thebearfromstartrack ago

Call me what you want, YOU are going to DIE if you DO NOT leave MY WHITE nation. PERIOD, and that goes for NIGGER LOVERS TOO.

charliebrownau ago

What shit game is this ?

au6vn9b78Z5b0soz ago


israelmossadjewgold ago

ragnar is a faggot jew. all countries have been over run with these jew half breeds.

twb-gold ago

To be fair, that's pretty much the definition of racism. Who cares what race someone is? Why not just have every country belong to everyone? It's not going to make any difference what skin color or religion a country is, IMHO. Race or religion isn't part of your character. It doesn't determine how smart you are or how kind you are or how hardworking you are or how honest you are or how just you are.

kishind ago

Burn them alive until they stop coming.

Europeans will have to get extremely violent if we're to survive.

Good news though. When it comes to collective violence, whites are the strongest.

theoldguy2 ago

whites are the strongest

Because they fight smarter, not harder.

ShitLady_Sith ago

So it's "colonialism" if white dudes go to Africa, and the whites are bad. However it's "diversity" if blacks go to Europe and the whites are STILL bad for not wanting them?

See where I'm going with this?

Wahaha ago

Could you draw me a map? I might want to hang it up around town.

GumbyTM ago

And yet gamefags won't stop giving these companies their money and find another hobby. (They just bitch about it while being the very force that enables this kind of shit)

fantastic88 ago


Bintemcflinty ago

Wtf is this? Is it a real game?

HeavyBrain ago

What I original came her for is to ask.

What makes him a particularly bad racist and how can I telll the difference.?!

I assum because he brought facts into his arguments isntead of feels and virtue signaling?!

Aries_Rising ago

Wtf game is this?

totes_magotes ago


As in "You're a nigger high school dropout if you can't use something close to proper grammar."

prolificDigital ago

I hate racist, peace kindness is the best

theoldguy2 ago

“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile—hoping it will eat him last.” Sir Winston Churchill

prolificDigital ago

wtf, nature always take good side brother bad are suffer one day

HeavyBrain ago

Don't wory one day we gonna kill all the niggers and the ewwws and everything will be neat.

prolificDigital ago

that great go head

HeavyBrain ago

Not befor I got my cow kiss.

kammmmak ago

It's ok to be racist.

GoatWhisperer ago

Searched the name Ragnar Tornquist on the search engines, and was instantly hit by the most stereotypical smirking roly-poly soyface I've seen in ages.

I'm starting to believe, unironically, that it's some kind of medical condition with them.

AnotherGrayman ago

I'm starting to believe, unironically, that it's some kind of medical condition with them.

The common thread they all share is that they're untermensch, lesser men.

They are weak, worthless males who achieve feelings of superiority by embracing the opposite of whatever their betters believe and pretending it's because they're smarter.

TheNewOne ago

This is true. I spent my teen years as a loser, but I always thought I was better than “Chads.” It’s not easy to admit to yourself that you’re a lose who needs to put in a lot of effort to become (if possible) a Chad. A good solid punch in the face can be a good Kickstarter, though.

Motzfeldt ago

Why did I subject myself to 5 seconds of that faggotry?

capnflummox ago


Carpools ago

It's not racist to want a _____ nation to stay _____.. It is anti-American to conflate the United States with a "white" country, however.

The United States is a nation of principles. The principles of individual rights, and individual merit. This is why the slavers' inundate us with poison to get us to be pathetic useful idiots, and betray the foundation on which the nation exists. Do their dirty work for them.

If you're saying keep "White countries whites, black countries black, Asian countries Asian, and the free nation free", you're not racist. In fact, despite the communist narrative which is always the opposite of the truth, forced integration everywhere is the elimination of diversity. Respecting natives in their native lands is the only approach to protecting diversity.

They need us to seem bigoted, despite that they are, and Americans are not. Do you see why yet?

kishind ago

America was 90% white until the genocidal 1965 immigration act was passed.

