feckyerlife ago

Eastern games can''t even be like that anymore after all of Japans new sex rules with games lol

GreatWhiteNorth ago

Bleeding Edge is the ugliest game I've ever seen. The art style is revolting.

killkillkill ago

Eh. We've got plenty of hot chicks in our games. All the OW chicks are hot, and Blizz got in trouble for sexualizing Tracer, remember? The only one that isn't hot is Zarya, and she could be if they gave her a Red Sonja outfit or some shit.

Lara Croft is hot.

I don't really see this as a thing.

5000calandadietcoke ago

Girlfriends see these virtual characters as threats.

Infearmal ago

What the fuck is that.

thebearfromstartrack ago

What game is that lower pic from? I LIKE the scenery (the girl is just another meh). all clean and tropical.


It used to be a joke to say that the East German women were these man-like monstrosities all hopped up on steroids. Now we think the old Eastern Block as still having normal body proportions while the West is just a bunch of fat ugly freaks.

neg ago

SJW vs Coomer... don't really see how the latter is supposed to be preferable.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

I agree that the bottom is a bit coomer but the broader point is that she actually has a female body, it's not about showing off the titties.

Barbarian ago

Why are no indie devs jumping on the opportunity to create based games?

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Creating games is hard and unless you're an artist, art is expensive.

5000calandadietcoke ago

Most indie games aren't good though. They just rehash already established gameplay ideas that the AAA pubs have put out.

Maggotfeast ago

Yeah seems like ever since steam became big so many games are crapped out it's hard to pick the good ones.

pepeshadilay ago

I've got a great idea for a video game. It's an action-adventure beat-em-up focused on kicks and judo throws. You start out as a neurotic, overweight girl. Your stats penalize aerobic fitness but give you a bonus for resisting judo throws (because you're heavy). You have to fight despite being weak. Then, if you survive and level up, you learn to eat healthier food, control portion size, and eventually you cross the line from overweight to healthy. You lose your weight bonus to resist judo throws, but you gain aerobic fitness. You have to use kicks as your only attacks because no matter how healthy you are, your upper body strength is useless for fighting.

Skipberry ago

It's weird how they'll censor the bottom for clevage, etc yet it's fine when the west does it.

Tor1 ago

chicas en las playas limenyas


peruvian girls of beaches occidentales

Deshy ago


PsyOp ago

Anyone have a comprehensive list of SJW game developers? It'd be nice to know, at a glance, which ones to avoid.

2nddammit ago

The shorter list would be developers that are not SJW infested.

hang_em_high ago

I mean half the eastern games are cartoon girlfriend simulator so I'm not sure they are one to look to for guidance.

Yunoichi ago

You are now imagining the top creature wearing the bottom outfit

Neskuaxa ago



Who is the fat bitch?

Naton369 ago

Both degenerate & unnatural.

JJNova ago

I remember that western game being shown at...the game award? Did it ever get released? I can't remember the name of it but I think it was trying to hop into the battle royale multiplayer craze?

Apathy ago

Tits are life. Ass is hometown.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Fat ppl are fuckin gross

TechDumb ago

Sexual degeneracy versus gluttony. They are both filth.


This is a real thing in modern games, everyone looks ugly as shit, pierced, tattooed, shaved hair, fat, loud, male, feminist. Also the amount of proportion of black girls is very high. The Jew infiltrated and this is going to increase, Soros announced a few days ago the investment of tens of millions of dollars to video game companies.

My recommendation is to play video games from Asia, more precisely from Japan, since they still contain many healthy naturalities.

Soyboy69 ago

everyone looks (...) male

Except the men.

HiJoker ago

I stopped buying games and playing them and I've been a gamer since Pong.

Between the latest Windows being the biggest bit of spyware that I refuse to install and the jew infested SJW bullshit, I'm done with it all.

We need to starve these motherfuckers out. Don't buy any POZZED games, don't be faggot cucks with no will power. Take a year off from the shit and work on your life.

Wahaha ago

Way ahead of you. Boycotting since 2005.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

boycotting things you were never the target audience for is like dividing by zero.

HiJoker ago

I'm talking the whole industry of gaming, not just faggy shit you kids like. All of it. From android games to PC games, fuck all of it. Let the industry rot.

Let them get by on soi bitch boy money. They're not getting any of mine, I don't give a fuck if I'm the only one.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Don't buy any POZZED games

you specifically said pozzed games. not all games.

if you're going to be such a bitch about it, maybe be more specific next time.

regardless, what i said is true, nobody is going to give a shit if Hijoker boycotts sanic videogames.


you're just performing autofellatio

HiJoker ago

They're all poz until proven otherwise you panty twisted soy bitchling.

Frankly, I'm against the wall. At some point my pre Windows CIA edition is going to crap out and fuck these spying cunts. I'll have to just go linux or something.

Drunkenmoba ago

Kike infiltration successful. Destruction of white race on course.

Initiating Weimar Republic 2.0 after panic induced removal of citizen firearms.

NiggadermCQ ago

I'd keep them both around.. the top one to stand guard outside all day.

And the bottom one to make avocado toast to keep the top one content. And for fucking

Civil_Warrior ago

Average American "woman" weighs 180!!!!***

CeasarSalud ago

I like playing as the butch fatty but honing in on the women characters with unrealistic bodies. It's hilarious the reactions you get in chat.

anticlutch ago

jewish video game #1 vs jewish video game #2

The one on the right is repulsive as well. So I don't understand.

Skipberry ago

It's just a 3D model with tits. Faggot.

superspathi ago

That's cause you like dicks, faggot.

Helena73 ago

These are both abnormal representations of the female form. But fap on to your cartoon porn by all means.

