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theoldones ago

then Voat stands for Free Speech, within the limits of U.S. law seeing as how Voat is a U.S. based Company and must abide by U.S. Law.


voat operating on only the US law basis for child porn may be inadequate. clearly certain bad actors slipped through recently, and have been slipping through

can i make the suggestion of plundering's policy which bans all sexualized depictions of children, even the loli shit?

virge ago

This is a really good discussion to have. This is why I recommend the community works with Putt to figure out what the line is and both advertise and stick to it.

If Putt disagrees with you, then you're going to have to accept that. His house, don't piss on his seat and all that.

Dortex ago

theoldones ago

@Cynabuns dortex spam here

Crensch ago

u/theoldones called you out for defending pedophiles. Get over it, you sick fuck. Soon enough subhumans like you will be shot in broad daylight to the delight of the humans watching.

Dortex ago

And I called him out for begging for child porn. Circle of life.

Crensch ago

Except he didn't. You're just full of shit and you spam like sanegoat. You should probably just slit your wrist and go out easy - I said shoot, I didn't say kill. They won't let you die swiftly.

Dortex ago

Except he didn't.


I dare you to post a photo of a naked, unclothed child then.


okay. prove it by doing it. you just said it was legal.

go ahead, post that naked kid pic, we can wait.

Crensch ago

Nice way to twist his intent to your own benefit. You were tip-toeing around what is legal and what isn't, so he called you on it.

Nobody believes you, and they believe you even less the more you spam. You nutcases never really get that, it seems.

Dortex ago

Nice way to twist his intent to your own benefit.

There's no twist. It's a plain reading. What do you think I think his intent is?

Crensch ago

To prove you knew it was illegal, obviously.

Dortex ago

Incorrect. In his own words, it was a challenge for the target user to "put his money where his mouth is". Sounds pretty straightforward to me.

Crensch ago

Nobody in any court would take it that way, except Jews and pedophiles, but I repeat myself.

Dortex ago

Why wouldn't the people in court take him at his word when he begs for.child porn, then fervently clarifies that he is, in fact, challenging people to post child pornography to prove what he perceives to be their case?

Crensch ago

Context matters, pedo.

Dortex ago

No amount of context helps after he literally confesses to the felony as is laid out in the Penal Code.

Crensch ago

Anyone reading those words outside of your cherry-picking would take you out back so you could fall down a few dozen times.

Dortex ago

Funny you mention that, not only did he confess to his exact motives in his responses, But he also links to an "independent" third party who also agrees that he's specifically challenging others to post child pornography and defends it on that basis. Bruh, this is getting sad. I can hear you scraping the bottom of that barrel. I'm going to bed.

Crensch ago

Yeah, the linked comments don't prove @theoldones is a pedophile. If you click into them and look at the context, it's obvious theoldones is asking Decidueye to put his account where his mouth is. Dortex is trying to smear him for this. It's an intentionally dishonest trick, and for it to work relies on people either not clicking the links or only paying slight attention to the contents. That said, many will do one of those two and the smear will work on them. It's a skilled manipulation, I'll give it that much. I didn't actually realize how dishonest and manipulative Dortex was until seeing it for myself. @Mumbleberry did try to warn me, and I should have listened to him.

That exact link. Do you think I'm stupid or something?

Can't wait till streetlights are decorated with pedophile-sized ornaments.

Dortex ago

Do you think I'm stupid or something?


it's obvious theoldones is asking Decidueye to put his account where his mouth is.


Do you think I'm stupid or something?

You're not giving me a choice here.

theoldones ago

@TruthDefender now he's defaming your good name in addition to mine

heygeorge ago

Maybe a ban from v/greatawakening would set him straight!

theoldones ago

he's been trying the trick all day but i laced the links he quotes with edits that link back to a rebbutal that show him to be a lying snake

whenever he spreads this spam now it directly calls him out and shows he's lying XD

Dortex ago

Shrayzie gave away your game ages ago. Dortex doesn't think anything you say matters, so he sees no reason to edit the post.