The founding fathers wanted immigration to be limited to "white people of good character only", no nigger or injun or Musselman was ever supposed to be a citizen of our nation.

America is the dream of freedom in the hearts of the children of Europa. No one else craves that freedom the way we do, no one else will protect it, so no one else deserves it (until they win it for themselves).

America is for white people and white people only. Don't stand in the way.

Carpools ago

I'd say you're wrong, but it's more that you're lying.

America is the dream of freedom in the hearts of the children of *of those who value freedom. No one else craves that freedom the way *they do.

Your stance is anti-freedom. You can't say "we" when speaking of American/libertarian when you want to exclude Americans/libertarians due to skin color, or any other physical trait you don't like.

You're not American. You do not value liberty. If you were either, you wouldn't bring up ethnicity, other than to maybe say it's rare in these people to be American, and less rare in these other people.

I have had far more white communists conspire against liberty than any other. As an American/libertarian, I know those individuals are criminal, and don't belong in the US.. I don't use the flawed logic that all people with similar physical characteristics are criminal and don't belong in the United States, because that's fucking absurd, antithetical to being American, and probably not coincidentally that you guys keep pushing it.. exactly what our anti-American, anti-human, enemies would want us to believe, as there would be nothing left of the United States if we fell for it.

You're wrong, and you know it.

That aside, when do you leave and head off to Poland, or Czech Republic, or any other super-majority white nation that isn't open to anyone who would be free?

ThisSideofthePale ago

Conflating country, nation, citizenry. A nation can only ever be of itself, perpetuating itself. If it is fundamentally changed it is no longer the nation it was changed from. It is not anti-American to advocate America being American. It's not a state of mind, or a piece of paper. What you are referring to are the principles set down for the basis of governing what was supposed to be a new nation. Just because jews think differently of it doesn't make fresh off the boat Somalians American because they "yearn to be free". White is an oversimplification of the issue, but unfortunately things are so perverted just admitting that you are different in the most superficial way from other peoples that have no issue identifying themselves as anything but, as they are allowed to be themselves without fear of judgment or persecution is considered heresy to the globo-homo faggots trying to actively destroy an entire race. To simplify, the United States of America is white. It was founded that way, it was meant to stay that way. "the free country be free" as if they can't have that in any other country. It just happens that my ancestors paid in blood for me to have that life, and it is being destroyed before my eyes. for now

Carpools ago

You are objectively, and obviously, incorrect.

United States of America is white.

If it were, you would not be saying it, and the communists wouldn't be attempting to divide us based on skin color. I get that communists need useful idiots to think it is a nation of white, and not of liberty, but that is our enemies sabotaging us, and not something they actually believe. No, only their useful idiots could actually believe such a thing.

ThisSideofthePale ago

You sound like a 16 year old that just discovered Yuri Bezmenov. "if you say something it ceases to be true." kys. The (((communists))) want a rootless proletariat with no cultural heritage to get in the way of them being able to program a society's values based on their whims and needs. Nature doesn't care about your egalitarian fantasies.

Carpools ago

Nice noise. Are you for liberty above all else? Individual rights, and individual merit?

I am not one of you useful idiots. I can see clearly. There is no such thing as an honest communist in the US. It is objectively for no one but non-collectivist libertarians.

You shills seem to pretend to have found fertile ground on voat. I don't know if it's a big communist circlejerk, or if you're actually tricking people, but I know better.

If US was white, you'd have no reason to bring it up. If you valued whiteness, you'd leave a nation based on principle for a nation based on the natives who were white.

I'd ask you when you leave, but we both know you're hear to subvert and lie, so what would be the point?

Cacciaguida ago

denial of existence (in this case a white homeland) is a precursor for genocide.

wanderingblade ago

How is it xenophobic if black people were always there 🤔

HeavyBrain ago

Hey don't you come in with your logic, logic is a STEM white mans game therefore its racist...even when blacks invnted evrything and loin cloth tree living whitey somhow managed to pillage wakanda.

