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kammmmak ago

Wow, that same tricky arrangements and work very well. Great vibe. Got a brian may feelin.

TheBuddha ago

Your comment isn't below a track, so I'm not sure what you're referring to. :-/

kammmmak ago

The xmas 9:00+ song

TheBuddha ago

Ah, glad you liked it! We spent a fuckton of time on that one.

If you like that one, there's a TSO song from last year. Hold on, I'll just give you a direct link:

Trans Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Eve

That's TSO from last year. This year we did 3 TSO songs which is what you listened to, though it's really only 2 TSO songs as they always run the first two together.

crazy_eyes ago

My life is better for having met you and got to know you, thanks!

TheBuddha ago

Indeed and the same. We've given it a good run.

Fortunately, we've got Poal. Hell, you already know many of the folks over there.