SouthernCracker ago

Whelp. Guess I'm fucked. Every car I've ever used in all the Forza games brandished the ol' gal loud and proud. Glad I ditched Microkike for good a few years back.

RobertJHarsh ago

This is why I don't pay for online games. Why would I pay money to access an online game when some butthurt nigger can come along and get me and my console banned?

CRKT_M16Z ago

I literally have a van that says (Friend's Name) Free Candy Van. What a bunch of fucking faggots.

mikenigger ago

Does no one read the article? This is for Forza only.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

This is what you get for funding this terrorist organization.

boekanier ago

Oh boy, those big companies are bad, they are all in the pocket of the jew.

BW-414 ago

many southerners call the civil war 'the war of northern aggression'. from what i've read, the real cause of the war was economics.

the north had factories.

the south had natural resources, such as cotton.

the north wasn't offering fair prices to the south.

p.s. i'm from the north, and don't remember the economic aspect of the war being in school textbooks. and i remember sherman's march wasn't portrayed as a bad thing.

NeilCuckmann ago

Now imagine a world in which even consoles are digital only.

This is what MS wants and intended to do with the Xbox One X, before the shitstorm it caused.

A move towards digital only means more censorship. Not only do you not "own" anything, but games deemed "racist" will be removed from the service, just like books removed from Amazon.

charliebrownau ago

New Market for indie devs to make a decent multiplayer car game with national flags on cars

and released on PC steam

Fluxuhate ago

Remember there's always Linux and ubuntu.

inzmovi ago

To play what exactly? Tuxkart?

NotSryForBeingWhite ago

What if I told you this should be the least of your concerns with Micro$oft? What if I told you they and the NSA have a backdoor into your operating system and are putting us all on a watch list? Would you be scared of that? Forget your stupid little games.

RobertJHarsh ago

Your ISP rats you out to the NSA too. I can get better info on a person from network traffic than all the porn and northwest front literature on your harddrive.

collin6173 ago

I remember going to southern and central Italy back in the early 2000's and seeing quite a few Confederate flags flying in different places. I never did find out what the significance of the flag is to them.

Deceneu ago

"Southern pride" in Italy's football stadiums

Washington Post reporter Adam Taylor, in an article of June 22, 2015 about use of Confederate flag in Italy, reports that first time S.S.C. Napoli supporters were noticed flying the flag abroad was in Chelsea, during quarterfinals of football Champions League in 2012. He quotes explanation, given several years before to historian Don Harrison Doyle and reported in "Divided Nations" (2002) by a professor of American Literature in Naples: "We too are a defeated people. Once we were a rich and independent country, and then they came from the North and conquered us and took our wealth and power away to Rome."

Rome–Naples high-speed railway

Line length: 204.6 km (127.1 mi)

collin6173 ago

That's interesting. Thanks for that

rebel_1812 ago

this makes sense. it is the flag of a conquored people. the oppressors cant even bear the sight of it.

Deceneu ago

the oppressors cant even bear the sight of it.

Never understood, why is that ?

killer7 ago

Meanwhile, Chinese flag is allowed.

Nekochan11 ago

The would not act against their best customer...

Ohh... You had the mistaken belief that you were their customer?

That is so sad... you are just a product that is packaged up and sold to the highest bidding advertiser now.

JoyFreak ago

That's proper bad. Oh well.

Landrictree ago

It will never end with these people.

AgentSakura ago

kikesaresoft is gay and sucks nigger dick


operation_wetvac ago

Certain notorious iconography, including but not limited to:

  • Swastikas
  • Confederate Flag
  • SS-runes
  • Wolfsangel
  • Black Sun
  • Arrow Cross
  • Iron Cross (with contextual clues)
  • Rising Sun

Where is the hammer & sickle?

Nichtlustig ago

Honestly I'm surprised someone finally included the rising sun.

Ave_Satanas ago

what about all the WWII games? They're literally polluted with Nazi imagery. Doom games? All the devil imagery? where will this all end?

tentra ago

Those games are banned in several countries.

AgentSakura ago

with you head off your shoulders if we don't take all our shit back

poopscooppp ago

So all the money you spent on digital games goes poof

killer7 ago

And again, the word "inclusive" and censorship go hand-in-hand.

ZKX ago

You get what you deserve if you give (((microsoft))) your money.

Conspirologist ago

This is huge. Microsoft reserves the right to claim back your account and games you've payed for.

charliebrownau ago

Need more reasons not to use corporations, cloud or consoles ?

BroccoliTit ago

This is why drm is a fucking nightmare

valleysunshine ago

You literally have to connect to the internet and get microsoft's permission (update only from their server) to use a new xbox one console. The future is here.

BalfourYourFace ago

I remember reading a bunch of military bought xboxes for their deployments and opened the box and couldn't play it brand new with a disc since it wanted an internet connection first.

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Boocheus ago

These companys always have had that right and theyve been banning this shit since black ops 1. The thing is just not playing games with cuckolds that would report you for such wrong think.

Conspirologist ago

The point is that you can read the disclaimer only after buying the game. You can sue these pieces of shit and easily win the case.

fuckthisshit12 ago

and you'll spend thousands winning $60 in damages

captainstrange ago

sometimes they don't even send a letter. default judgement.

sue for emotional damage, especially if you are 1. autistic 'and need the socialization', 2. have ptsd and use it as a 'therapy outlet', 3. other bullshit.

not legal advice. please consult a lawyer before taking any further action.

Boocheus ago

do it then. Post what you did and ill follow suit

Conspirologist ago

I can't. I don't have their games.