GutterTrash ago

Are there any games anymore that do not vomit out the same woke buzzwords?

Ocelot ago

FromSoft games.

GrayGadfly ago


pixelkitteh ago

Final Fantasy.

Merlynn ago

White woman hitting on a nigger in front of a jew symbol. What a metaphor.

111MrGuy111 ago

I am a racist then.

Garglemysac ago

Everyone is and should be. Only whites are shamed for wanting to preserve our culture.

Wahaha ago

Go a step further. Ask them why racism is bad. I asked many times, but no one could explain it to me. Just like no one could ever explain to me why animal cruelty is a thing we need to invest resources to avoid. All you get is emotional reactions and moral preaching, like "If you don't disapprove of racism you must want to genocide (whatever they call niggers these days)" or "If you don't want to invest your money to avoid animal cruelty you must derive pleasure out of torturing animals". People reacting emotionally are illogical like that.

Belrick ago

Stop that. Turn it around. They are the racists for demanding an end to our cultural and genetic heritage

kishind ago

Nah, the language of victimization doesn't suit the children of gods. We are the racists because racism is right. Racism is moral. Racism is what other races deserve (speaking from experience here). All blacks are niggers until proven otherwise. All beaners are illegal welfare parasites until proven otherwise. All jews are loxist shysters until proven to be mosers.

Taking racism for ourselves is taking our power back. None of the shitskins will feel sorry for us even if they accept that we're being genocided. Fuck them.

Choosing racism means taking off the kid gloves, and allowing yourself to be cruel enough to survive the coming decades.

PuttItinIsrael ago


really whitey suffers from his lack of inaction.

he thinks he is being "muh higher ground christ."

he is really just giving the niggers an easy rape doll, along with any other rape dolls that the rape doll made.

Smokybubbles ago

So be it, then. If you think China wants any other race but han chinese there, you're fooling yourself.

BasedWolf ago

Lol, the bottom picture (edited, I'm assuming) is based at least.

Attac ago

The only cure for liberalism is a fucking bullet through the head

Alhambra ago

not true, i was a liberal. the cure is turning off the electric rabbi.

HeavyBrain ago

Were you really a liberal or were you just sawpped aaway with the flow?

In school we had to do lots of pozzed shit, granted I didnt know it was shit back then because I wasn't any kind of redpilled, but I also dind't go out my way to virtue signal or do more work than required to not get an F. (perks of being a social outcast, no preasure to shine among the piles of shit)

Alhambra ago

tbf when i was a liberal they were still somewhat sane and hadn't gone full cis-scum-white-man-bad mode yet. there's no way i would've ever been a leftist by today's clown world standards.

Wahaha ago

I think I'm too much of a liberal, which is how I ended up here. Every other place would ban me for saying what I wanted. If the interesting opinions get removed, what worth is there in the place? So I might disagree with half the opinions around here, but I wouldn't want it any other way. If I wanted to hear what I think I'd be talking to myself.

HeavyBrain ago

Don't mistake, this place (voat) was awsome after the first or 2nd wave (dependson howyou count) but the more refugees came in the more circljerky it became.

PuttItinIsrael ago

ironic because this place is nothing but a massive circle jerk.

boomers gotta boom.

Plavonica ago

That's just it. Many of us came from liberal roots until something broke us away from the zeitgeist. I think it has to do with the difference between those who are spoon-fed information, and those who actively seek it.

Wahaha ago

No, I never sought out information. All I did was to stop watching TV, stop listening to news and not engage with other stuff from the western world. I started or rather stopped these around 2005, moving exclusively to watching anime.

GrayGadfly ago

Nothing will hate a liberal half as much as a liberal who feels like they were tricked into being a liberal.

fightknightHERO ago

Dreamfall Chapters if anyone's wondering

and yes, it is made by (((Scandinivians)))

apparently even the nu-GOG installers advertise for this (((Game)))

BrokenVoat ago

Real Scandinavians would want to kill anyone involved in this game, muslims and probably jews. Problem is Scandinavians have learned to hate thenselves which means most of them are going to try to overcompensate their deep hatred with more virtue signaling.

