marchmelo88 ago

The kid is unhurt.

BushChuck ago

Damn. That is a beautiful ramp.

irradiated_toaster ago

Definitely fake, those wagons have no suspension.

2_scoops_vanilla ago

There's a video game of this.

BoyBlue ago

10 down votes from the idiots who actually tried this.

Pointyball ago

He made this video to send to his wife!!!!

TestForScience ago

Atleast that’s what I found when I was looking it up lol

Wiserman ago

Probably the flip is fake. Nobody would really do that, right? Probably it is criminal. This man is extreme. Next, rock climbing with child attached by rope at the back.

GoyimNose ago

There's no baby in that when he does the jump lol

MyNameIsMud ago

In the source video he's not the father but rather the babysitter. Makes it funnier imo.

captainstrange ago

Found an artistic rendition of this same video.

Apparently he turned it into a whole series.

bdmthrfkr ago

Fake but not gay.

TestForScience ago

A RED papousse.
Btw, wtf is a papousse?

GabeVitoro ago

It’s important to take your kids out with you so they have a healthy relationship with the outdoors and are not scared of physical activity.

Traumatize child with daredevil stunts! LOL :-P

DintDoNothin ago


kammmmak ago


KatHarzso ago

I'll have your babies if you do this with 'em.

Rotteuxx ago



How goes it kitty ? 8 lives left, use them well !

KatHarzso ago

All is much better than it was. Motivated for life. Working a real job! Selling medical grade catnip LOL. Nah, I'ma janitor.

Hope you're well, of course :D

Rotteuxx ago

Glad to hear it hun !

I hole you clean up after white people in the most part. Did that after high school and I remember 2 floors were fucking hell holes, a call center filled with pajeets. The onky floor wigh stained carpeting too !

Am well, thx :)

KatHarzso ago

Not that many niggers in offices, or so it seems. I only see darkies out on the streets or in fast food places I avoid...

TestForScience ago

Unrelated: why do you have a badge that claims your account was deleted...?

KatHarzso ago

Cuz I deleted, but I'm back from the dead. Looking for brains or something...

WrongThunk ago

No thanks, don't want me or my heilspawn to have teh brain wurmz.

KatHarzso ago

Smart thinking.

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

I would happily die tryin...

Lucky14 ago

Take your kid skydiving, pussy.

Chap ago

Ever since I heard of that paki pedo rape gang leader called “daddy” and how all his little white girls would cry out “daddy, daddy, daddy” whilst squatting on his cock all underage, I’m so glad, I will never have children. Or have any body call me that.

White girls for you. Daddy?.....

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

A gas chamber is too good for you.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

You would know about pedo shit communist! off to the ropes for you

SparklingWiggle ago

I appear to have failed as a father. I just took them through the suburbs.

DavidHogg ago

Took mine through the ghetto a few times just so they know how good they have it.

soabirw ago

Sherlock Holmes doesn't have shit compared to the brilliant detectives in this thread.

vtusr ago

(((Q))) team must have finally found the "recording" of me experiencing something similar when I was a kid.

TekJax ago

Doesn't have shit?

I feel like the wording of that is a bit off.

AntiMason ago

Lmao. For real. No wonder qrv is so popular.

MDEneverdies1488 ago


Silencedmajor ago

Fake and gay.

con77 ago

fake and funny ftfy

3dk ago

Funny and dadpilled.

DSTheUndertaker ago

Lmfao that's the funniest thing I've seen all day. Thanks!

weredawg ago

Yes, to all you master sleuths, the kid is not along for the jumps. It's a dummy. Here's a jewtube link to the full video.

Goys-R-Us ago

That guy is ridiculously talented on a mountain bike.

weredawg ago

His videos are some of the most entertaining I've ever watched.

Goys-R-Us ago

Yeah, wish I had 1/100th of his skills. Guy is a maestro on a bike. He did one in some tropical paradise jumping from roof to roof that was sick.

weredawg ago

I love watching the shit he gets up to. Meanwhile, I still get a little nervous taking some of the jumps on my local trail.

weredawg ago

I've seen it. I watch pretty any of his videos that I come across. I usually watch once to enjoy the video and at least once more paying closer attention to technique.

Goys-R-Us ago

I go big somedays but not even close to that big. Guy is the Alex Honnold of biking.

Goathole ago

stahp. i know it's fake but i can't stop laughing.

tomdogg ago

The whole video is done very well.

murface ago

The kid doesn't move much on the landing of the roll, looks fake as shit as I'd expect the kids neck to break at that point.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Congratulation you master detective.

TheAntiZealot ago

Yea, there is minimal impact on the front tire, modest impact on the back (middle) tire, and the caboose takes the brunt of the impact. Definitely not a good idea to have a real kid in there.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Looks fake as fuck. Use a GoPro in the kiddie cart or it did not happen.

DayOfThePillow ago

It's called extreme dadding, not extreme way to kill your child doing a backflip with them hooked to the back :)

Sosacms ago

Fun way to troll Mom. "Just out biking with the little one."

Fuckyounigger ago

takes deep breath

this thread is the some reddit level shit due to the fact that my girlfriend knew about this

andrew_jackson ago

What? Jews did 9-11! Papers, please!

Sosacms ago

Funny I thought "Reddit type shit" was everyone bitching about content they didn't personally like.

CowWithBeef ago

It's obviously satire.

Kids love riding on the back of their father's bike by the way. This video is of a good dad.

ilikeskittles ago

That's got to be fake?

IAmMightGuy ago

i hope that ride along has rly good shocks