BrokenVoat ago

I would like to see the Visual novel version of this to see how the story compares to low budget titles.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I PRAY there are NO sales.

SyncStatus ago

They will lie about sales as well as having pozzed the review scores. You can bet on it.

Firinmahlazer ago

Holy shit those reviews from actual people and not critics are fucking brutal. Soulless, a disgrace to the original, (one of my favorites) "Sony needs to let this franchise die in the pit they dug for it". Wow.

Crescent ago

Do you think they knowingly made it bad, as in to make us angry? Or do you think they were genuinely trying to get the Alphabet People to like it and the Jew in power can't make a game?

Karbuster ago

Lol, forbes released a puff piece about how its being review bombed because people are mad about the trans shit in it, literally referenced the fact that a lot of other reviews talk about how the game is unfinished and the controls are clunky and unintuitive. Nope, just discredit any bad reviews because of a few people taking to any platform they can to warn parents about an obvious cash grab propaganda piece

Khash36 ago

I really hope this game is a complete dud in sales, let’s see if the sheeple support it, send a message that their agenda driven propaganda doesn’t sell. Reward the good developers who actually create fun, honest games

rebel_1812 ago

the real problem is people that bought this thinking it would be like the first

BalfourYourFace ago

Yeha but all these retards bought the game, so they already lost

bguay26 ago

Wokeness is getting into everything and it's terrifying. I couldn't even play wolfenstein 2 and I loved the new order.

oneinchterror ago

I just can't play Wolfenstein since I realized the Germans were the good guys.

Can't watch Band of Brothers or Saving Private Ryan either.

Niggertown ago

I've never seen such a divide between the paid reviewers and the actual consumers.

Butterbread ago

You probably mean in gaming, but this happened with that Star Wars girlie movie a few years ago.

Bill_Williamson ago

Geeks and Gamers had a video yesterday showing a scene and it's literal gay porn... some character bent over a desk getting pegged lol. These people have lost their fucking minds.

IslamicStatePatriot ago

some character bent over a desk getting pegged lol

From what I understand the character getting pegged is the tranny himself.

Random_name_6891 ago

Weird that the game was unplayable, 20 minutes long, and just had the two main female characters naked scissoring each other.

mudbear ago

That sounds a lot better than the creepy fag shit i saw the other day

i_am_the_warrior ago

I still remember in the early 2000s when gamers were outraged at Metal Gear Solid 2 for swapping Snake out for Raiden. Now we have trannies with the body of Bane beating up on the White male protag while the Jewish self insert character metaphorically spits on his corpse.

Mah_Selectah ago

Dont forget the evil Christians.

i_am_the_warrior ago

yup, shoot all the Christians you want(wasn't there supposed to be zombies? ah w/e) but you cant even draw your weapon in the synagogue lmfaoo

ErwinBlackthorn ago

I miss those more simple times. Like when Bully was considered controversial.

i_am_the_warrior ago

the end goal is the narrative, not the sales. Soyny can afford a flop game as long as it pushes degeneracy.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

At this point it's not about some narrative anymore, it's only about complete and utter demoralization of white men. You literally can't watch any movies, can't watch any TV shows, can't play any video games, can't read any MSM news without this crap being rubbed into your face. This is the end goal.

tonberry2 ago

You literally can't watch any movies, can't watch any TV shows, can't play any video games, can't read any MSM news without this crap being rubbed into your face nonstop.

So what you are saying is that people are being discouraged from doing all these thingsl? I don't see the downside.

septenary ago

My theory is that China is behind it. They have a 100 year plan to take over the world. That's about 4 generations.

Let's wargame here. If you've got 100 years, and you want to beat the US as China, how do you do it?

I'll offer a big hint - let's say you're not actually "woke" yourself, and you trust the scientific findings that say white men have an IQ 15+ points higher than black men.

It's a smart move.

favoritecoloriswhite ago


Mah_Selectah ago

You arent wrong.

yiddlerontheroof ago

Nope. Just your regular subversive Jew. Check out all the Hebrew names in that game.

septenary ago

They have the highest average IQs on a racially-segmented basis, and like any self-interested party, will employ it to their advantage. So I understand where your mistrust comes from - it's very similar to the reason black people assume white people are out to get them. It's not fun to play games with someone who always seems to beat you, right?

But those with an agenda already have enough influence to get the US to do their bidding, and stand to lose that if the US falls. So I don't see the logic in attempting to tear it down.

