applebananacitrus ago

Luckily the game lets destroy the Jewish hollywood plan and stop "The Passion" from happening.

Fotojoec ago

This game rules. Kids ain't stupid. This next gen coming up can see through the bullshit.

madmardigan ago

The main issue with any media is the mind taking it in. Does a child see this world and think it is normal? Does a teen see this world and desire to emulate it? Are the wicked punished and the righteous prosperous? Does it teach a lesson that even lower minds can comprehend?

Look at any sitcom, how do they afford such luxury? Is this possible for anyone, and if they don't get that does that make the world unfair?

Is the father a fool? Do kids comprehend this is humor and not reality?

nouseforaname ago

Yeah that's the point, it's a parody

AnotherGrayman ago

It's not a parody, it's a prediction of the future.

The creator of the franchise predicted back in the 80s that diversity politics would cripple Western civilization and create a technological Weimar 3.0, and this game uses that premise to promote a shitload of Wokeness. Background conversations from NPCs include cops laughing about not knowing a guy was a criminal because he was white, non-whites complaining about their relatives being killed by cops for being brown, fathers begging their daughters not to join a gang of whore-house workers as the daughter tells them they're overreacting and ignores the father, prostitutes in the street talking about how sex work is dignified and liberating, shitloads of anti-capitalist/pro-communist chatter, countless instances of tough-female-overshadows-weak-male interactions, etc.

This isn't a parody, it was a stylized prediction about the consequences of wokeness, which became hijacked by kikes during development and turned into a vessel to promote the very things it originally sought to portray in a negative light.

mudslime ago

Cyberpunk is like a future projection of Biden presidency, antifa utopia and Twatter the most powerful corp on top of it.

Gadgets, drug, big-tech degeneracy, "diversity" , trannies and crime.On console the game is an utter disaster but on PC, . faggots at every corner but you can kill them as you will. the game is a masterpiece.

AnotherGrayman ago

Police materialize out of thin air five feet away from you and spawn in endless waves if you shoot anyone who isn't an enemy gang member.

Masterpiece my fucking ass.

BrokenVoat ago

Well the game migth have been interesting in the 90s when things were less degenerate in the "West". In 2020 it only looks like a bunch of modern ads with neon colors.

Pooh_on_a_Jew ago

This doesn't include the advertisement of a middle aged white man shoving a gun in his mouth

AnotherGrayman ago

Damn, you're right, that one should be included.

MrEvilPirate ago

I had hopes for this one actually. Last game I played was GTAV. I'm passing.

alcogiggles ago

There's maybe like 1 or 2 Cyberpunk items in that image. I don't think you know what Cyberpunk is.

AnotherGrayman ago

There's maybe like 1 or 2 cells in your brain. I don't think you know what kike propaganda is.

Nigloo_Dismantler ago


People in this thread are literally too stupid to understand how propaganda works. That or they want to deny it so they can justify playing their faggot tranny dopamine-dumping game guilt free. Sad!

AnotherGrayman ago

Someone fucking gets it.

AgentSakura ago

kind of feel bad about making fun of cd

just tragic

fightknightHERO ago

Jesus Christ... they literally put Bolshivik kikery alongside tranny, gay, negrophile, feminist and other cancers

"sunny Somalia"

not wearing Hijabs or sacrificing people to their voodoo gods

what really stands out from the heap of degeneracy is the passion of Christ, but you wonder what's REALLY the reason for it to be in the middle of the post

probably kike degeneracy that jesus was a nigger or something

AnotherGrayman ago

but you wonder what's REALLY the reason for it to be in the middle of the post

There's a hand-wringing jewess above a poster of Christ being re-crucified in the modern era, the poster says "Coming Soon" and "Fourth Wall," and below that there's a sign that says "Gomorrah."

I think it's pretty straightforward.

Jews are out to destroy Christendom and turn the world into Gomorrah.

fightknightHERO ago

your perception is really on point

holy fuck this game is kiked, almost if not worse than the Kikes of us 2

user0451 ago

It's a clown world you can shoot up without getting raided irl; what's the prroblem here?

LizardsClaw ago

I didn't even need to see that image to know it was degenerate filth. The fact that all the neck beard soy boys on reddit were creaming over it told me all I needed to know.

headfire ago

So it's supposed to be a future dystopian helhole, and it is.

ginx2666 ago

I mean, it literally looks like someone told Polish devs "listen, the setting of the future is a dystopian nightmare, so design literally the worst shit you can think of".

I see no propaganda here, when it was designed to look repulsive and nightmarish.

mfquesodindunuffin ago

Exactly. It's retarded when people keep trying to point out all the degeneracy in the game when the game is literally showing it to be a brutal degenerate future city. None of it supposed to be a good thing at all. How hard is this to understand?

PicklePete ago

Yeah my thoughts exactly, help the nomads out. They're a pretty based bunch that reject modernity. Plus it's the whitest bunch of cowboys out there in the game. A few shots kind in the crew but definitely the fewest in the game besides the cyborg crackheads.

