Hydrogenoff ago

Start to make your own game.

Even simple Doom-clone with commies as enemies will be the great start and you learn how to code and create things from scratch.

I can recommend you to look at Jimmy Vegas channel.

He are doing a tutorials about Unity engine and how to make a FPS, RPG, GTA-like games absolutely free of charge.

Instead of sperging, try to flow your rage at something productive, even if it is virtual.

JV channel

Kleemin ago

I'de like to find some pc gamers who don't get flabbergasted when I call some one a niggerfaggot. Literal commie fucks "leave the chat" when you say something "toxic"... don't play like shit loser and i won't be "toxic"

nephileon ago

are there any non-pozzed online games even worth playing anymore?

whatdoesthereeesay ago

We could start a steam group

nononanon ago

I’m down, are you on steam? I’d suggest discord but I’m afraid it’s full of trannies.

knightwarrior41 ago

when i play online i do it with the mic off because most people that play are just plain trash

selpai ago

Easy. Take the time you would have spent playing call of duty, and do some push-ups, you fat fuck.

Drenki ago

maybe it's the games you're playing. judging by the handles in the games I play, you'd think everyone was from /pol/

Phantom42 ago

I've seen a sharp uptick in 1488 clan tags on Siege.

It would seem Memes und Reich is having an effect.

SearchVoatBot ago

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IsaacJan ago

I’m willing to GM DnD 5e for a handful of you faggots, send me a PM with a throwaway email so I can invite you to a roll20.com room.

Voice required, no retards or niggers. Let me know if you faggots would like this.

fightknightHERO ago

i would advise against using Discord, that (((service))) is so far gone that it's practically as cucked as twitter

not to mention it openly gave info (Dox) to Nationalist Users to the terrorist SPLC...

SearchVoatBot ago

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speedisavirus ago

The whole reason I got out of table top was because I lost the core of people I could get along with when I moved to Texas. The people I tried to play with all seemed like fags. I did find some good online people but sometimes it's nice to play a card game or something like Warhammer before it started to poz

Glastheim ago

Got a very small group of 3 people I play Magic the Gathering with on a monthlyish basis. Bigger groups attract bigger assholes with bigger egos who make bigger attempts to be "better" than everyone else. I wish you good luck finding another few people with self-awareness and individual mindsets to play with.

speedisavirus ago

There is a hobby shop about 30 minutes from my house (everything except a gas station is) that seems to sell and host gaming space. Back in the day I used to play in a lot of MTG type 2 tournaments. Did pretty well locally and would play state level once in a while because I did my research on what the trends were in national level competition decks. Won money and/or store credit in a lot of the local tournaments. Game sounds like it's changed a lot since the 90s and early 2000s.

ArcAngel ago

well.... there is a D&D subverse.... ( ive been following princes of the apocalypse there for a while ) and once i get my desktop finished, ill be starting up my old DayZ Epoch server on the takistan map...

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Yeah it looked pretty dead but I guess it's probably just small and people just have their games going or w/e. I subbed. Never played DayZ (played a bit of Ark and some single player survival though) PM me when you get that going.

ArcAngel ago

cool. its gonna be a while...its a ground-up build. even getting 'new' stuff a year or 2 old is gonna cost me, & i need to fix this damned laptop first.

Retron ago

Where are you located? My friends are pretty chill with me and I'm always spouting goat-like nonsense IRL.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

I went to a liberal arts 'college' and I'm in a coastal blue state (unfortunately). I'm actually pretty rural relative to the rest of the state and most of my neighbors are the_donald boomers but I'm surrounded by commie hives.

killgriffithvol2 ago

North east?

InClownWorldSellPnut ago


killgriffithvol2 ago

Near mass?

Retron ago

Ah OK. I'm in Australia so our timezones are completely opposite and the pings would be unplayable. Good luck finding some buddies though!

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

I'm usually up at weird times but yeah eff upside down land servers, surprised your internet hasn't melted along with the rest of you country. :D

Thanks though and good luck/stay safe if you are actually in the way of that mess.

xenoPsychologist ago

ive been thinking it would be entertaining to get a gaming group together.

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Phantom42 ago

Sounds good to me

PRSanon ago

Could be great. The worst that could happen is low turnout. Though I would bet that low turnout would happen. I am not the most optimistic man.

HateCumbuckets ago

It actually sounds good. I'm a console pleb though. In 4 years I've only ever added one goat to my friends list.

Orthalyx ago

I'm having the same problem. Been playing tabletop for 30 years. It's gotten SO bad the last few years

killgriffithvol2 ago

Tabletop games have been infested with autistic thesbians and trannies.

NotPolice ago

It was when I had to read about 'please don't make gender/sex jokes' that I think I finally gave up. If one dude makes a small joke about his gender and sex matching and you get butthurt? Jesus, go get a life. Even nerds should have better standards than that.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

It's become Reddit the game. Half these people I know IRL and I've just been trying to keep my power level out of the actual game time and bite my tongue when mechanics/lore asides turn into virtue signaling on behalf of the fucking imaginary orcs because they have so much white guilt (or have been deified by it)... and two of them are actually good for real conversation but the others are "REEEE incarnate." .... I'm so exhausted.... When you finish a game and the DM is like "That was a lesson about gentrification" ... and now the DM is inventing shit to get passive aggressive with me over and I don't do stupid drama shit w/ people I haven't been slowly growing to despise.

BeauDacious ago

This I can sympathize with. I stopped going when the gay guy started crying that he died, and the game master just made him come back

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Ugh. If my character dies I want him to remain dead, those are the characters you remember, the ones you toast in RP. If the character is a self insert to the point where you can't let it go you are doing it wrong. ... Just forgive me for reskinning some other character for the next week cause I can't always spend hours to make a level 12 or w/e in time.

killgriffithvol2 ago

Taking away consequences is the worst aspect of a tabletop game. Why even include combat? Just write a novella

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Yeah at the very least make them do a quest to find the one guy who can cast wish or something. It's already so hard to die compared to editions of old.

BeauDacious ago

Well, we did play 2E, so death was way easier.

We were specifically doing the evil thing. He made a good fighter wizard type. He was sabotaging the group dynamic. I used a convenient time to shove my sword through his spine and then dropped his body over a chasm. All without being noticed by anyone else in the group, who were all fighting the thing that came to kick our asses (Wyvern).

He stood up, threw his drink down and spilled it on the table. Session over.

The next week he is sitting there and starts playing the same character, like nothing happened. Everyone looks at the GM wondering.

The GM tells us that if the character dies, the guy will leave the game and take 2 others with him, so he has decided to allow the situation to reverse and the character to not have been hit in the first place.

The guy now plays as if nothing happened to him and I killed him.

I stopped showing up and let the GM know that I wouldn't play as a hostage.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

The guy that was supposed to be playing a villain played a lil bitch in the end.

At first I was like 'well you did grief him' but then I realized it's an evil campaign, if you are going to play the pally trope in an evil game you are asking for the chasm.

Orthalyx ago

Lmao! I remember when I couldn't wait to hit the game hall. Friends, strangers (who became more than acquaintances), the employees, all had a Passion for the story, the lore, the roll of the dice, the beautiful artwork, the bonding and building relationships on paper and IRL. It seems the last few years though it's all about money, who can get the newest whatever. There's not much LOVE for the genre anyhow it seems. M:TG I've always enjoyed. My favourites though were D&D, Vampire: Masquerade and Werewolf. I've gotten old and don't have time to sparks in the game halls like I used to. I miss those days