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TheBuddha ago

I want to take a moment to thank all those who have so far contributed, and to thank those who have contributed in the past.

This is not the last thread, but it is an important thread. It's the last one we'll have on Voat. Tomorrow marks the first one we'll have on Poal.

Let's take a moment to think of those lost and those left behind...

Now, let's go back to making some noise!

The thread is about you. You make the thread. You, even those who just comment, make the thread. It has never been about me, nor will it ever be about me. It's about you and encouraging you to create and to share. It's about coming together over a common bond that is music. It's about sharing our joy for our musicianship.

Those of you that just listen, don't... Take a minute to thank the artists for the work they put in. It is, indeed, work. We've spent countless hours learning to master our instruments. We've spent countless hours crafting these tracks for you. Let them know that you appreciate their work - and it is indeed work.

If you feel like contributing, now's the time. There will never be another last thread on Voat. This is it. This is your chance to get in on the very last guitar thread. Let's ride 'er 'til the wheels fall off.

Rock on, goats. Rock on!

sguevar ago

It has been a pleasure since the first day I joined. I know I am on and off but each time I come to hear the tunes I have a big smile.

Thanks goats, thanks a lot.

TheBuddha ago

At least we guitar goats have a place to go and can continue the thread. Some folks haven't yet found new online homes.