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Buddha, voat is dying and you STILL never shared your pancake recipe with me!

TheBuddha ago

LOL 'Snot like you're not going to Poal. The thing is, I have many of them...

1.5 cups water
3 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
.5 tsp brown sugar
1 egg
4 tbsp softened/melted butter

1 cup milk - but be prepared to add up to 2, it depends on the consistency you want

mix between EVERY ingredient

pre-heat the pan before starting

If you want to add fruit, add it before the milk and adjust the milk accordingly. It's always at least a cup.

That's enough pancakes for maybe 4 people - but more like 2 Americans.


I'm filing this screenshot in my Goat folder under Buddha Cakes

I'm making accounts everywhere for now but I don't know where I'll end up. Poal's 30-posts-per-day traffic never held my interest much before but maybe voat migrants will improve it enough to make it worth visiting daily.

TheBuddha ago

The guitar thread will be on Poal. It was that or our "private" forum. We want an audience, beyond just ourselves, 'cause music is best when shared. So, we're going to move it to Poal.

I've had my account there since like day 1.