Most Scandinavians of today are insane.

TentacleKnight ago

There are more countries than Sweden in Scandinavia....

It might feel like many Scandinavian games are fucked. But Sweden have many more game devs company compared to other Scandinavian countries.

fightknightHERO ago

Nowadays most Scandinavian game developers are kikes

don't believe me? look up the credits of Kikenstein the Cucklusus and period blood

tons and tons of kikes, sure there are shabbos goyim and useful idiots but we must not forget about the eternal shapeshifter

PriMerovingian ago

Glad it's not cyberpunk

ForgottenMemes ago

Cyberkeanu is going to be the most reddit game ever made.

Pissed_Mapleboi ago

Yaaaaasss queeeennn I can't wait! Zooommgg the NOSTALGIA HAHA Upvoted, stranger :)

GutterTrash ago

It will be aggressively sucked off like TLOU2. I am sure the sheep will wait until their overlords give them their marching orders. If enough people hate it, then they will call you isms for having dignity and not subjecting yourself to their filth

lanre ago

"Hey guys, I'm all for equality and everything, but a 5'4" asian girl with zero training beating up a 7'4" cyborg specops soldier seems a little unrealistic. Also, this game takes place in 1940s Nazi Germany, why is everyone Jewish or black?"

Responses will be:

"It's fantasy you bigot!"

"omg I can't even..."

"go play with yourself if you can't handle equality, racist. Also, I bet you never have sex."

Pissed_Mapleboi ago

Haha incel ;) bigit

fightknightHERO ago

why is everyone jewish or black

oy vey goy, how dare you even notice!

<user has been banned>

fightknightHERO ago

Nigger, Cyberpunk is equally pozzed

there is no hope for non-pozzed vidya in 2020, it's only gonna get worse

Khash36 ago

Nintendo & dark souls are still limited in kikeness. Nintendo is still pretty damn great always has been

fightknightHERO ago

Not for long my nigger

Elden Ring is about "racism, politics, citizenship"

considering how POZZED demon's souls remake got, i don't think souls are safe from the (((current year)))

HeavyBrain ago

Well between this, the delays and them firing a guy for a joke I guess this is the last polack game I give a chance, but now I maybe buy it and only when on sale.

(Every company go a last chance game from me so far and they all fucked up hard, but almost all of them have flag ship copy past shit that keep them afloat, the poles only got their reputation going of treating their fanbase well, like by removing DRM to some extend atleast and creating games worth their money.)

Not sure if they hired SJW snakes by accident into PR or whatever happened, but I guess pandering to the woke crowd is more profitable.)

fightknightHERO ago

after they went AAA they got acquired by (((someone))) (witcher 3 era)

after Witcher 3 second DLC the writing was on the wall (the female boxer and Geralt going full "it's the current year")

after learning they sacked every single developer and paid them minimum wage (in poland, a godforsaken europoor country)

i was certain their new owners were kikes, and after Cyberpoz transition from Cyberpunk to Tranny Globalist Degeneracy

it was completely obvious (((who))) runs the company now

do you know they recently acquired Flying Wild Hog (developers of shadow warrior) entertainment by (((Koch Media)))?

even Niche barely AA studios get instabought by kikes, there is really not a single studio on there that can resist the call of $hekels...

HeavyBrain ago

they got acquired by (((someone))) (witcher 3 era)

Warhorse sold out too.

Well fuck.

fightknightHERO ago

WhoreHorse sold out a year after their success

and even before they had agreements with (((Koch Media)))

though i'll be fair to them, they've made the greatest game i've ever played thus far

HeavyBrain ago

Yeah, it kinda shocked me (and how much Kochmedia owns I don't want even to know what the head company the Koch belongs to has in its clawas.

But yes the game was great and how the used to be owner stood with it, this is what earned them my money.

