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catfishjones ago

Here's one I recorded today just for this. It's been a blast folks.

TheBuddha ago

There you are! Great to see you!

You are already aware that we're still gonna have the thread. It's on Poal. I know you know, but I want the link in this thread multiple times.

I'm listening while I type. I like it. Further on down the road...

Is that an original or a cover? Also, I have those same glasses - but in blue.

catfishjones ago

its original, but a simple one. fitting i thought.

TheBuddha ago

If you get a chance, the lyrics would be nice. Some of 'em weren't clear to my ancient ears.

catfishjones ago

here ya go

It aint your fault

please dont take it wrong

Nothing is changing

Just because I've gone

Further on down the road

I'll carry your memories close

I cant shake em

I take em with me when I go

Further on down the road

I dont mind the sleep I

Always seem to lose

Just makes for less time

Til I'm back home with you

Further on down the road

I'll carry your memories close

I cant shake em

I take em with me when I go

Further on down the road

TheBuddha ago

They are simple, but somehow 'correct'. You've got a way with lyrics. You really do. You need to get into a studio, even if it's just for yourself. You can get a 4 hour block of studio time for > $200 and that includes an engineer.