db163 ago

stefan molyneux has vid on this. basically goverment let everyone out to try something, things went wrong and screwed everyone and everything and the goverment never got punished or fixed it.

claire_lovely ago

Time for an offshore streaming platform.

Skipberry ago

It pisses me off that they refer to this thing as a "she"

thebearfromstartrack ago

When you let freaks run things, see how the customer base DWINDLES. their edicts WILL be INSANE.

VGA007 ago


Real_LincolnLoud ago

This is some your doing, whatever the heck you are.

Intrixina ago

Hahahaha, this fuckwit doesn't like voicechat, eh? One guess as to why - it's probably because he sounds like a man and would out himself as a man the second he opened his mouth, and can't escape that fact.


Good thing it won’t procreate.

Another dead tranny bloodline, toasted.

Less is more.

Grimpleheim ago

Bunch of losers who play video games. No one cares

poopscooppp ago

Wow a topic Reddit and Voat can both agree on

Grunge ago

I'm pretty sure that reddit would love this deer man lady and would ban anyone who said anything negative about it.

IncognitoVoatGuy ago

A man dressed as a woman dressed as a male deer? Give it conversion therapy.

ChosenUndead ago

Kill it with fire

errgnomeous ago

this deer with chronic wasting disease should be put down and out of it's misery. all it's gonna do is spread it's mental illness and children are the most likely to catch it. when is enough, enough?

BigTrucker ago

I'm so goddamn sick and tired of that pussy term marginalized.

Libtardscum ago

I got banned from twitch. All I did was say "Hitler did nothing wrong" in a chat. I dont know why they banned me.

TripleZ ago

"Her fight for inclusivity..."

You will like me goy. Fucking freak.

Dr_Tyrone_Watermelon ago

then they went from treating to fully supporting their mental illness

Wahaha ago

On the plus side, it's harder for them to commit suicide inside an institution and letting them out increases support for their euthanasia.

Dr_Tyrone_Watermelon ago

makes it easier to experiment with drugs if they're not committed

Dr_Tyrone_Watermelon ago

the peak of their resume is bringing an "emote" to the platform, so strong and powerful. That's a setup for failure if i ever seen one

itssomatic ago

Leaving the obvious aside, it is now suitable to brag about creating an emoji.

JoseFlanders ago

I just want to stomp its face in.


This is the only supporting evidence required for the implementation of mass euthanasia.

Minkxy ago

I think Carter started the mental hospital closures. Lots of bad publicity in the 60’s and all

fightknightHERO ago

looks jewy too

Sheeitpost ago

Against voice chat... totalitarian. I feel so bad for all the people who notice meritocracy is being silenced-- especially if they're not educated enough yet to understand-- in favor of bigots who try to invert reality in an unnatural way.

Good news is nature ia a constant like gravity is, bad news is they are being totalitarian which means Western culture has to navigate that without becoming totalitarian to match it which may prove difficult-- just look how polarized the country has become with postmodernism and ask yourself if that is sustainable.

Now, imagine the day when millenials and zoomers have power and think AOC is not inclusive enough or hardline enough, and think of politicians like Pelosi as having been not [word they will make up for "extreme" without the connotation] enough in her era. Will the Union stay together?

blumen4alles ago

Well I hate mics and people talking while I play a game, so I agree with IT there.

GusStappo ago

Another Reagan gift. Along with the gun control 2.0 from when he was governor of Cal.

blighty ago

Fuck that. More like him balking on immigration. He actually trusted those Leftist cocksuckers to hold their part of the bargain and they never did.

Plavonica ago

Jesus we need truthful-leaning history classes. The garbage you learn in school may as well just be "WWII Jews are the bestestes! Hitler = Satan!" Learning about something other than the lolocaust would be nice.

calcy454 ago

these people who claim to fight for the "marginalized" are so full of shit. they have the exact same complex as those they pretend to fight against. they seek power and for whatever reason this bullshit is taken seriously by enough ppl that it legitimizes their fake effort.

TheWorstImaginable ago

1 .20c bullet would solve all of those problems

NathanielHiggers ago

This is so messed up. That guy is clearly very mentally unwell. In a normal society he'd struggle to hold down a job, but here? Well here he's a famous streamer who people 'encourage' rather than pity.

He almost literally makes me sick.

cantaloupe6 ago

He's a low paid, sterile, goofball living in poverty. He makes joker seem like a more believable character.

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

I'm submitting this to nottheonion with my alt account.What. The Fuck.

LostInTheStatic ago


Tablemonster ago

Up to 50

anticlutch ago

... creating a competitive team composed entirely of marginalized gamers...