Jakedog166 ago

I just don’t get it. Men and women universally like to see beautiful things. Games should be fantastical wish fulfillment, not sure how many people would like to play as a big fat bull dyke. It sucks that these mentally deranged shriekers have poisoned so much of our lives.

Usernamenameuser ago

Fat bull dikes will praise it, but will play at home as the healthy beautiful character.

Bigdeal ago

This is so true. Everything video and game related out of the west has to have lead PoC and fat chicks forced into. I just wonder why people keep spending money on this shit.

GutterTrash ago

I assume the demographic of people funding this shit occupy a sizable portion of the normal distribution do not give two shits beyond the crap they are scarfing down. Since they are many, companies can repeatedly afford to piss people off and alienate the legacy user base, there is a laundry list of issues that would have spelled the demise of any industry and yet we hear of how microtransactions of all things is now a multibillion dollar industry.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Wait until The Last Of Us 2 comes out and that ugly israeli jewess making out with Elle hits the screens. yuck

filthy kikes

BalfourYourFace ago

Pretty sure that jew bitch dies, so it's not so bad

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Still, the jew that runs that company has made statements many times pushing kike degeneracy and saying fuck anybody who doesn't like it. Very similar to what DICE and EA did with BattlefieldV. The jews are testing the waters.

BalfourYourFace ago

at least we know our enemies now

Infearmal ago


GutterTrash ago

It is shit like that that makes me thrilled E3 is dead.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

They showed this at E3 and the reaction was funny. There was a whole thing about it. Many were memeing the ugly jew bitch. Neil Druckmann was triggered and took to his Twitter trashing the ebil Nazis.

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

Don't remind me... 🤮🤮🤮

fightknightHERO ago

Jews vs no-jews


MJ1233 ago

No fucking way this is organic. Fucking useful idiots, useful idiots everywhere.

fightknightHERO ago

They look like Chinks/Gooks to me

maybe the jews have started breeding in with Japanese whores in order to infiltrate the Japanese

then again, it could be all the above+intense marxist brainwashing in Tokyo

Climhazzard ago

That looks like a Japanese flag on the light post in the top-left.

maybe the jews have started breeding in with Japanese whores in order to infiltrate the Japanese

Started? No, they've been doing that since before John Lennon and Yoko Ono were a couple.

jackfraser ago

Wait are you telling me Lennon echoes

fightknightHERO ago

i mean on a mass scale

i remember seeing some hareetz article like 9 months back about jews/israelis in Japan

finding love or some shit, i mostly skimmed through it because i was lazy

but at this point i'm CERTAIN the kikes have started breeding Nippon women

they can't pass themselves as "fellow whites" so they'll resort to their most cunning feature by interbreeding with the locals and thus use their strategic offspring to push for a more (((tolerant))) japan

because if you don't know, the kikes already have a political party in Japan

GutterTrash ago

Seriously. They are determined to kill everything that distinctly resembles men and women

5000calandadietcoke ago

It's a double standard.

Wouldn't it be hilarious if Cloud was 300 and had loads of acne? It would be a more realistic portrayal...

random128dsf321 ago

Standard for Jew Media:

  • Fat is beautiful

  • Healthy is sick

  • White men are the bad guys

  • Black men are good fathers / the good guys

  • Women are physically stronger then men

  • Women are the Alphas, ordering men around

  • Gay person is wise

  • Dad is a moron

  • Mother is the breadwinner putting up with dad like a child

  • Women are smarter then men and provide critical plot solutions easily

  • Children are the wise one, next to their dumb (always white) father.

  • Children are sexualized and shown as brave for it.

Its not an accident, its programming

5000calandadietcoke ago

Black men are gangstars that will just end up in prison.

memik ago

Women are smarter then men

  • than is for comparisons
  • then is for time

That's how I remember it, and I had to take ESL.

random128dsf321 ago

does not change statistics.

memik ago

It isn't about changing statistics, it is about effectively wielding your mother tongue.

dublin5 ago

Spot on. Thank you for sharing.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

They are determined to kill everything that distinctly resembles men

Thats because modern "men" refuse to kill them.

During all of history, our ancestors killed fags as soon as they identified them.

Then they stopped, and as soon as they stopped, fags started doing everything they could to harm them.

You cant really blame the fags for being crazy, that is their nature. Just reinstate the practices your ancestors practiced for thousands of years to protect themselves against the crazy.

BrokenVoat ago

The pre-christian religion Asatrue does have a god Loki who is male and the mother of a couple of monsters like midgĂĄrdsormen. He was kind of evil and could certainly try to seduce you by that asian girl look. The old Vikings didn't really kill all fags.

sherlock_holmes ago

If you really felt that way you'd commit suicide.

RodentLord ago

The blackpaper I linked in v/whatever2 the other day asserts that male humans are bred and evolved to produce the offspring most likely to need to fight for the need to reproduce, rather than those most fit to live.

GutterTrash ago

True. I forget what video it was, but a video posted here showed how these practices that need to be reinstated get undermined in public education from as early as four and once that seed has been planted it takes hold. If I recall it may have been within the context of communism. My take was that we need to beat the system by planting those practices in our children ASAP before the system reprograms them.

jackfraser ago

I have made sure to reinforce the concept of gender roles on my sons. It doesn’t have to be heavy handed, you just have to point out obvious differences and cement the dichotomy. Trying to make it not exist would be infinitely harder as you’d continuously be explaining why reality doesn’t match belief.

This is how we know we are approaching truth: our theories and views have predictive power in reality where our opponents’ views do not.

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SaxonWolfcock ago

Fucking orcs.

somebody112 ago

The west has liberal cultural AIDS aka POZZ. Mainstream culture in the west is literally all POZZ.

Diggernicks ago

Yurop is poor tho