For China on the other hand, yes I can see it, they have the intelligence for making such a plan, and we know they've been paying the DNC for decades - why?

yiddlerontheroof ago

Jews operate as a mafia. Having a Jewish name opens doors.

Whites, on the other hand, are individualists. Atomized. They are playing by a different set of rules.

That doesn't necessarily mean they are more intelligent. Indeed many Jews are clearly not very intelligent at all.

septenary ago

What you're accusing Jewish people of is pretty much exactly the same thing as what black people accuse white people of.

And there is some truth to it - whether they admit it or not, most people would rather deal with those more similar to themselves, given the choice.

That said, having known a fair number of Jewish people myself - mostly coworkers - they were all pretty ordinary from what I could tell.

Ordinary people with ordinary jobs living ordinary lives, and I could see no evidence they were unqualified or didn't belong to suggest some sort of favor extended to them.

yiddlerontheroof ago

I would never say "all Jews." I realize that most Jews are just ordinary people with no power to do anything.

I also recognize that there are plenty of white traitors out there, especially politicians and religious leaders.

However, generally speaking we refer to groups. That means when they accuse all white people of slavery, I will refer to Jews as a group also. If this makes you angry, maybe you should be angry that all whites are being attacked when the vast, vast majority of us had nothing to do with the holocaust.

oneinchterror ago

You just don't get it man. You need to do more research on the JQ. Maybe lurk /pol/ for a while and ask questions.

Also, there are more White people with IQs over 130 than there are jews period. They're not successful solely due to their intelligence.

RazSimonesDreadlocks ago

Correct. What they lack is morality, principals, scruples; souls. Whites got good at winning races, jews got good at tying shoe laces together. We're still trying to win a gold medal, whilst the jew is perfecting new ways to hamstring fellow runners.

mudbear ago

Honestly its like they are training us to fight back, they are begging for it but we are all too civil. Hell chimps are burning cities to the ground and we are doing nothing, white man defends himself and gets arrested, everyone just sits by and complains that he shouldnt have been arrested and do nothing. We all just let that charlottesville guy get the rope.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

chimps are burning cities to the ground and we are doing nothing, white man defends himself and gets arrested

That's part of the demoralization. Demoralization is about making you feel powerless in every way. You're powerless to avoid the diversity, you're powerless to avoid the faggotry, you're powerless to avoid the indoctrination of your children, you're powerless to avoid the anti-white propaganda, and you're powerless to do anything about it. At least that's what they want you to think. And it's working.

mudbear ago

It is to a lot of people. Its hard to not face reality that their propaganda is working. We are all waiting for that spark moment, for the ignition, but instead we allow the jew to inch on our rights piece by piece. For fucks sake doctors can perform sex changes on children, that should have been an ignition.

I guess we are waiting for the normies to see what we see so that we dont need to fight them to get to the jews. We're all still waiting for the cognitive dissonance to get so damn fucking bad that even antifa members will turn around and ask if they are the bad guys, but how late will it be at that point?

sorry for venting. I feel something coming on soon though, with reelection this year, the lunacy of the left and the violence of blm, the coronavirus pandemic (no matter what version of the story you subscribe to, every angle is fucky) we're heading towards tough times.

ManchesterT ago

Get into jiu-jitsu. White men and Brazilians dominate the sport.

totallynotFBI ago

Does anyone listen to the professional critics any more?

Seventh_Jim ago

Of course. If they're in lockstep singing something's praise I avoid it like a dollar whorehouse during a latex shortage.

Zed_Leppelin ago

It's not even a video game. It's some soyboy's shitty movie that makes you press some buttons to keep watching.


guess you were dumb enough to buy it.....

fuck2020 ago

Even the faggots hate it.

oneinchterror ago

Yep, I just saw some actual trannies bitching about it on twitter for being boring and pandering.

500five ago

Releases today, not on the typical Tuesdays?

chemlord11 ago

They wanted to rush it out thanks to the leaks and then release it at a time to bury the negative reception

ShapkaUshanka ago

First feedback I saw :"I don't mind woke stuff, but it is TOO MUCH ,when it shoveled down your throat like this"

Really, dude? You only now see that crap?

Charilko ago

Most people don’t see it, and don’t care, until something they love has been destroyed.

Essentially_Silenced ago

I mean, in their defense, there are plenty of people that avoided the leaks like the plague and are going in blind.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

They keep moving the window, though. In 2 years, this will be conservative, and in 5 it will be part of the old regime and banned.

anamazonslittle ago

Fucking. Hideous.

