claire_lovely ago

Time for an offshore Twitch.

ConfederateSun ago

Twitch has been full of this crap for a while. Do you know what AGDQ is? It puts mental illness on full display.

knightwarrior41 ago

lmao controlling all the aspects of your lives

thebearfromstartrack ago

Threatened lawsuit? A JEWISH thing right? The EXPENSE of which is prohibitive like a blow from a baseball bat.

chemlord11 ago

Long story short, twitch bent the knee to the ADL and agreed to have a rep work in their company as a sign of submission.

nwguy ago

Because its in CALIFORNIA

Mr_Wizard ago

OK so, Is that an ugly guy dressed up as an ugly girl?

Doomike ago

Because the most frail, insecure and delusional person should set the bar for everybody else there.. obviously.

Better there than almost everywhere else really; i'm sure youpoop, thwarter or jewbook would have an opening for such a diverse character..

MuslimPorn ago

I'm not only concerned with this case but these types appear over represented in such fields.

Disabled people got their foot in the door in the mod industry early often being unemployed for life but sitting at a computer all day being a good job for many. That might seem to make sense until you realise that disabled communities particularly when we're talking congenital are nests of ultra communist types given they all basically live a socialist luxury. Lots of trannies associate with those groups especially with their MS by proxy.

That's one dot but another is that for those kinds of jobs they often seek out people with softskills. For education they assume some sociology degree might be appropriate.

The problem with that is that you don't get sociology degrees. It's a fraud. You get political indoctrination. We're long past the point of sociology in academia being neutral and analytical.

Sociology courses and other mickey mouse courses teach advocacy that's more useful to charities though the methods taught are often morally dubious as well. It's basically a study in practical propaganda. Charities slip under the radar because people think it's for a good cause but the ends don't justify the means. They do more harm than good when they resort to persuasion tactics.

Many also do it for image. Low skill roles are a give away so they can pick any diversity hire they like.

skullfuku ago

Because every community vaguely related to computers or STEM in general now needs a code of conduct. And every code of conduct needs a tranny for supervision, marshalling and execution. And since the core aspbergers in the community, who have created the substance and have hoarded all the prestige, don't know how to behave, they got to go sooner or later.

This is not an exagerration. I have seen that with two hackerspaces and one vocational school in my personal environment. And have more or less watched it on the web in realtime at Eric S. Raymond's Open Source Foundation and various software projects. Most prominent offender is Coralina Ada Ehmke. Even cucked normie friends and casual observes have come to the conclusion that something is wrong, that the phenomenon is more than just some fad or coincidence. I don't think that it is a conspiracy theory to say that it is a global psy-op.

Eric S. Raymond got kicked out of the organization where he was a founding member a couple of months ago. The two hackerspaces are still there, but in name only, because technical people don't go there anymore. Instead, there are three-hour talks about rampant hate speech on the internet and workshops for intersectional polyamory. Ham radio events are populated by insufferable female fat fucks like that elderly mongo bitch who goes wild if you doubt that she has a degree in physics or try to mansplain the difference between a kilowatt and a kilowatt hour to her. Newbies usually leave after the first five minutes, the first visit or, in extreme cases, not before the first rape allegation. Board meetings look like a circus sideshow. The (formerly reputitious) vocational school has become a huge mess over the years, driving out the most dedicated teacher (one has become a trucker). It's more like a low security prison for cultural enrichment folk now who need schooling rubberstamps for moar gibs. I don't know why the globohomo hates transistors, matrices, variable selectivity, 555 timer chips and python so much, but they arguably do. And their work is more or less done.

REEEEEapWhatYouSow ago

I believe that the core issue is weakness of men in the tech sector. They handed the keys over to the most evil people possible while convincing themselves that the jocks who bullied them didn't deserve to be leaders. Well, those jocks are natural leaders and without them we get this and far worse to come if it isn't stopped.

skullfuku ago

the jocks in my class ended up selling surfboards and tennis shoes, amway or delivery men for dhl. most girls had better careers than that.

REEEEEapWhatYouSow ago

I've seen that happening from my class also, but i think that they're more capable than the ((people)) who ended up running things.

MuslimPorn ago

This is true.

postalcode ago

I need to stop shopping at Amazon. I see now that I must stop shopping at Amazon.

Wahaha ago

Why and where do you shop instead?

tony2shirts ago

Twitch has become a liberal shithole... They let titty streamers get away w/ anything and if a male streamer has 1 bad person in the chat they get perma banned. All it would take would be a new streaming service that allowed free speech and no titty streamers and it would take off like crazy.

onetwolefthook ago

It's hard fighting the status quo. Despite their views, the collective of gaymers are non-action and mostly only care about playing, just looking the other way as pathetic as that is.