Zyklon_Bear ago

With the exception of the higher levels of tech and guns everywhere, it's a pretty accurate depiction of what life in America will be like after 50 years of far left rule. Straight white males are almost entirely gone. The city is completely dominated by an Asian corporation. Every person you see on the street is either a nigger, Asian or hispanic. Most of them also obviously degenerates.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

Start killing black people and Jews IRL.

Drenki ago

it's advertised as a cyberpunk dystopia and you're diaappointed it's a dystopia? it does what it say on the tin.

Randomss ago

In my future game there wouldn't be any niggers or trannies.

AnotherGrayman ago

Nobody said anything about disappointment one way or the other, they just posted a screenshot collage of open Bolshevism and kikery in a videogame.

The woman at the top is a literal hand-wringing kike wearing a jew star, and the most famous drink in the game is Bolshevik vodka.

That's a bit more wide open than usual.

totallynotFBI ago

the most famous drink in the game is Bolshevik vodka

No it isn't

AnotherGrayman ago

None of the other drinks in the game have a multi-century history of subverting nations.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Chromanticore must sell well if they can afford to distribute 14 different flavors.

AR47 ago

In fairness the game is one of a hedonistic world set in the future assuming shit went different....knowing far is it off from today?

Yeah it is sick...downright distasteful in content....and it is single player to further add to the isolation in can't do anything with others and have any co-op.

So narcissism full tilt!

I was intrigued by the idea of the game, until I found that reviewers were only allowed pre recorded game play to have in says a lot to me when they do that.....either the game is trash, or it is just so off the wall hedonistic I don't need it in my home.

Fantasy or not.....

Biomass ago

It's because they want to force gamers to edit out the most degenerate stuff that even the internet doesn't allow. They want to feed that shit to kids through the game but don't want people who get banned from streaming sites to say "I didn't mean to show it, that's just how the game is"

Fazxina ago


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ginx2666 ago

OP isn't really smart enough to correlate facts.

Zed_Leppelin ago

Everyone seems to have forgotten that word. Maybe because it's basically what we are living in now? But even the creator of the original PnP RPG says his setting is a 'warning' not a fun fantasy.

Dalai_Llama ago

You're obviously not the impressionable, adolescent target demographic for which this kind of propaganda is intended.

ginx2666 ago

Even they know that the game's setting is a dystopia. It's explicitly stated several times in marketing material, game's synopsis, ads et cetera.

Dalai_Llama ago

Your naivety is why we're currently living in an actual dystopia.

Drenki ago

the good thing about the game is that you can kill degenerates wherever you find them

makingreen ago

Except you can't? You can't even pull your weapon out in the Dyke den. Thats's some Last of Us level kikery.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

If piracy is stealing, what does that say about sharing? I’m only asking because i seed 2:1.

AreWeHere ago

This is Watchdogs, not Cyberpunk.

061916 ago

Haha at 3:26, you're welcome

Dalai_Llama ago

Every single video game over uses the same tropes.

Humans are always bad. And it's always an oppressed minority exposing how bad the humans are.

Whores always have a heart of gold, it's society's fault that they have to be a whore to survive.

Religion is always bad and it's always paralleled with Christianity. If there's any mention of kikeism, they're just oppressed little dindu nuffins.

This is what your kids are mushing their brains with.

blackguard19 ago

Yep, literally every video game has the same morality gradient and anti-Christian archetypes.

PicklePete ago

Eh, not really. The game is advertised as a dark future cyberdistopia but it comes from both ends. The poorest gang is a group of Haitian Nigger hackers and you get the option in a quest to help the corpo cyber crime feds fry the entire fucking lot of them. Honestly pretty great fun liquidating that bunch. You fight gangs of white cyber augmented crack heads, mexicans, and hacker niggers. While there are some pozzed moments that you kinda have to accept due to the narative it ain't all bad. You get the option to kill degens and globalists alike, it's pretty great despite some of the bad stuff. Chalk it all up to the fact that the future sucks ass and everything has gone to shit.

Timur9000 ago

Yeah I too chose helping the that governmental agent to fuck over those niggers. Had a good laugh over that. And the Haitians frying.

AnotherGrayman ago

I just thought it was funny that one of the recurring characters is a literal hand-wringing kike female wearing a jew star necklace, and the most famous drink in the game in Bolshevik Vodka.

Usually they're way more subtle. Saw that and couldn't stop laughing.

tourgen ago

CDPR fully infiltrated? That sucks.

ForgottenMemes ago

It's just women and "women" now.

poopscooppp ago

Still don't get the hype about this game

Nukeisrael ago

How many fucking kikes are on the board of directors? Fucking disgusting.

fightknightHERO ago

i think you already know the answer friend

CDPR is 100% without a doubt, kiked beyond salvation

DukeOfRaul ago

The game bliws, but isnt it supposed to be a nigger fillled iver sexed dystopia like transmetropolitan? Didnt see any hitler midgets though.

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NorthSeaPagan ago

Put a NSFW sign dude, that's fucking disgusting, I don't want to see niggers touching White women/girls.

AnotherGrayman ago

Eat a shotgun shell, faggot.

When you're not larping as an internet viking you're fantasizing about fucking anime characters and children, I couldn't give have a rat's ass about what you do or don't want to see.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Right back at you

Eat a shotgun shell, faggot.