I guess you can say atleast they were honest about it and didn't sell out quitly and the fans wonder wtf is going on.

fightknightHERO ago

The Owners of Koch Media are owned by (((Nordic AB))) ["Swedish" owners]

though surprisingly they sometimes release unpozzed games like KCD and Metro Exodus

BlueDrache ago

Fuck metro and Epic Games.

fightknightHERO ago

I pirated my Copy of Exodus.

rowdybme ago

You can't even watch a commercial about anything without a nigger being in it somewhere.

fuck2020 ago

Blame BLM. Companies amped up their diversity hires after the chimpouts.

fightknightHERO ago


it seems like the goyim has fully accepted their ethnic replacement and the natural act of revulsion when we see a nigger is gone for most NPC's

thankfully not everyone is an NPC and those who are deep asleep can be awakened by either a traumatic event (such as niggers robbing/raping) or slowly by deprogramming them with evidence and facts

ScottMAGA ago

That second picture is insane. Do they have any men to do the programming or manage the company? Will they ever release their pozzed game, or will they just release mockups and hype until the money runs out?

fightknightHERO ago

If you look close enough at the backend and the sides, you'll find a few (((soyboys))) and pajeets

to do all the coding

granted, soyboys and pajeets can't code for shit but they'll probably hire a bunch of chinks to fix their game prior to launch but knowing jews, they'll probably try and save up on shekels and place their trust in the shitskins department

consider the constant delays, i can guarantee this game will be a shitshow regardless of how many times they delay the release

because if the (((media))) can for shill for this game, and ban anything and anyone with a dissenting or negative opinion about this game

they don't need to bother about quality

since (((diversity))) has utterly replaced quality in the minds of brainless, console niggers and liberal coonsoomers

ex-redd ago

that can't be for-real. I mean, did they really have a solid core of dudes build the whole foundation of the game just to can them and add double the amount of politically correct polishers to whitewash the game into shit?

goddamn it...been out of new gaming for a while but starting to fall into you guys hype.

fightknightHERO ago


look at the picture again

see all the staff members with an X on their faces? yeah, they got fired

see all the crazy haired, jewish feminists and trannies on the left?

yeah, that's the (((current))) staff of CDPR

it doesn't matter how good a studio once was, once Kikes get ownership of the studio it will inevitably turn into

a (((typical))) AAA studios with mandatory (((diversity))) quotas and anti-white bias training

Modern gaming is dead, and the only thing that remains in it's stead is pozzed kike propaganda.

move on to redpill Normies and liberate thy nation from the plague of (((parasites)))

it's the one thing i live for now.

HeavyBrain ago

Well fuck them then.

Guess I have to get a gamepad even though I hate them and fire up some emulators.

BlueDrache ago

My Logitech F310 works great!

fightknightHERO ago

I've recently reviewed a few unknown niche games for PC

that i think you'll like em

Knights of the Temple:Kill Sodomites, Sand-niggers, Demons

and Battle Realms: An RTS for Blood & Honor

i play all of my games with mouse and keyboard (i can't stand console faggotry)

for now i'm working on reviewing the original mafia (because the latest "demake" is SODOMIZED to the fucking core)

HeavyBrain ago

Meh might aswell check them out.

The original mafia is a neat game, but after they fucked around with some patches I cant use the old trick to win/skip the imbalanced rubber band race.

fightknightHERO ago

actually the new patches give you the ability to lower the difficulty of the race (less laps, rolling with the car doesn't instantly kill you etc...)

there are actually some graphics mods for it as well

though to be completely honest Nostalgic old look is better because the dents look a lot more realistic (dents & scratches are tied into the models)

HeavyBrain ago

Ah yes the dents and scratches, it blew my teen mind when somone told me to just shoot the tire off the yellow car ner the hotel that you have to chase, so you skip the whole thing and can just shoot the guy.

