Frankensauce ago

Ea sure does look at their customer satisfaction rating. Negative for years.

mig2k ago

Sounds about right

tanukihat ago

Any dev that bows to shitty peer pressure deserves to have their game pirated.

MaunaLoona ago

The line I want to say:

"4. You're a nutjob."

Is missing.

scrotums ago

That reminds me, Dead or Alive 3 Xtreme just came out. Time to import it.

LlamaMan ago

EA makes great games. Alternative would be start working for Valve.

CobraStallone ago

Grow a pair, game developers, jeez.

Lobotomy ago

This is why the game I'm working on isn't going to receive any input from anyone.

Then again, I'm not making a game that is intended to be liked.

edthomson92 ago

basically, there's a fine line. For now, sjws currently have too much power over games, movies, ect

Vladimara ago

Has a game ever suffered this fate?

Because I have never seen a game stop selling because of this.

Totenglocke ago

Kingdom of Amalur: Reckonings, if I recall.

Vladimara ago

It isn't social media IMO, social media is something that has a detailed friends feature, and personal information that you can fill out and send to the giant companies.

TigrisMorte ago

censorship ruins art, 100%.

TheBaconFromHell ago

yeah, if your a gamedev and your worried about this shit. Just come to me i'll set you straight. I won't shill your game but Ill calm you the fuck down. I just don't want to see another tranny gladiator incident from happening again. Don't ever let a game reviewer push you around.

Subtenko ago

Send this to every major developer. Start emailing and tweeting them

MetalAegis ago

Not only will these endless complainers not buy the product, by caving into their ridiculous demands you're ensuring that people like me do not buy your product either and we're your core demographic, hell my steam library is valued over $3000.

DietCokehead1 ago

Hahaha! So fucking true. Most games these days.

Laserchalk ago

That is hardly game ruining. It was just a stupid cosmetic item.

Jourdy288 ago

Don't you dare bring reason into this thread!

MaunaLoona ago

Oh sweet Jesus, SJWs ruined Baldur's Gate?


Defaulted ago

Besides the poor writing, what's the problem here? Am I missing something because I never played the original? This type of story is actually fairly common, even dark souls has shit like this.

HamsterSlayer ago

Looks like nobody is going to play any version past the previous one

Men13 ago

What was the original text?

MaunaLoona ago

This is an expansion to BG.

Men13 ago

Oh thanks - I thought it was a remake.

middle_path ago

Is this a fucking joke?

DoucheBagMcGee ago

I wish. Here's the clip in question.

Edit: doesn't seem to be playing anymore...Twitter is garbage.

middle_path ago

worked for me, but fuck that is sad.

MaunaLoona ago

Companies who listen to SJWs deserve what they get. Goodbye Blizzard it was nice knowing you.

jewsbadnews ago

They went to shit when Activation took over.

Megadega ago

That's why I love cd projekt red. Sjws came out complaining about no black people in the game and women treated badly and they just brushed it off like nothing. Soon that sjw push stopped and we haven't heard about it since. Sjws are like terrorists and the same rules should apply of never negotiating

Frankensauce ago

And they won game of the year. It's almost like, sjwism is the opposite of quality.

IdSay ago

aren't they like, polish?

i mean it makes sense, if you've been taken over by/gotten empty threads by a supernation so many times, you just sorta stop giving a fuck, and start doing you.

intrepiddemise ago

What's interesting about their complaints is that arguably the most powerful character in the Witcher 3 is Ciri, the young female co-lead protagonist that doesn't dress overly-sexy and is both skilled with a blade and assertive.

Ragnarokdel ago

I wouldnt use the term arguably, I would use clearly ;)

Fuzzycrumpkin ago

Obama is negotiating...

BigBlackJesus ago

Thank god it's just Overwatch. I'll stand by blizzard as long as they don't fuck with RTS games. Being a fan of the Warcraft and Starcraft series(and diablo of course) I could care less about this new craze called MOBAs. Overwatch is like a direct copy of Gunz, that people went to if they sucked at CS 1.6. It's the same with LOL and DOTA. It started as a custom map on Warcraft 3 for those without enough skills to play standard.

common_sense ago

What did they do with Overwatch?

tapeman ago

They removed a pose for tracer because one person complained, which is highly out of character for them since they don't normally change games for one person (look at all the hearthstone cards that are still terrible, despite massive complaining). it has lead to many parodies mocking them like totalbiscut's Winston video where he replaces tracer with Winston and all relating words. most everyone is upset they would cave to the demands of one person, but if you ask me is smells a little fishy how much attention they got for it. anyway the original post on there forums got deleted but the pose is still gone as far as I know.

Frankensauce ago

The dev then stated they had always been considering removing it because it didn't look good in his mind. I think he was just trying to justify a bad decision instead of admitting the truth.

TigrisMorte ago

Blizzard died when they sold to Atari.

Lobotomy ago

You mean Activision, right?

TigrisMorte ago

yup, sorry

Lobotomy ago

I WISH Atari had that kind of success. They have been hitting rough patch after rough patch since the Lynx and Jaguar died.

Foralltoosee ago

Pfftt... Whatever man, EA doesn't ruin games, Let me tell you why:

For just one payment of $9.99 you can get the next sentence in the reply or for just $59.99 you can buy the comment pass which will give you the entire rest of the reply. Unless I get upvoats, in which case I'll add a couple more words or even a sentence that isn't included in the comment pass for an additional $19.99.

DoucheBagMcGee ago

Oh man, I need to get that season pass!!

bananahorse ago

That's the problem now. every idiot is entitled to an opinion.

Foralltoosee ago

Every idiot has always been entitled to an opinion, it just got ignored for being terrible. Why we've started not only listening to those idiots, but rigidly sticking to their demands is beyond me.

derram ago

Because they control the gaming press.

DependasaurusRex ago

Well, every idiot should be entitled to an oppinion. The issue is when their oppinions disrupt other's rights to express their oppinions as well, which has currently been the case, and very disheartening.

Devieus ago

In some cases it's not even disrupting other's rights, just poor marketer's insight on what's actually important to the paying customers. People are paying attention to things that shouldn't get that attention.

Retron ago

That seems about right. I wonder how many SJWs care enough to buy an expansion pack for a game made two decades ago back when only loser virgins played D&D.