your lack of both character and intellectual honesty makes you labor the point yet again.

You make many submissions to PV purely objecting to people's opinions. Here's just one.

What is the point of this submission if not to encourage others to be hostile towards and downvote @middle_path ? You are clearly, blatantly calling for a brigade against a user. @middle_path does not appear to be attempting to subvert the website in any way, whereas you clearly are attempting to subvert the website to shut down a user with opinions that somehow scare you.

It's hard to believe that you're so divorced from reality that you cannot see this.

Crensch ago

Nobody cares about you.

smallpond ago

Dry your tears and think of something to say. That pathetic wimper of a reply is making me embarrassed for you.

Crensch ago

Not a single person on this site thinks you have any value.

Lurker22 ago

It's all small nonsense anyways when there's sincerely nothing we can do about big government. I mean unless we don't like our system we've got going so far? Without it how could of we have gotten here, to voat. =P hehehe. Like your name. McNukes for all. =) ....I got fired for talking about conspiracy theories at my cooperate workplace. I was on the lower chain of it all and they were getting sick of it. I feel ya man. I still enjoy eddit though, for it's just a forum like here. A massive forum.

hangry ago

What's one more niggerfaggot?