ConfederateSun ago

They will care if it starts hurting their wallets. Everything is about money.

BrokenVoat ago

I avoid Twitch and use D-live instead. There are commonly streams of xurious on there meaning D-live is not as subverted ad Twitch.

charliebrownau ago

Turns out D-Live supports mah "HATE SPEECH"

It seems the only free speech RMTP servers now are:


and BittubeTV

Fuckle_Chucks ago

They put plastic over the keypads at the checkout counter so you don't touch the keys that someone else has touched. Instead, you touch the plastic that someone else has touched.

Vc83 ago

lol jewish tranny, that's like getting drunk off your own supply

Uncle_Slob ago

Safety. Usually when trannys and fags are in play, people are less safe.

superspathi ago

"She is transgender, and an advocate for authenticity..."

Please stop, my sides!


ConfederateSun ago

If I had a dollar for every gender, I'd have two dollars and a lot of counterfeits.

sherlock_holmes ago

If I had a dollar for every gender, I'd fuck your wife twice and have $1.80 left over for post load soda.

sherlock_holmes ago

Your wife would have to supply the soda.

Splooge ago

The genuine faux leather equivalent of mental illness.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

Why? When the Jewish Bolsheviks violently took over Christian Russia they employed the worst dregs of society to do their dirty work. Morally unfit, mentally deranged, and criminally inclined misfits ready to enact revenge on decent, healthy, smart Christian Russians for rejecting them. When they weren't enough the Jews recruited mongrel Mongolian nomads, bandits, tribesman from Central and East Asia thirsty for rape and plunder.

Its basically the same playbook they are running in this country.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Twitch is degenerate shit.

AntiMason ago

Because Jews have taken over everything and we need to start taking it back.

joder666 ago

Lol the damn freak is a jew too! Bingo.
No wonder it hates voice chat so much as it makes bullshit excuses to justify it. Questioning and arganized goyim is a no no.

Apathy ago

Joos trying to take over the next big industry that's replacing movies/TV.

uvulectomy ago

Unable to create for themselves, they can only co-opt, corrupt, or destroy.

Rival67 ago

Mark my post they are coming for the masculine streamers.

ConfederateSun ago

Dr. Disrespect makes them a lot of money. He is the only masculine streamer I can think of.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

I agree but would do more harm to them than good. There are other stream sites and would wake those to the real crazy, past the narrative they've been fed.

JunkVanderhuge ago

Trying to justify that gender studies degree

LibertarianForChrist ago

The world would be a lot better if Covid-19 was more anti-semitic.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

stop noticing, goy

gullwingx ago

The most delusional part of all this is they are proposing this idea that if you pretend you're the opposite gender you are somehow a credible source in terms of fairness and safety. That's all it takes.

It's ideological subversion targeted towards 18-35 years olds who use twitch.

Glory_Beckons ago

None of this would be happening if men hadn't allowed women into the workforce and vote booth.

Imagine a society that is the stereotypical chauvinist patriarchy that feminists told you to fear. Take a moment, really build that world in your mind. Now try to imagine that same society putting trannies in charge of... anything. Or letting them in women's restrooms. Or having them "read" to kids. Or tolerating them existing, anywhere, at all.

Does not compute. It just would never happen.

5000calandadietcoke ago

Powerful men conned women into the workforce to get lower wages.

steven_feelsperg ago

And none of that would have happened if jews were banned from White nations. The Founding Fathers should had heeded Benjamin Franklin's warning.

tourgen ago

Post-modern ideology in action. It's a wave of stupid that virtually guarantees bad outcomes for individual lives. Where have we heard this flavor of bullshit before? Communism. Responsible for more deaths than any war or plague.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

They think they can turn these younger generations into soft-shelled patsies for the NWO. Which may be true for a lot of them, but any who are weak enough to enter the mire deserve to be consumed by it.

Our focus should be on not getting pulled down with them.

TheyWantYouDead ago

He also thinks he's a deer. Seriously, he eats grass and makes weird noises while another tranny pets his head.

ConfederateSun ago

Probably looking for ticks.

Cat-hax ago

I saw the video, I never wanted to punch some one in the face so badly.

tony2shirts ago

Bro go find the clips of popular streamers watching that video... I spent 30 mins in tears.

Splooge ago

So what you’re saying is we might run out of rope sooner than we expect to?

Wahaha ago

Rope isn't reusable?

RandomFurryDude ago

Not if you hang them to rot.

derram ago :

And Lo, He Is On God on Twitter: "Hmm...… "

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