That's been done. The all female DOTA/LOL team [forget which] that was more awful than random pugs.

... and vehemently opposing non inclusive mechanics such as voice chat.

That makes zero sense.

It's afraid it still sounds non feminine.

ginx2666 ago

Doxx, shame, and make him join 41%. Being nice to leftists doesn't work, you have to put boots to them, since violence and threats are the only things they understand.

PraiseIPU ago

Go fuck yourself

notYOURfriend ago

Why should he? Is he not right? In which way(s) is he not right?

What is your better solution?

PraiseIPU ago

Its been said many times its in the policy for this site

No calls for violence.

Should we just kill everyone we disagree with?

Better solution? Talk to people.

notYOURfriend ago

When did talking dismantle the Federal Reserve?

When did talking stop American men dying fighting for Israel?

When did talking stop the lobbyists buying politicians and running the country for the corporations?

PraiseIPU ago

So yes you want to kill everyone you disagree with?

notYOURfriend ago

Please answer my questions.

Or, to make it easier: when has talking ever made things better for the people? The War of Independence, perhaps?

PraiseIPU ago

You didnt answer mine

Why would I answer yours?

ginx2666 ago

He has no solution. He knows I'm right, and in his impotent rage all he can do is lash out and throw insults. It's like those faggots, trannies, women, and other mentally handicapped individuals calling you a "bigot" when you show them crime statistics.

ALIENS2222 ago

Sounds Jewish... And what the fuck is twitch?

Recyclops14 ago

His name is Michael.

speedisavirus ago

I thought they already gave this thing the boot but can't remember where is saw that

errgnomeous ago

Clearly this deer has CWD and needs to be put down before it spreads it's illness even further.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Benny Hill music quietly plays in the background of the whole world now if you listen close.

Cat-hax ago

It's clear from the first sentence that it's a virtual signal from twitch

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I just watched a short video fo this freak pretending to be a deer eating grass. He is one of the most disturbing mother fuckers I have ever witnessed. Years ago they would have put this fucker in an insane asylum instead of elevating him to a position of responsibility. What a time to be alive.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Seems like a suitable worker for that degenerate twitch garbage.

Obrez ago

The fact that "trans women" want their own representation indicates they don't actually identify as women if they did they wouldn't mind women representing them as women, the existence of a trans flag and trans culture is proof that they don't identify as women.

Protip this degenerate is what we call a "Troon" a tranny that fails at passing so completely that you have to wonder how long until they become another statistic. Trans + Soon = Troon, the larval stage of a self mutilated corpse.

shmuklidooha ago

Non inclusive mechanics like voice chat

Because people notice your falsetto?

kishind ago

And it's too hard to censor.

blighty ago

Freak makes me want to puke. Why aren't furries faggots burn at the stake?

Ol_Hickery ago

When's deer season again?

kishind ago

Yeah trans-species should waive their human rights. "it wasn't murder, officer, it was just killing a deer without a license."

Ol_Hickery ago

I mean, if they want us to take them seriously, right? At worst, it should be hunting out of season, or poaching. That is unless you have all the correct licenses, and tags. Definitely wouldnt want that thing mounted on my wall, and i wouldnt want to eat it, probably tastes like. Soy flavored skittles and vaseline. Fucking gross.

Edited to correct spelling

kishind ago

If you thought your beef was pumped full of hormones...

Ol_Hickery ago

Lol, nice

tankingwrong ago

writes up a fine

Well, get on that license, son.

MarauderShields ago

Why is voice chat a non inclusive dynamic? I don't understand.

Also: that is one ugly freak.

Intrixina ago

It's because this fuckwit would sound like a man rather than a woman, and would be addressed as a man as a result, which makes these fuckers sperg out because they can't handle being called a man.

GusStappo ago

Voice chat exposes the trannys. Once you hear the bizarro husky voice, you know what you're dealing with.

Obrez ago

feminazis have argued for years that they are afraid to talk in voice chat because men notice them and "harass" them in reality women/girls can't handle banter or calmly let down horny teenage boys but more often than not just end up trying to play the beta orbiter game and fail.

Back when I was a clan leader we had female members and all the time some of our guys were trying to get attention from them or please them, or go out of their way not to offend them, desperate virgin shit, I could always sort out the troublemakers from the regular kids because they would flip their lids if you explained that she lives a thousand miles away and is actually beyond their reach. Kids today might tell them to stop being simps.

Voice chat is great because you can hear faggots, trannies, niggers, and women as they are, they can't hide, stupid people can't hide their stupidity in the long run either. That's why that freak hates it, the world knows he's is a freak and rejects it.

voatdied ago

they sound like frogs.

