too much

lurklurk ago

I'll just leave this here. First day of the month

canuhearmenowfella ago

you could only have woken up today to still hateing yourself so much that you have to single out people others to make yourself feel better... noone who has any manners or respect of any kind should reply to this kind of vitrol. Your childlike brain if thats what you call it hasnt woken up and grown up.. i wish no ill to you but look in the mirror and try likeing yourself and maybe you will start to like others...Ps keep your silly thoughts to yourself as they are primitave you silly ape... sorry for spelling.....WWG1WGA

anarcheril ago


eleminnop ago

This is what shilling looks like here on voat. It's a little different than reddit.

They do shit like this so when normies come here they think the MSM was right that it's ALL a bunch of racist lunatics.

Same shit they do to "conspiracy theorists" with straw-men like Alex Jones.

anarcheril ago

Out to lunch just a bit lad, rather I'm just surfing voat post reddit ban looking to spread some non divisive Q gospel son.

eleminnop ago

Haha Q gospel. I love it!

And I was talking about OP's post, not your reply.

Carry on, soldier :)

and_also ago

fursuited yiffbag

boekanier ago

Give me!

RedditIsAShillhole ago

Honestly this is entirely accurate. I work in retail and every first few days of the month our store gets flooded with tax sucking cunts. Most of the people on EBT don't deserve it in my experience.

albirdly ago

LOL! I like this sub already...

Elbower_of_Quants ago

Depends on what you mean by nigger

emu0911 ago

9 million a day , out of country

TheyBanEverything ago

Lil Wayne, " ere'y day of the week is like the first of the month" seems to hype welfare.

Dysnomia ago

Fuck you

Ozzsanity ago

This is totally wrong. Most of these people are not getting a handout on the first of the month and I think it's ignorant to expect us to believe that. Most of these niggers are in prison and don't get a check from the govt.

Qopyqat ago

are at walmart at 12am checking out their groceries.

PaganPatriot ago

Shit, they clog up every store for days on end down here. Smells like satans deep fried ass crack after kfc. Aint a damn pair of jeans or work boots to be seen.

truthwoke33 ago

Niggers and niggers and niggers and niggers and niggers and niggers and niggers and niggers and niggers and niggers and niggers and niggers and niggers and niggers and niggers and niggers and niggers who gibbbbbbbs me DATttt

viperguy ago

The black bears exhibit in Orlando sea world, FL, have learned to stand up and WAVE like humans if they see you holding fish to toss to the half-blinded sealions mixed in the pens.

Sadly... tossing a fish will be intercepted by most birds if you dont throw it fast. The bears waving like humans for food is hilarious.

I got to see a crane poke an eye of a half blind sea lion, in its already blinded eye. The birds seem to do it on purpose. To complete for fish out of injustice and rage that humans only toss the 1 dollar per fish fragment to bears and sea lions but never cranes.

Mr_Sir ago

It took me a moment. Nicely done goat

fhaqyu ago

it actually more reminds me of Israel,but not the first of the month...every fucking day

konocah6 ago


fhaqyu ago

Do you not realize how much money on s Daily. Not monthly basis we give in aid to three literal faggots

MrShekelstein ago

you can see the gib mentality some of these apes have and yet in the wild they're still self sustaining.

seems like modern apes are 25% nigger, 75% great ape

and_also ago

all great apes dont exist. they're actors in fursuits.

voltronsdicks ago

If niggers don't work, then who is making all this shitty rap music and dunking/throwing all these inflatable balls?

polkadottedhero ago


gentronseven ago

An extremely tiny percentage of niggers.

voltronsdicks ago

no shit. i was being a little tongue-in-cheek.

but is it even financially possible for the current population of niggers to all be on welfare? the answer is obviously no. in other words, don't fucking tell me about percentages when you don't even understand how the math works in the first place.

CRKT_M16Z ago

I could literally hear the voice in my head.....

"Man, fuck dis muhfucka tryna make me do work."

UnknownAlias365 ago

"I'm finna head outta here ooga booga"

Guy_Justsome ago

I'm hearing: Tryonne! It's me! Jennifer! Look at our beautiful baby!

CRKT_M16Z ago

Bwahahaha! "Bitch, fuck that! Dat shit ain't mine. I'm out, nahmean?"

