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cynicaloldfart ago

Our good friend @sguevar couldn't be with us tonight so he sent me this to post for him

Everything Is Not Lost

This post was meant for the FNGT but as I have to work today and tomorrow, I won't be present on it. I will be going out with my family and enjoy Christmas as it is supposed to because - as I a have said it to others - fuck the rona and the fearmongering and satanist kikes with their useful idiots.

I just want to give you all a simple but valuable farewell.

I hope you guys like it, I had a laugh doing so.

It has been a blast in the good times, the bad ones and the ugly ones but it is time to move on, and continue our stance in different places. I really hope to see you all in the future!

Merry Christmas Voat, happy New Year and may God keeps you safe during these troubling times.

Everything is not lost cover - even if you don't like the song take the time to listening it to the end.

Take care fellas! Cya around! Good vibes from Costa Rica! Pura Vida! God bless you all!

TheBuddha ago

I wondered when you'd get to that one.

Hopefully they can make it tomorrow night.