Neskuaxa ago

Played heroes of the storm for 5 years. Only thing non inclusive about their voice chat is that hardly anyone uses it in quickmatch.

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

It thinks that when people hear it's voice, they immediately know it's a trans object and will treat it different. That no one will listen to it because it possesses neither a man's or a woman's voice.

No one wants to game with a freak

UlyssesMcGill ago

Differently abled STRONG gaymers could be mute from their PTSD from when MegaMart was out of tendies.

That gives disgusting CIS "gamers" an advantage, and that's NOT FAIR!!

Sorry for that.

It's a transfag. They want change. They have no idea what would be better than [online gaming status quo], but they K KNOW "it can't get any worse"

They treat any group or activity like their bodies:

They don't live up to/are unhappy with the standards, so CHANGE must be made. They're deluded into thinking change is always good.

I've heard them say it before surgery, "I know this is a big risk, but IF....IF....IF I can become the gender I was meant to be and truly become happy, it will be worth it"

It's how a lot of women get disappointed so often:

They concoct a "Perfect Scenario" where everything goes right, and works out how they predict. Spoiler Alert: they aim too fucking high everytime. Normal shitty delivery pizza? Ruined because "I can't believe {insert nigger fuck-up}".

What am I even saying? Does it have a point? Am I cogent? Will wkll wull when will they defrag me it hurtsithurtsuthurts

Retron ago

Why is voice chat a non inclusive dynamic? I don't understand.

Because the deaf, dumb, and mute cannot use voice chat, so nobody should be able to use voice chat.

It's Harrison Bergeron come to life.

Instead of coming up with solutions like text-to-speech/speech-to-text to allow people to communicate, they simply remove features instead because their marxist training teaches them that deconstruction is the problem and solution to life's problems and not invention and innovation.

HarpoonIt ago

Maybe because all the "girls" speaking with a deep rich baritone get misgendered?

Sheeitpost ago

Oh that'a why he is against voice chat. I see. So at the expense of silencing the world'd ability to communicate by voice and grow as a result he wants to erase voice chat altogether as its not inclusive.

sore_ass_losers ago

Hardcore furries don’t speak, they just make animal noises?

Wholewit ago

Harder to censor, I guess. People tend to speak truth which is offensive to retards.

notYOURfriend ago

Our friends at the KiwiFarms have a massive thread about the guy already: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/stephan-robert-loehr-ferociouslysteph-oddishplaysgames-stephoddish-steph.69724/

The guy comes from a rich family and is therefore spoiled to all hell and back, is power hungry, racist and sexist. So what's Twitch gonna do?

Keep the guy and have their reputation shot to shit, or fire the guy and be blasted for being transphobes.

I'm really enjoying peak trans. It's salty and delicious.

cantaloupe6 ago

"But rather than simply masturbating to crayon drawings of anthropomorphic, quadruple-breasted deer centaurs fisting one another in a landfill like a healthy and sane furry, Stephan actually acts on his delusions of being a spiritual deer"

Twitch might be aiming to distract from their censorship and avoid lawsuits.

Probably they should be sued.

Intrixina ago

It's funny because it's verbally masturbating about how "women and minorities" are "harrassed" on voicechats and therefore wants to ban them.

I have never once felt "harrassed" on an online game that I have chosen to voicechat on, because I let my ability in the game in question do the talking, instead of demanding preferential treatment just because I have a vagina. Most gamers don't give a rat's arse who you are, as long as you are somewhat competent in the game you're playing.

This fuckwit is likely terrible at the games he plays, and also wants preferential treatment because of his weeping hole he self-inflicted in lieu of his penis. He also doesn't want people to realise that he has a deep voice and is in fact not a woman.

charliebrownau ago

Another jewish commie that is MENTALLY ILL, that is GAY and wants to censor whites in their nation

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Perfect example of what "tolerance" and "diversity" gets you.

slowcrash101 ago


NathanielHiggers ago


ginx2666 ago

No, merely their puppet.

Landrictree ago

Well, it has ties to the ADL. So may as well be.

Plavonica ago

Peak example of traitors first.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

NULL and Co doing the lords work, well and truly.

Cat-hax ago

Well that was an informative read thanks.

guru34 ago


Charilko ago

Of course he comes from a rich family. Rich Muslims become terrorists, rich white kids in the USA get their balls chopped off and film themselves getting scritched. It makes sense in a weird, twisted way.

Obrez ago

He's a yid, has a page dedicated to him and his pro kike efforts on the ADL website.

DrShitlord ago


Literally-Oppressed ago


Landrictree ago


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