Honey_Pot ago

I'm not sure what this gif adds to the discord. Focus on the ((Group)) that is causing the dependency on welfare and encouraging violent crime.

That's right, ((they)) encourage violent behavior because ((they)) program them with film and music, the later speaks directly to the black community roots. Rap is ignored by older whipipo, but not intended target, and your daughters.

YoHomie ago

Shut up fuckface and enjoy the humor of the gif for fuck sake. Jesus Christ.

Damnpasswords ago


Honey_Pot ago

discord: active quarreling or conflict resulting from discord among persons or factions : strife.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago


smarf_top ago

This kind of makes me sad. I came here hoping this was a forum for open discussion, because Reddit had become so left wing and apolitical. The very first post is racist. Why? It's disgusting.

Dysnomia ago

So you'll hurry back to reddit. Literally exactly where they want ya.

I suspect reddit literally pays these shitposters to post this shit.

I have no doubts that they purposefully purged racist shitbag subreddits specifically so that alternative options would get inundated with shitposting asshats.

I mean. Fuck censorship but also fuck shitposters and definitely fuck warmongering patriotic bootlicking neoliberal zombies.

I dunno what to tell ya. I just checked back in after a few months hiatus and this place seems specifically designed to make reddit look sufferable.

I could puke.

iHakKing ago

Because fuck niggers, that's why. Now go back to Eddit and take all your faggy soy products with you.

con77 ago


CRKT_M16Z ago

Your account is a year and half old and you're saying "the very first post is racist"? Really?

Anyhow, this is /v/gifs. Not sure why you would be looking for open discussion in here.

super_jackoff_style ago

Good catch!

Kleemin ago

the truth is often disgusting but black people are a net lose for America. They take more than they put in.

PaganPatriot ago

If all niggers were removed, the crime rate would drop significantly, as well as HIV rates, welfare payments and prison populations.

HorseIsDead ago

A lot of people on here don't want to admit it but they're not just 100% racist "fuck everyone with dark skin"-type. It's just blatant truth that niggers commit a huge amount of crime relative to their population. You can tack whatever argument you want on to that, but that is a blatant fact. Some people feel a need to vent about the shitty people they have to deal with in life. I've personally known very few blacks who were semi respectable people, the vast majority are lazy and/or violent and a burden/harm to society.

This forum isn't a news outlet to scrub every random comment like it needs to be a fact, that's why reddit is a fucking shit btw. But anyway, who cares if we exaggerated a little to have some fun? This isn't /r/politics, this is voat, this a subverse to post random jokes and whatever else you want in gif form basically.

It's funny, and I still give every nigger and every human I meet as much of a chance as possible to act civilized and respectful. In the end even with white people you get a lot of shitheads, but it's definitely disproportionate that niggers are worthy of being joked about and called niggers.

smarf_top ago

This is actually the most reasonable response I've had in my in-box. At no point did you insult me and call me a "soy fag that should go back to Eddit". Philosophically I understand your point. Since this isn't a political forum and we aren't out here trying to change the world then who the fuck cares? But in the real world you need a voice that is heard to change things and this would get shut out and cause for manipulation. I get it. It's voat.

CRKT_M16Z ago

"in the real world you need a voice that is heard to change things and this would get shut out"

I agree with you on this. But it seems so difficult these days when even a hint of the truth is shut down for being bigoted or racist.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

It's not disgusting. It's the truth. Niggers are lazy and have proven objectively lower IQs than all other races. They simply cannot handle the responsibilities and intelligence required by civilized society so they resort to violent crime and handouts.

edistojim ago

Triggered huh? Now that really is sad.

SkittlesAndIcedTee ago

A reddit fag is offended. I win the internet today!!!

Dysnomia ago

Once a goat, always a goat.

Fuck you. Dumb fucking goat. These are our brothers and sisters and you fling your feces at them like you're a filthy ape.

I may disparage you, but I wouldn't piss in my own cup.

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

Back to Eddit with you.

rspix000 ago

oh boy another conservatard myth. To the voat front page with ya. It's really Trump supporters with more hands out for gibs.