I mean the reamake is not bad, but they started a pseudo "more deep charcter" shit then didn pull thorugh, might aswell just put on some HD mods over the old game (as an example, you dont acutally put mods on good old games)

fightknightHERO ago

Yeah, they've turned Tommy into an Italinigger gangster, absolutely disgusting

thankfully the fans of the OG games are Czechs so a lot of users denounced the Demake is being unfaithful and terrible

but every paid shill on jewtube has been singing it's praises...

HeavyBrain ago

waht you mean by Italinanigger? I watched a lets paly and yes something was off about Tommy, but wasn't he Italian in the first game too? If he wasn't he couldn't join the Mafia in the fist palce.

fightknightHERO ago

No, he was an Anglo American White guy

none of that Criminal Italnigger gangster talk or anything of that, they LITERALLY re-wrote the character to make him less White

they've also gave his GF/wife a more "stronk white woman" lines and uglified her apperance

it's the most thing i've ever witnessed thus far, not as Jew'd as the Gothic remake but fuck me, it's getting close.

HeavyBrain ago

Yeah I notice that they fucked up on the appearance of his wife.

Can't really judge the "stron wamen" thing since in the original game we don't see anything about his family life.

(BTW any suggestions how to handle the buggy mess that is Gothic 1? After I heared that the reamke is poz I became interested in playing the original and did so for like 2/3 but then the bugs and controles completly broke down)

fightknightHERO ago

Remaster Gothic 1 in 10 minutes

the demake is GAY AF (they changed everything, the voice actors, the models ,the graphics and made everyone look gay and talk gay, absolute shit show)

fuck2020 ago

think he meant that he's glad that it isn't like cyberpunk as in not as bad

au6vn9b78Z5b0soz ago

DOOM doesn't have all this shit

BlueDrache ago

Yes and no. It's there, but only as a reference, and in a way that bethesda is poking light of it.

PriMerovingian ago

Fucking sad.... whatever, I’ve been reading a lot anyways

FireSauce ago

Man, CD project red was an awesome producer

fightknightHERO ago


in the end every studio gets kike'd

nowadays the kikes don't bother even waiting for a success

they just buy up EVERYTHING and simply monopolize the entire industry to be under their iron boot

Derpfroot ago

in the end every studio gets kike'd

Everything, it seems. O'Sullivan's Law is real.

Tyrone_Biggums ago

Damn that sucks. Witcher was awesome. Guess cyberpunk will be their last game I buy ( since I preordered long ago)

lanre ago

You can see if you can return it. GOG recently change their returns policy on early access type games and stuff so the return period doesn't start until the game is officially released. So you might be able to play a few hours after release day, see if it's pozzed, and then return it.

BlueDrache ago

There's no doubt about if ... only how deep the pozzing cock goes.

oldblo ago

They love to spout off about "diversity" too.

oldblo ago

Sorry. I know you do. I didnt look at the user name so I suppose im saying it for those who didnt know.

Teledildonicist ago

Check out "Children of Morta". It's basically 1488: The Game.

HelpAcct123 ago

I'm jot Japanese but I want Japan to stay Japanese.

weezkitty ago

The world functions better when people live in ethnostates

kishind ago

Nations (nat- as in natal) are the only the only real countries. All so-called countries made of multiple nations will fall to violence, as different nations cannot be properly ruled by the same laws.

TheNewOne ago

Exactly. Ethno-state is redundant. And many of our so-called “nations” are not nations at all, but empires.

Thadeus ago

Bavaria and being Bavarian is a good example of this.

user9713 ago

I'm not Japanese but I want America and Europe to stay White

ex-redd ago

stay?-- as in not having already become the opposite?

fightknightHERO ago

Bongland is like 50% nigger right now

America is tetering on 43% Nigger and it keeps getting worse and worse

NorthSeaPagan ago

Just fuck the left

oldblo ago

Eww. Thats how they breed.

oneinchterror ago

Nah that's how normal people breed. Leftists breed by indoctrinating your kids.

HeavyBrain ago

And raping them, can't finish the indoctrination whithout rape.

fightknightHERO ago
