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virge ago

Boycotting posts by niggers from now on. Shower me with downvotes, SBBH.

Nadeshda ago

Thank you for contributing your faggotry for all to see, have an upvote virgil! Come on now, play us a song! I know you can make noice, now record it!

virge ago

Funny how SBBH faggots only care about free speech when it's their free speech, isn't it?

Nadeshda ago

Not sure if you are talking to me or someone else... care to elaborate what ails you tonight?

cynicaloldfart ago

He was invited (challenged?) to be here by Buddha.

Nadeshda ago

Lol... so umm he took the challenge and came and said that? Lol... life is strange... he be reeeing without recording it... this needs to be fixed!

cynicaloldfart ago

The ripples seem to go even deeper. I just saw this:

Where do we go from here
It doesn't have to be like this
All we need to do is make sure we keep talking