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SandHog ago

Fucking A. Merry Christmas crazy e. Hope you and yours are doing great!

crazy_eyes ago

Nice to hear from you hope you're doing all right too!

SandHog ago

I'm hanging in there. Picked up a boat recently, so I'm looking forward to slaying some fish and pulling some hotties around on water skis next year. If you ever find yourself in western WA let me know!

crazy_eyes ago

Sounds like fun.

SandHog ago

Shit yeah. I meant Eastern WA. I was sitting at my desk and it faces south so I had my directions confuzzled. Western WA is all commies and retards; don't go there. Are you going over to Poal? I kinda don't want to but then again I like my internet frens.

crazy_eyes ago

I will be on Poal at least for the Friday night guitar thread for sure. I do not yet know where the rest of my internet time will be spent. I been in the habit of checking VOAT first for quite a few years. I really don't know what is going to replace that yet.

SandHog ago

Yeah. It sucks. After I stopped coming here I started hanging around on /pol/ but it just wasn't the same. Kinda at the point where I just want to ignore the internet all together. No matter where you go it just seems to get worse and worse.

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah, the constant lies get old fast

SandHog ago

Any of the riot bullshit over this summer impact your area?

crazy_eyes ago

No, none of that was anywhere near me. There was a protest that blocked a bridge for half an hour in town one day but I was not affected in any way. I didn't even know it happened until well after it was over.

SandHog ago

Yeah. It was the same here. Some out of town niggers tried to rile up the high school/community college kids, but it resulted in nothing. A couple marches and 'protests'. I only heard about the after the fact.

At what point do regular people get tired of these fucking whiners? It's gotta be soon, right?

I already want to shoot these cunts.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL They aren't worth the hassle

SandHog ago

In sane areas, yes. Look at Seattle or Portland or coastal California. I'm so tired of these fucking retards. It seems like the more retarded ideas that people come up with the more these liberal governments embrace. How much retard is too much?

The answer, apparently, is the more retard the better. Just add more retard!

crazy_eyes ago

It is a complete inversion of bad and good. what is good is bad and is not allowed and what is bad is promoted and celebrated. It's completely Satanic

SandHog ago

I agree 100%

It's funny. I was never religious or thought about God or that such a thing could ever be real. Yet, once you start examining what is currently occurring plus what history has's impossible to deny that he exists. Go down enough rabbit holes and it's the only conclusion that can be arrived at is that God is real.

crazy_eyes ago

Thats for sure. To go along with that it is so obvious that Satan or evil or whatever you want to call it exists without question as well. We have got to choose our side, when we get to know the truth like what has been shared here it is easy to choose, but the people who are kept from being exposed to the truth are brainwashed into false beliefs. I think it's up to us to show them the way

SandHog ago

Yeah. I have come to the same conclusion. It's very strange that there are so many ways to get to to the same result. All it takes is asking questions and answering them honestly.

crazy_eyes ago

Yep. I just hope that the rest of the people can come to the right conclusion soon but it sure seems that most of them are incapable of answering those questions honestly, seeimingly out of fear of ridicule from the liars. It seems like most people are cowards and would agree an obvious lie is the truth over a little bit of ridicule, its sad

SandHog ago

All too true my friend. So many follow the path of least resistance in life and walk around with their eyes shut. It is frustrating trying to interact with them. That NPC meme is so dead on it's unreal.