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TheBuddha ago

Like normal, we'll go ahead and get you started! Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!

You've waited a year for this. More than 300 hours. 189 stubs. As many as 6 guitar layers and 3 drum layers at a time. This is perhaps the most complex piece we've put together. We hope it was worth the wait!

We started planning last January and started putting this together in August. The 300 hours only includes recording and mixing time. It doesn't include the hundreds of hours we spent learning and rehearsing the work. To try to enumerate who played what with our usual notation would make a URL that exceeded the max 255 characters. So, it's from the usual suspects and some guests.

And, it's a fitting tribute to be the last Christmas guitar track we made for Voat. Without further ado…

2020 Christmas TSO Medley (The Usual Suspects and Guests)
Backup if we swamp HulkShare with traffic

As you listen, think back to the lovely times we've had and look forward to the lovely times we'll still have. Do not lament the passing of Voat, but rejoice in the moving to a new home. I have long since prepared a place for us there and this thread shall continue.

For the record, I am well pleased by this track. Well pleased indeed. Also, I want to add that it is with deliberate purpose that this song is as it is - it rewards those that wait. So, wait for it... The silence exists for a reason.

Rock on, goats! Rock on!

Ps4Freedom ago

Amazingly Awesome! WOW

That piece was a journey. You guys never disappoint. Wow!

TheBuddha ago

We try our best. Did you get a forum account?

My memory sucks. Like, seriously sucks.

Here's an invite code if you want it:


Just go to and register - using that as the invitation code.

Ps4Freedom ago

Thank you! I got signed up and saved the pol link. Can't believe it's been a year since I last heard your music! Taught me something, don't wait so long after disagreements to make amends. It's at least bad for my musical education! lol

The music you guys produce really is a gift. You guys take me on journeys! Thanks so much for the invite.

An entire year of music awaits me while I try to arrive on the New and let go of the Voat... damn hard, feels like I'm getting a divorce for crap sakes. Memories will have to hold me cause I will never forget this place. Santa is still an option but I doubt we will see the results today... Merry Christmas, my friend. We rocked the free speech! Without ever talking about politics! One hour left... be safe, be happy, be a goat and never give up. I'll be around to tell you how talented you are... mutual admiration society.

TheBuddha ago

You know how to find me. My email is also [email protected] and that's checked fairly regularly.

We'll be taking the guitar thread to Poal, where we already have a place waiting and ready.

Ps4Freedom ago

I'll shoot an email or I'll lose it. Did you see the new global sticky!!!?

SandHog ago

Absolutely delightful!

Hand_of_Node ago

Nice! You sound like a great musician!

I'm actually listening to it a second time. That's really good.

Dang, computer choking on too many tabs, and voat not being available. Well, I'm back.

TheBuddha ago

I'm not bragging when I say I'm one of the best guitarists on the planet. I feel comfortable rating myself in the top 500.

If you like that, scroll down until you find the other TSO song, Christmas Eve in Sarajevo.

Hand_of_Node ago

A National Treasure!

TheBuddha ago

I'm a classical guitarist by training and have been at it for more than five decades.

If I wasn't world-class by now, I'd fucking quit playing.

I've put well over 55,000 hours in (we did the math). I'm nearing 60,000 hours by now.

Yeah... I didn't just magically pick up a guitar and play. I put my hours in.

cynicaloldfart ago

Now I am listening again to your track. It's still gonna take a lot of listens to hear all the nuances. What another herculean effort by all of you. Please tell J how amazing she is and how utterly astonished I am at her skills.

Biff, you really outdid yourself in everything. Just wow, the mix is fantastic and your playing on this is so awesome. Thank you for putting so much work into everything you do. You are so pro level already you indeed a Legend!

Buddha, what can I say about you I haven't said a million times. Wait, have I used stupendous yet? You know how awestruck I am with your skills, born of decades of dedication. I don't know what more I can say, but Thanks.

TheBuddha ago

throws horns

So much to be said about this year's track. It's a lovely, complex piece that can be digested into many chunks. When we made the decision to finish with A Mad Russian's Christmas we knew we were in for some serious work. That's why the recording started in August, before I left to come down here.

flaxom ago

You can hear the work that went into this, really impressive man, a joy to listen through

TheBuddha ago

Glad you liked it!

If you like that one, scroll down and you'll see that we did another TSO track in 2019. That one was Christmas Eve in Sarajevo. I suspect you'll like it.

csuiter ago

OUTSTANDING as always !

TheBuddha ago

Glad you liked it!

We pull out the stops for the Christmas thread. We do this every year, or try to - but each year we try to outdo the one before it. We'll start planning Christmas 2021 in January.

We're stoked that you enjoyed it.

Biff says, "Merry Christmas!"

cynicaloldfart ago

I'm listening and it's going to take a few more times at least. This is magnificent. More later.

I'm archiving in real time so I'll comment when I can.

TheBuddha ago


The silence is intentional. It's a treat for those that wait.

And, you've got until noon (PST) to archive + @searchvoat is doing what they can.

So, maybe enjoy yourself.

"Tell him to listen again and let us know what he really thinks."

Followed with, "Of course it's magnificent!"

MadWorld ago

After Voat goes down, you can just archive this link:

TheBuddha ago

We have an official archivist.

It all gets archived. It's got its own site and everything.

crazy_eyes ago


8_billion_eaters ago

...another member I took for granted.


TheBuddha ago

Did you expect anything different?

Also, the track rewards those with patience.

We're glad you liked it!

crazy_eyes ago

I love it

TheBuddha ago

"Thank you, Crazy!"

"Tell him to listen again but listen to the silence and turn it up to 11."

You heard the woman.

crazy_eyes ago

I tried to play it again and it stopped playing about a third of the way, wont do anything now. Im listening to the other now and ill go back to it

TheBuddha ago

There's two download/listening choices because HulkShare may get inundated with traffic from us. The one on should work well enough if HS goes down.

crazy_eyes ago

When I get home I will. For sure

TheBuddha ago

LOL Well, until then...


I'll be here for a while. I've not even taken my sleep meds yet.

crazy_eyes ago

I am back at home now so I can listen loud

TheBuddha ago

Well then turn it up!

TheGook ago

Very well done. 10 minutes! That last part starting around 7:00 sounds Randy Rhoads-ish. Sounds good.

TheBuddha ago

That one took some serious work.

We're glad you like it. We've got more to drop that's similar (from last year) but this is the 2nd year in a row we've done TSO covers. Though we kinda played around with this one.

This one, it pays to wait... It turned out fitting for this thread.

TheGook ago

Hell yiss! I can tell a lot of work went into it. You guys & gals always knock it out of the park.

TheBuddha ago

The numbers, some of them, are in the post itself. The numbers don't really do it justice, but they're there for the curious.

MrHarryReems is at the bar, I believe. He's supposed to be there, with obligations. So, I'm not sure if he'll swing by or not.

catfishjones ago

I'm sure I'll see you around mate. Thanks for all you've done, along with the gang, to keep us all creative.

TheBuddha ago

As I've often said, it's not me that makes the thread. I just get it started. You make the thread.

I know how to get a hold of you and you know it'll be on Poal.

We're recreating (surely with different comments and people) this thread tomorrow night on Poal. Feel free to join us, even if you don't have new material. LOL It's a new audience, we can re-use our archived stuff!