zodiac2k ago

Looks like you already spend some time on this with those different attack types and monsters. Have you created the game with Unity? Do you plan to add a bigger world and a story to the game? Kind regards, Oliver

SparkS ago


ex-redd ago

I really like the spin punch for some reason

CantDentTheBrent ago

That looks hella good

The_Venerable ago

Thanks :) The animation needs some work but it's coming together

CantDentTheBrent ago

ive played rpg for 20 years now and you got something good.

i wont say original, but if you do a classic do it good

The_Venerable ago

Hey thanks. The only reason I am even attemtping to put this together is because I think the genre has gone cucked. I miss when there was a sense of danger in these games that made it all thrilling. I'm tired of all games holding your hand. I plan to have a system with open PvP, with a chance to drop your gear upon death. High risk high reward type environment.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Exactly, I've been replaying old RPG nintendo games because I can lose.

I get a rush when I only have so much time, when I have to get something done... or else.

Ya know?

The_Venerable ago


Glipglup ago

can we donate to you?

The_Venerable ago

No website or anything yet but I'll keep you guys posted :D

Chiefpacman ago

That's awesome. It amazes me to think that 20 years ago this would have taken a staff of people and a lot of money to create.

Good on you.

PuttItOut ago

Awwwww, it's your v-day today!

The_Venerable ago

Holy crap do things change in a year. Wow

Zenhael ago

Cool stuff, reminds me of Dungeon Siege a bit.

LDIP ago

Exiled kingdoms?

FridayJones ago

Wizard needs food badly!

Gigglestick ago

Kind of looks like Diablo.

1234554321 ago

Looks like runescape.

MasonxMace ago

Reminds me of Gauntlet. Well done. Are you using a "maker" or programming it yourself?

The_Venerable ago

Yeah Gaunlet is one inspiration. It's programmed in C# with unity.

DHmountainbiking ago

This looks like an awful game. Maybe I'm not understanding something though

CameraCode0 ago

It appeals to different people. I play games like brogue, Nethack, and Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup that can be literally just characters on a terminal, but they are more fun than most other games because of the gameplay.

DHmountainbiking ago

I haven't been into gaming in 20 years. I have a xbox one but I never play it. I often wish I was still into games because it was fun. I'm always telling myself just to sit down and force myself to play for an hour. Shit, maybe I will try today. I do have the new red dead that I bought and never played.

CameraCode0 ago

Nothing wrong with losing interest in games. I have as well, most seem futile and a waste of my time as my time has become more precious. There are still a few games which I enjoy though.

SearchVoatBot ago

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The_Venerable ago

It's partly supposed to looks bad. I am emulating old online RPGs.

DHmountainbiking ago

Oh I see. I don't know much about games but it's cool that you can make something like that. I definitely couldn't.

TopTierCIAShill ago

add steam controller support

The_Venerable ago

I considered controller support. Maybe later on down the line.

TopTierCIAShill ago

its not a true game unless u can load up the mtn dew dorito smoothies on the chesterfield and stare at a big black TV fueled by tthe electric jew for hours on end

zak_the_mac ago


Why have you got lighting on the floor but not on the walls? It'd feel much more real if you got the walls lit.

The_Venerable ago

I'm using unlit textures because my models look like complete shit with anything else. Something I need to work on.