The MIGA crowd will defend this monstrosity.

HiJoker ago

The fucking jewed up version you mean. That shit is not nor ever will be conservative.

The_Moistiest_Jew ago

Yesterday's liberal is tomorrow's conservative.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

Luckily they pushed too far too fast like they always do. They got greedy, the overton window is about to slam back to the other side. Harder than it did in Germany.

oneinchterror ago

There's just no way man. Germany was still united and practically 100% ethnic German during the Weimar Republic.

Times and circumstances have changed. I pray you're right, but I just don't see it. The past 75 years have literally been entirely devoted to preventing the rise of another Hitler. It's what fuels every singe decision the jews make and implement.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

When the food is gone from the store shelves, and no one can afford to keep their water turned on, something stronger than Hitler will arise, or the white man will fall forever. I have faith in the perseverance of white man.

They don't win this war at the end of time, it may appear they are winning for the moment. It's the job of evil to laugh in the face of good and try for control. The universe is a ying/yang of good/evil that needs to be in balance or it might not even exist. But thats the theory that consciousness is the universe.

Could all be bullshit, but have faith in the strength of white man.

Intrixina ago

That's because to be a leftist one has to be greedy by default.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

Don’t forget weak and unable to take care of themselves. That’s why they are the perfect foot soldier for the communist movement. They never truly grow up and need papa gov to care for them.

Intrixina ago

They cannot achieve in a world based on (largely) merit, so they try to shortcut it and get free shit just by virtue of existing.

In a perfect world, everyone would just ignore these spergs, and they would either 1. harden the fuck up and realise that acting like a sperg gets them nowhere, and then do something productive with their lives, or 2. they'd simply disappear because without no money or job prospects they can't feed themselves.

Mt_Wannahockaloogie ago

Guess what kind of books were burned in Germany.

uvulectomy ago

Any day now...

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago


Heathcliff ago

This game is rated M for 17+ and the imdb parents' guide literally rates it:

Sex nudity 1

Violence gore 2

Profanity 1

Intense scenes 1

Essentially_Silenced ago

Wtf, is that out of five? That's ridiculous.

Heathcliff ago

Ok. I actually misunderstood the numbers. They are the number of objectionable content items in each category. Which is pretty meaningless. But if you read the five comments the game sounds a lot tamer than it clearly is.

Mah_Selectah ago

I absolutely refuse to give ND any more money. How the fuck can you take such an amazing game like TLOU and flush that shit right down the crapper for stupid SJW politics?

Firinmahlazer ago

I'll tell you how. Because the left and especially the far left are so far up each other's asses they honest to god believe that the majority of people agree with their bullshit. They think that they need to pander to what they think is a majority to sell games when most people just want to play a fucking game and don't want politics shoved down their throats. It's the classic leftist move of overplaying their hand.

ErwinBlackthorn ago

The vauge promise of tranny sales.

Mah_Selectah ago

The game will, as usual, sell well, and will be hailed as a SJW victory. The next installment will do objectively poorly, and they will put out a presser saying something like "we have heard the fans, and we will be trying to get back to the roots of this franchise", or some stupid shit.

ErwinBlackthorn ago

I 100% see that dumb shit happening. It's exactly what they did with Crash Bandicoot, where they simply released a remake.

Or like when resident evil was like "what, I thought everyone wanted to play gears of war with zombies? I guess we'll have to make it survival horror again".

Companies go where the trends are and I think the only reason this game leaned towards sjw nonsense is because they thought the latest dragon age and mass effect games sold well.

Which, they technically did, but everyone hated them with good reasons.

uvulectomy ago

Because kikes like Neil (((Druckman))) take pleasure in not only shitting all over everything you ever loved, but rubbing your nose in it as well. The metaphorical shitting is just an offshoot of their physical scatological obsession.

Shamrock19 ago

For them sweet sweet virtue signaling points of course

Mah_Selectah ago

Dan Cathy of Chicfila already took home that title.

Alt_Account_No_738 ago

There are still plenty of homos that bought and are crowding streaming platforms with them playing the game.

fluxusp ago

Ruining a game to shove degeneracy down your throat.

Conspirologist ago

Go woke, go broke. But they don't give a fuck because have free Fed money.

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IHateNiggersAndKikes ago

Source? Not been following the news on this game for obvious reasons.