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Crensch ago

The only good Jews are the dead ones, and the unicorns that sterilize themselves, infiltrate and destroy their own kind, then gas themselves.

You know what your kind does, and you have the option of allowing it to continue, or supporting the one race that's most likely to get us off this rock before a global extinction event.

The holocaust was a hoax, and the number of people realizing this are growing exponentially.

Get fucked, kike.

LiteralShillAccount ago

lol tfw you're an uneducated poor blue-collar parasite but still think you're part of a master race or will ever help humanity's endvours in space exploration. Seriously, in what way are you superior to the average jew? They're more intelligent and successful than whites

Crensch ago

Seriously, in what way are you superior to the average jew?

Even just not wanting to undermine and genocide the only race that can get us off this rock makes me better than every Jew that ever lived.

LiteralShillAccount ago

In what way are you actively helping humanities efforts in space exploration? Or are you just collecting food stamps, hoping whites more intelligent than you will figure it out? Do you know how many SpaceX and Blue Origin employees are jewish, asian, and indian?

Crensch ago

I'm guessing you believe the holocaust happened, since you're responding like a kike.

LiteralShillAccount ago

I know deflecting usually works against the retards on this site, but it's really easy to see through for a normal human being. Please answer my question: in what way are you actively helping humanities efforts in space exploration? The question is relevant because you claimed whites are "the only race that can get us off this rock", which is also why I inquired if you're aware of the siginficant number of jews, asians, and indians working for SpaceX, NASA, and Blue Origin. All I'm trying to get you to do is bak up your claims. Please answer the question.

Crensch ago

I know deflecting usually works against the retards on this site

Not deflecting a thing. I lost interest in whatever you had to say, and now you can either respond or not. I care not which.

LiteralShillAccount ago

Dank deflection bro, props for crying to your voat mods for validation. The question is very fucking simple, and you still haven't answered it: in what way are you actively helping humanities efforts in space exploration?

Crensch ago

props for crying to your voat mods for validation.

A nice lie to show how Jewish you are in the morning?

LiteralShillAccount ago

ASNWER THE FUCKING QUESTION YOU KIKE: in what way are you actively helping humanities efforts in space exploration?

Crensch ago

By not being a drain on the only society that's been to the fucking moon. Unlike niggers, spics, sandniggers, and Jews.

LiteralShillAccount ago

OK, so you're not. Got it. THANK YOU. Jesus fucking christ was that so fucking difficutl you fucking blue collar parasite?

Crensch ago

Even just not wanting to undermine and genocide the only race that can get us off this rock makes me better than every Jew that ever lived.

Apparently, answering your question with a statement about how low of a bar it is to be superior to the average Jew

Seriously, in what way are you superior to the average jew?

isn't an answer for you.

LiteralShillAccount ago

Again, Jews are inhereintly parasitic. SO ARE YOU. DON'T HAVE KIDS IF YOU'RE POOR AND UNEDUCATED. Fucking hell, you're not as bad, but you're almost as bad as them.

Crensch ago

You asked specifically about being better than a Jew. I told you how simple that was. How is that not an answer? Did it not occur to you that what I'm saying is that I'm not a drain on society with that statement? At WORST the question should have been "so you're not a drain on society?" - No, I'm fucking not.

TruthSeeker3 ago

Yes, you are. Where's the @pointsoutidiouts guy, when you need him?

Crensch ago

Yes, you are. Where's the @pointsoutidiouts guy, when you need him?

That... is just embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you. "Nuh uh, where's soandsowithrelevantandhilariouslymisspelledname when you need him?"

I would be ashamed of having written that, even on a semi-anonymous board. The sheer cringe factor of it would keep me up at night.

TruthSeeker3 ago

I'm surprised that you can be ashamed of anything.

Crensch ago

No you're not, because you've apparently never felt shame in your life. Narcissistic Jew liar.

"But muh nazi dad!" <-- Gets less and less credible with each post of yours.