IheartSwimming ago

15% of white people are on welfare while 31% of black people are on welfare. 6.2mil to 2.8mil sound fairly damning, until you look at the data of per capita. 15% of white people versus 31% of black people have been or are on welfare.

Food_Stamp ago

Wut even is per capita? Dat sound like sum raysis ass wypipo sheeeit to me.

CRKT_M16Z ago

You don't understand per capita?

What if we use much simpler numbers?

Pretend we have 100 white people and 10 are on welfare. That's 1 in 10, or 10%.

And you have 10 blacks and 9 are on welfare. That's 9 in 10 or 90%.

You still argue that because 10 is great than 9, white people are the ones asking for more gibs? Sure, you could argue that point based on the pure numbers. But this ignores the fact that as a group, whites are less likely to be on welfare.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Are you seriously linking Washington Post as if it's a credible source?

rspix000 ago

just posted up from census etc. as if you'd really let facts bother the narrative

PointsOutIdiots ago

You're an idiot.

rspix000 ago

username checks out, but as you point with one finger, there's always three pointing back.

SkittlesAndIcedTee ago

The WashingtonCompost? Really? Gtfo

rspix000 ago

Aww, doesn't fit your narrative so must be "fake" news, right? Well, have a bunch more:

35 million white people participated in one of the six major government assistance programs that year. That's about 11 million more than the 24 million Hispanics and Latinos who participated and considerably more than the 20 million Black people who received government aid.

whites are the biggest beneficiaries when it comes to government safety-net programs like the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, commonly referred to as welfare. White people without a college degree ages 18 to 64 are the largest class of adults lifted out of poverty by such programs, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The think tank’s 2017 report stated that 6.2 million working-age whites were lifted above the poverty line in 2014 compared to 2.8 million blacks and 2.4 million Hispanics.

Black mothers of childbearing ages (1.5 million) were AFDC recipients, higher than the 7 percent of corresponding White mothers (2.1 million). . . and Hispanic mothers (784,000) aged 15 to 44 were on AFDC.

“We show that when Americans think about recipients of government benefits, they overwhelmingly imagine a Black person – although, in reality, beneficiaries include White, Black, and Hispanic people in roughly equal proportions,” explain researchers Jazmin L. Brown-Iannuzzi (University of Kentucky) and B. Keith Payne (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). “Moreover, when people consider granting or withholding benefits to the imagined recipients, they are less willing to grant benefits when the imagined person fits racial stereotypes about black recipients.”

Shekelstein6M ago

35 million white people participated in one of the six major government assistance programs that year. That's about 11 million more than the 24 million Hispanics and Latinos who participated and considerably more than the 20 million Black people who received government aid.

There's 5x more whites than blacks your inbred retarded piece of shit

Your own fucking source demonstrates that niggers are 3x more likely to participate in government assistance program. But the number is probably skewed down because a lot of sand niggers, taco niggers and pajeets are counted as white.

Do us all a favour and drink bleach, you moronic nigger. Why is it so hard for shitskins to understand the concept of per capita. It's not that hard. White children can do it.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

That's raw numbers. Percentagewise nearly the entirety of blacks in America are lazy degenerate violent welfare leeches, while the majority of whites are civil taxpaying citizens.

rspix000 ago

more hands out for gibs

is raw numbers; and I'm the retard?

WMFrizzle666 ago

So you cherry pick stats that "prove your point", and when someone calls you out on your willfully misleading comment, you resort to name calling....classic progressive retard

rspix000 ago

Liars figure and figures lie, right? I notice you didn't say anything about the title's use of "every nigger". How do you spell hypocrite?

WMFrizzle666 ago

No, confirmation bias leads to misleading conclusions. Plenty of people have proved how your proof means nothing. You found some evidence that supported your claim, stopped doing research, and tried to pass it as fact. There are levels to stats, which you don't seem to understand. Anyone can manipulate data to "prove" their delusional theories. But keep name calling, that will really help your fuckin dunce.

TalkingAboutThings ago

Yes. In a nation of constantly shifting demographics, rates matter more than raw numbers. Retard.

Kleemin ago

now look at those raw numbers as per capita instead and feel like the retard you are

kammmmak ago

A single squirrel in a house can cause so much damage. A nigger in society is worse.