TestForScience ago

You probably already know this, so I don't mean to insult your intelligence, but,
subdividing your models would go a LONG way when it comes to lighting, but a more cinematic and liberal use of lights, specifically bounce lights, is what makes a scene look good.
You could add wall torches/sconces and bake the lightmaps, then add some static fake bounce lights that react to proximity in specific places throughout the different rooms, that way it will keep a dark overall ambiance to the dungeon, but illuminate the areas where the player is close to.
Other than that, if you'd rather rock dynamic lights/real-time lighting, what I usually do is get the global illumination or scene lighting to where it's juuuust bright enough to see everything, then cut it in half, use emissive surfaces, add some fake bounce lights at around 10-25% strength of the global illumination, and give them fairly soft shadows.
Actually, a third thing, you could put your sun or main global illumination source in the traditional isometric position, then use emissive surfaces with a fake bounce and trim, bake it, then add a 2d texture for your character's shadow, since the baked lighting won't react to him.
I dunno, when it comes to any 3d environment, atleast 3 lights, main, trim, bounce, are pretty much required.
Your choice of sound was dead perfect for the current appearance. Very Runescape'esque. If you made the models chunkier, it'd even look like it.
Some questions I had; What modeling & animation software are you using? Are you using an actual skeleton, or is it basically a solid cube collision box that turns into a 'damage-dealing-box,' during attack animation or projects a coded damage arc in front of the character? But other than all that, if you ever wanted to do some sort of Dev Diary or whatever, you'd definitely have atleast me there to watch/read them.

The_Venerable ago

Yeah lighting is definitely a weak point I have right now. I should dedicate some time to it and see what kind of results I can come up with. I just threw the lights in along with the sounds for something quick and easy. I've been focusing a majority of my time just getting everything working. I appreciate your advice, I will have to do some reading and experimenting to make sense of it.

knightwarrior41 ago

try rpgmaker next time,you wont be disappointed

The_Venerable ago

I used to used rpg maker when I was a kid.

knightwarrior41 ago

There's a new version,shitlord!

trumptimestrump ago

Looks like it has a Solomon's boneyard/Diablo vibe. Awesome first push. I'm jelly.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Hud in one of the corners for map use.

1HepCat ago

Maybe already on your roadmap but adding some spooky music would probably help drive everything home. Maybe some of the Friday night guit-fiddle goats would be interested in some collab?

The_Venerable ago

Good idea. I forgot about music. If anyone has anything let me know.

Zenhael ago

I know YouTube isn't popular, but check out the channel "Ethereal Records." It's a 100% royalty/copyright-free music source. There may or may not be anything there that you find suitable to what you're doing.

theoldones ago

Dortex, i'm gatecrashing your comment to remind you've been asked nicely to stop being a dishonest shit. your repeated bullshit is inaccurate, slander and a manipulation of words. you're a lying snake.

here's the part you fucking ignore and omit from what i know you're about to say:

Dortex, i ask people to put their money where their mouth is. that test was failed, certain people WON'T put their money where their mouth is.

even other users notice you've been a fucking shit about this.

this reply from @TruthDefender blows your interpretation out of the water immediately, and mumbleberry doesn't like you.

Yeah, the linked comments don't prove @theoldones is a pedophile. If you click into them and look at the context, it's obvious theoldones is asking Decidueye to put his account where his mouth is. Dortex is trying to smear him for this. It's an intentionally dishonest trick, and for it to work relies on people either not clicking the links or only paying slight attention to the contents. That said, many will do one of those two and the smear will work on them. It's a skilled manipulation, I'll give it that much. I didn't actually realize how dishonest and manipulative Dortex was until seeing it for myself. @Mumbleberry did try to warn me, and I should have listened to him.

remember that time you defended a pedophile who posted a video of raping children? your defense and deflection on this was hilarious and the dumbest shit ever

you lead petty downvoting campaigns against users you argue with after they drop the issue.

you're not white. your some tropical-shitskin form Puerto rico. the only reason ICE can't deport you, is because of a weird territorial loophole in US immigration law. you've admitted to this in posts.

shitskin, shady, pedophile defender

SandHog ago

Lol, look at the vote manipulation this pedo cunt is doing https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3215581/18575831/

He was getting wrecked now all of a sudden hes has +8 ? Gimme a fucking break.

theoldones ago

+8 with no comments is the big tipoff something aint right

only one other guy ever backs him up, and i suspect that's just an alt, because they type the same as each other

SandHog ago

That one comment has more total voats then any other in the entire thread. It's a dead giveaway. Last time I checked in on that he was upside down by a wide margin.

theoldones ago

i'll take "unnatural spikes in data" for 1000, alex

theoldones ago

i know something about making background ambience

Wowbagger ago

Looking good, dude! Keep it up

The_Venerable ago

Thanks :)